• 数值算例说明指数矩阵条件控制器设计方法可行的。

    Numerical examples show that the negative semi-definite matrix condition of exponential stability and the controller design method are feasible.


  • 讨论L-矩阵广义B-D代数扰动问题,并给出了它的代数扰动表达式

    In this paper, the algebraic perturbation theory of generalized B-D Inverse of L-nonnegative definite matrix is discussed. and the expressions of the algebraic perturbation are presented.


  • 可以这个曲线很快明了任何矩阵是否存在问题

    You can use this graph to quickly see if there is a problem with any metric.


  • 花了长时间不仅明白而且真正理解句话。[第一看到一个矩阵。你从前很多地方都听说过这个知识,可是你还是需要一的条件才能最终开始操作。]

    It took me too long to not only figure this out, but to actually "get it". it's similar to seeing the matrix for the first time.


  • 区间判断矩阵研究越来越受到更多学者关注,有关理论方法的研究也已经取得了成果

    The research about interval judgment matrix has attracted more and more attention recently. Some achievements on the study of the theory and methods have been obtained.


  • 这种情况里有一提升了相关矩阵相连接的契约就成为了全球的思维方式

    As enough humans ascended in this manner, the associated signatures that allowed for a relationship to the matrixes became global thought-form.


  • 对于旋转机械系统随机最优控制矩阵选择具有参考价值。

    This will provid some references for choosing weighting matrix in stochastic optimal control for rotating machinery.


  • 利用离散随机变量联合分布矩阵得到了离散型随机变量独立性判别方法,并用实例给出了一应用

    Making use of the joint distribution matrix of discrete random variables, we get a kind of judgement method about the independence of discrete random variables, give its application by example.


  • 邻接矩阵遍历最小生成拓扑排序关键路径算法分析应用作了一探讨

    This paper discusses the application of adjacency matrix at the algorithm's analysis for traversing Graph, Minimum cost Spanning Tree, Topological sort and Critical Path.


  • 矩阵光学方法干涉条纹形成条件研究了牛顿问题。

    The non fixfrontier Newtonian rings are studied by using matrix optics method and the condition of forming interference fringe.


  • 另外本文现有常规弹性抗力了一改进,推导出了一种能更好考虑桩土相互作用的弹性地基单元刚度矩阵

    What's more, modification is made based on normal elastic ground resistance method and a rigid matrix for elastic ground beam element is detruded.


  • 即内层迭代物料平衡方程平衡方程联立,化为对角矩阵形式,之解出各板液相组成后,通过泡点计算法求各板新的温度和相平衡常数。

    The internal iterative calculation is to correlate the equations of mass and phase equilibrium into a triple diagonal matrix from which the liquid compositions can be found out.


  • 本文给出了线性系统状态矩阵动时保持不变摄动区间的估计。

    In this paper, the approximate perturbation range of the state matrix of a linear time-invariant system is given, keeping the system controllability invariant.


  • 丰富了功率矩阵程序分析理论

    Thus the theory of constant power matrix equation is enriched.


  • 线性方程组空间的实矩阵进行深入研究

    In this paper, a more careful research on linear systems with signed solutions and real matrices with signed zero - space is made.


  • 得出了方程组及其矩阵形式给出计算机程序框图实验计算实例

    An overdetermined set of simultaneous equations in matrix form is introduced. The flow diagram of computer program and an experimental example are presented.


  • 提出了分量函数矩阵广义次型函数新的概念,讨论了广义二次型函数号性的判方法。

    Firstly, some new conceptions such as component function matrix and generalized quadratic form function are presented.


  • 根据电路基本,列出计算矩阵方程推导有关的计算公式。

    Based on elementary circuit theorems, the matrix equations for calculating layer currents are set up and some formulas are deduced.


  • 通过这个原理可以推导出投影矩阵在满足条件下由单应矩阵得到。

    It is therefore concluded that a projection matrix can be computed through homography under certain condition.


  • 目前国内处理起落架数据中,大多采用应变单向敏感矩阵处理存在局限性

    The single side sensitive value matrix processing now used frequently in dealing with the two data of landing gear at home has a certain limitation .


  • 本文给出分块反循环矩阵概念讨论了含分块反循环矩阵相似类,并且得知分块反循环矩阵分块循环矩阵相。

    In this paper, the concept of partition anti-circular matrix is introduced, and a similar system is discussed, which includes partition anti-circular matrices.


  • 利用稀疏分量直线聚类性提出了分离估计混合矩阵一种方法

    A method of the mixing matrix estimation in underdetermined source separation is proposed, which is based on the linear clustering of sparse component.


  • 基于热力系统结构矩阵,通过严密数学推导,给出了流量条件下机组经济性影响计算模型

    A mathematic model for the influence of extraction steam pressure loss on thermal economy of the unit was established based on the matrix thermal balance equation of the thermodynamic system.


  • 条件下简单向图完全关联矩阵中列向量线性相关时,它们对应构成回路。

    In some condition, if column vectors in a complete incidence matrix are not linearly independent, these sides which are denoted by the column vectors formed a circuit.


  • 衡平矩阵具有元素内在冗余性平衡状态程度所以提出应用于水印预处理,从而形成新的水印算法

    An equitable matrix's elements are correlated and its equitable state is stable in some degree, so a new watermarking algorithm including an equitable matrix preprocessing is proposed.


  • 近年来,矩阵加权广义成了矩阵理论研究热点许多学者这个领域做出了成果我们得到了一些有意义结论

    Recent years, the weighted generalized inverses of matrices become a research hotspot of matrix theory. Many authors made some achievements in this field. We also got some interesting results.


  • 本文集中讨论局部收敛性,特别是证明使用DFPPSB矩阵校正公式时,修正后的方法条件下是超线性收敛的。

    Particularly, it is proved that if DFP or PSB matrix updating formulae are used, then our method will be convergent superlinearly under some conditions.


  • 方法主要优点过程不必事先知道观测器增益矩阵判断成功同时即可出增益矩阵

    The main merit of the method is that the process can be carried out without knowing the gain matrix first and at the same time the gain matrix can also be determined.


  • 方法主要优点过程不必事先知道观测器增益矩阵判断成功同时即可出增益矩阵

    The main merit of the method is that the process can be carried out without knowing the gain matrix first and at the same time the gain matrix can also be determined.


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