• 介绍吴云教授治疗腰椎狭窄症的经验

    This article introduces Professor Wu Yunding's experience in the treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis.


  • 为什么人们心目中教授健忘呢?

    Why are professors stereotyped as absent-minded?


  • 很出色学生回答道:‘没错但是得一不如亲身经历事的那个讲得那么说服力感染力,’”舒克教授继续道,“这一条我必须承认。

    One of my best students responded, ‘Yes, but you wouldn’t say it with the same conviction or affect as one who had experienced it personally, ’ ” Professor Schuck continued, still reading.


  • 看得到明星教授明星教授上课两回事而且最好研究人员并不就是最好的老师

    Catching a distant glimpse of a star professor is not the same as being taught by him. And the best researchers are not necessarily the best teachers.


  • 因此波兰教授研究结果可能部分因为另外个很明显原因,即一个男人第二任或者其他更多任的妻子年龄第一娶妻时大。

    So part of the effect Dr Pollet has discovered might be caused by the fact that, obviously, a man is older when he takes a second or subsequent wife than when he marries for the first time.


  • 布鲁克斯教授接受记者采访时说:“传统观点认为,只要腰围和比例,那么不管其它部位的身材怎样,你都会很有魅力。”

    "The orthodoxy says that you will be attractive with a certain waist-hip ratio no matter how the rest of your body varies," Prof Brooks told the reporters.


  • 精神信仰意义上意味着符合个人信条个人信仰’”。位神学院教授莫西·乔恩路易斯维尔新闻快报上说。

    "Spiritual has, in some sense, come to mean 'my own personal religion with my own individual creed,'" Timothy Paul Jones, a Baptist seminary professor, told the Louisville Courier-Journal.


  • 琼斯教授BBC新闻说:“道理

    Professor Jones told BBC News: "There is some truth in that.


  • 其他教授建立了理论某些词语作为编码信息提及了次数

    Others have theorized that certain words are mentioned a certain number of times as part of a coded message.


  • 坎贝尔教授表示,性别不均背景下的女生为了成功付出社会层面代价而且程度上看,正是由于她们学业上超过了男生,所以才不得不在情感方面成为男生的“俘虏”。

    Women on gender-imbalanced campuses are paying a social price for success and, to a degree, are being victimized by men precisely because they have outperformed them, Professor Campbell said.


  • 丹佛大学法学院教授公司治理专家布朗(J .Robert Brown)薪酬金融危机时起了作用不过什么都没有改变

    'Compensation played a role in the financial crisis, and yet nothing has changed,' says J. Robert Brown, a professor at University of Denver's law school and an expert on corporate governance.


  • Drezner教授称名人行动主义可以产生的影响。明星效应可以引起公众的关注,得到捐助以及重大问题行动施以压力

    Professor Drezner says celebrity activism can have influence. Star power can bring public attention, donations and pressure for action on important issues.


  • 就是修佛法于是那个男子开始了禅修,开始思维大师教授中的深意。

    This must be the practice of Dharma and so he undertook meditation and reflected on the wisdom of the teachings.


  • 根据教授关于企业性质理论知道,企业程度上实现了对市场替代

    According to Theory on Enterprise Nature of Professor Kose, enterprises have substituted the market to some extent.


  • 教授因此也许少数派也有权利应该拿他们的个人利益,来换取多数人利益?

    Professor: so there may be certain rights that the minority members have, that the individual has that shouldn't be traded off for the sake of utility?


  • 通过个月学习,打破了这种学习观念,特别是教授听力,对我来说有一难度

    After these three months of studying, my previous thought completely changed. For instance, it is difficult for me to follow the Listening Comprehension Course offered by Professor Chen.


  • 能在这些优秀教授指导进行学习研究管理学财务学方面莫大的提升

    In these outstanding under the guidance of Professor study and research, I think I must of management and financial aspects of a great upgrade.


  • 方面斯特恩已经确立重要地位,这在一程度上得益于该院经济学教授里埃尔·鲁比尼(Nouriel Roubini)著名评论

    Stern has already established a strong position in this respect, partly through the prominent commentary of Nouriel Roubini, professor of economics at the school.


  • 还有,聘请一些其他国家声誉著名教授也是必要。

    You must have professors on your faculty who publish and build reputations in other countries.


  • 理查德?弗森教授这场讲座初,谈到宇宙重要论题时就向观众说道:“要理解近代物理并不需要爱因斯坦一样高明” 。

    "It doesn't take an Einstein to understand modern physics, " says Professor Richard Wolfson at the outset of this course on what may be the most important subject in the universe.


  • 出色研究并不可以改变教授们的行为态度。

    Good research does not always change the behavior of professors.


  • 微格教授教养作为一种师资培训方式长期教授教养实践研讨阅历练形成了教授教养模式

    Microteaching, as a modern method to train teachers, has been formed to be a certain teaching model with the long-term teaching practice and research.


  • 微格教授教养作为一种师资培训方式长期教授教养实践研讨阅历练形成了教授教养模式

    Microteaching, as a modern method to train teachers, has been formed to be a certain teaching model with the long-term teaching practice and research.


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