• 论述档案实体分类及其企业生产经营活动中的重要性

    The article talks about archive classification and importance in enterprise operation.


  • 森林资源信息编码包括信息实体分类编码、实体实体特征编码三部分。

    The coding of forest resource information included entity type code, entity code and entity attributes code.


  • 我们越来越熟悉聚合识别实体自动分类以及其他地方式

    We are increasingly familiar with clustering, entity identification, automatic classification and other approaches.


  • 管理API允许加载用于所治理实体生命周期建模状态定义以及加载owl描述分类系统

    The Administration API allows you to load definitions of state machines to be used to model the life cycle of governed entities, and to load classification systems described in OWL.


  • 作为一个例子,阅读清单10看看如何RDFXML模式使用DC分类系统描述RDF实体内容比如网站

    To see an example of this, look at how the DC classification system is used within the RDF XML schema to describe the content of an RDF entity, such as a Web site (see Listing 10).


  • 可以分类系统加载Registry andRepository 中,然后可以在其中使用它们来对服务描述实体应用语义含义

    You can load classification systems into Registry and Repository where they can then be used to apply semantic meaning to Service Description Entities.


  • 而言之,表示普通股事实位于实体信息项目范围内,通过链接XBRL分类Web资源中的定义可以使表达式更加正式

    This, in short, expresses that the common shares outstanding fact is in the domain of entity information line items, an expression made formal by links to definitions in XBRL taxonomy Web resources.


  • 顶级类别MDMCore Table . er1下面看到MDM_CUSTOMER_SAMPLE逻辑数据模型实体(现在分类)属性(现在是词条),如图14所示。

    Underneath top-level category MDM Core Table.ER1 you will find the entities (now Categories) and attributes (now Terms) of the MDM_CUSTOMER_SAMPLE logical data model, as shown in Figure 14.


  • 添加WSDL实体类型分类系统自定义分类这样就可以类别树形视图中选择WSDL实体类型。

    I also added a custom taxonomy for the WSDL entity type category system so that the WSDL entity type can be chosen from the category tree view.


  • 分类系统通常包含分类层次结构这些分类定义了该分类中的实体

    Classification systems are typically comprised of a hierarchy of classes that define the entities in the taxonomy.


  • 基础本体中的任何可以用作分类器;可以使用同一分类器来多个实体进行分类并且一个实体可以多个分类器关联。

    Any class in the underlying ontology can be used as a classifier; the same classifier can be used to classify multiple entities and an entity can be associated with multiple classifiers.


  • 所有通过已经细化操作业务实体以及它们的属性分类已经被定义

    All the business entities that will be manipulated by the use case have been detailed, and their attributes and subcategorization have been defined.


  • 目录这些类似建模实体逻辑分类

    Catalogs: These are a logical grouping of similar modeling entities. These catalogs include the following.


  • 本文阐述总结了实体造型一些理论关键算法正则集理论基于推广欧拉公式表示模型集合成员分类

    Some theories and key algorithms of solid modeling such as the theory of r-sets, representation model based on generalized Euler formulas, set membership classification are explained and summarized.


  • UDDI编程接口(API)定义了一个统一方法使商业实体可以在他们商业注册信息中加入任何数量分类信息。

    The UDDI programming interface (API) defines a consistent way for businesses to add any number of classifications to their business registrations.


  • 目前遗迹化石研究存在概念统一内容繁杂分类命名实体化石混淆不分问题

    There exist some problems in the research on trace fossils at present, i. e. , the concept being not unitary, content being diverse, and classified naming not coinciding with the real fossils.


  • 结合实体造型特点,介绍了剖视图切面分类

    Combined with 3d solid modeling, the classification of cutaway drawing and cutaway plane are introduced.


  • 研究装配特征分类装配特征的描述CAXA实体设计中进行零件特征建模这些零件装配具有层次关系的装配设计模型。

    The classification and the description of the assembly features are researched and the feature models of the parts are built in CAXA, and the parts are assembled to hierarchical assembly model.


  • 为了能够客观描述股指期货委托行为所具有二重性实体差异性本文探索建立了多分类融合分类模型

    In order to objectively describe duality and entity difference of commission behavior of stock index futures, this article explored and established the multi-classifiers fusion classification model.


  • 电子废弃物物流对电子废弃物进行收集分类加工包装搬运储存等,运送相应处理场地所形成的物品实体流动

    E-waste logistics is defined as material flow and activities which to collect, sort, process, pack, transit, store E-waste and transport them to handling center or waste disposal sites.


  • 机器人自主感知模型通过抽象各种网络实体网络信息进行分类搜索,自主感知实时的网络传感信息,从而动态规划机器人路径

    RAPM can abstract the entities in Internet, classify real-time information and get those on the Internet through autonomous perception to build paths.


  • 商业实体如果需要使用特别类别标识分类的话,他可以注册一个分类未检验分类法的形式使用

    Organizations that choose to make a particular taxonomy available for categorization or identification can register a taxonomy and use that taxonomy as unchecked.


  • 文中对验证指标重新给出三种分类实体连续动态特性实体交互特性实体离散状态特性。

    Validation effort can be classified into three categories, which are validation of entity dynamic character, entity static character and entity discrete even status.


  • 通过利益相关者分析实体界面分类的方法,识别出了项目的利益相关者,交通枢纽项目项目需求进行了分析。

    The project demand of transport hub, which is accomplished through project goals, is clarified by analyzing stakeholders and cataloging physical interface.


  • 首先矿山实体进行了分类,并根据矿山实体生产过程中赋存状态,将分为静态实体动态实体集;

    The paper first classifies 3D mine entities into static and dynamic ones according to their states in mine production process;


  • 商务逻辑以及任何持续性资料完全实作实体方法和资料内容可以作在另外的类别中。

    Business logic and any non-persistent data can be implemented completely in partial classes and methods of entities and the data context, or it can be implemented in separate classes.


  • 商务逻辑以及任何持续性资料完全实作实体方法和资料内容可以作在另外的类别中。

    Business logic and any non-persistent data can be implemented completely in partial classes and methods of entities and the data context, or it can be implemented in separate classes.


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