• 肯纳威克基因组安吉小孩一样,揭示出现今美洲原住民早期来到美洲新世界定居居民之间存在延续性

    The Kennewick Man genome, like the Anzick child's, revealed an ancient continuity between living Native Americans and the earliest people in the New World.


  • 对于不在英国定居英国居民——通常是因为他们父辈不是英国人,他们的海外收入资本利得只有带回英国的情况下才需要交税。

    But UK residents who are not domiciled in the UK - usually because their fathers were not British - are liable for tax on their overseas income and gains only if they are brought into the UK.


  • 为了他们信任巴马必须阻止以色列理应成为巴勒斯坦地方居民定居

    To restore their faith, Mr Obama has to stop Israel settling its citizens in places that are to become the new Palestine.


  • 照理来说,赋予长期定居日本韩国居民当地选举中的投票权应该毫无争议

    BY RIGHTS, giving long-term South Korean residents in Japan the right to vote in local elections should be uncontroversial.


  • 还补充说,该矿租约涵盖721公顷土地范围内,没有任何部落居民定居

    He adds that no tribal people lived in the 721-hectare area covered by the mining lease.


  • 如此一来这些定居点上居民成为以色列新国家版图的居民,巴勒斯坦则通过公平交换土地作为赔偿获得新的国土

    That way, the bulk of those settlers will come within a redrawn map of Israel, whereas the Palestinians will get new territory through equal compensating swaps of land.


  • 一些高级官员称越来越多涉嫌自杀性爆炸杀害定居居民的通缉犯,躲藏这座名为‘姆塔’的房子里。

    According to senior officials, a growing band of men wanted on suspicion of planning suicide bombings and murdering settlers is being sheltered in the compound, known as the Mukata.


  • 四个世纪欧洲定居美洲土著居民喜迎丰收庆典,现已成为我们弥足珍贵感恩节传统

    What began as a harvest celebration between European settlers and indigenous communities nearly four centuries ago has become our cherished tradition of Thanksgiving.


  • 日本传出信息经常变化,以至于很难究竟暴露怎样辐射水平下;各种情形下不同的地方辐射水平变化不定。

    The information coming out of Japan changes so frequently that it's difficult to pin down a specific level of radiation that residents are exposed to; in any case, levels vary from place to place.


  • 这个曾经一马平川烈日炎炎的弹丸之岛几乎没有一个定居居民,更不用说什么城镇直到20世纪60年代石油天然气开始给该国带来财富

    Until oil and gas made it rich, beginning in the 1960s, this tiny, scalding, pancake-flat peninsula scarcely boasted a settled population, let alone a town of any size.


  • Lieberman生活西岸定居——Nokdim。Nokdim建立于1982年,最开始Nokdim仅仅只有6户人家帐篷营地如今已经拥有超过800名居民

    Lieberman lives in a West Bank settlement, Nokdim, that was established in 1982 as a tent encampment of six families and now has more than 800 residents.


  • 想象一下一个有着30000居民也许靠近莫斯科小镇定居

    IMAGINE a town or settlement of 30, 000 people, probably near Moscow.


  • 想象一下一个有着30000居民也许靠近莫斯科小镇定居

    IMAGINE a town or settlement of 30,000 people, probably near Moscow.


  • 由于今天定居城市居民是上述那些不久的后代,自然选择可能来不及消除引起ADHD基因

    Since today's sedentary city dwellers are recently descended from such people, natural selection may not have had time to purge the genes that cause it.


  • 耶路撒冷20万定居只有三千人偏远居民。这些居民区环绕耶城,并且避开27万巴勒斯坦人仍然居住的建筑

    All but 3,000 of Jerusalem's 200,000 settlers live in outlying neighbourhoods that ring the city and avoid the built-up areas where the city's 270,000 Palestinians still live.


  • 历史学家记载了北美定居欧洲人中流行的其他感恩仪式这其中就有弗吉尼亚州伯克利种植园英国殖民地居民经常举行的一种仪式。

    Historians have also recorded other ceremonies of thanks among European settlers in North America, including British colonists in Berkeley Plantation, Virginia.


  • 耶路撒冷20万定居者中,只有三千人偏远居民。这些居民区环绕耶城,并且避开27万巴勒斯坦人仍然居住建筑

    All but 3, 000 of Jerusalem's 200, 000 settlers live in outlying neighbourhoods that ring the city and avoid the built-up areas where the city's 270, 000 Palestinians still live.


  • 定居住在山上居民点里,他们基本上步行下山,偶尔骑马、乘拖拉机或者是四驱车

    The settlers come down the hill from the outpost, mostlyon foot, but occasionally on horseback or in tractors or 4x4s.


  • 这样绘画表明澳大利亚土著居民他们邻居广泛联系可能英国开始定居澳洲18世纪数百

    Such paintings indicate that Aborigines had extensive relationships with their neighbors, possibly hundreds of years before the British began settling Australia in the late 1700s.


  • 今晚9时发生秒钟地震,使报警中心涌入数百来自墨尔本至吉普斯兰sale市,惊魂电话

    Police were flooded with calls from hundreds of worried residents from north of Melbourne to Sale in Gippsland after the earth shook for a few seconds just after 9pm.


  • 西西弗式(注1) 的任务Manteca市规只能次,但是没人理会这个规定。

    But it is a Sisyphean task: Manteca’s ordinance, restricting residents to two sales a year, is widely ignored.


  • 定居居民他们视作入侵者,禁止他们接近水源

    The settlers see them as trespassers and bar access to springs.


  • 这个消息活动人士接触幸存者附近定居居民并得到证实它痛心视频时,才慢慢地清晰起来

    This news emerged slowly from activists in contact with survivors and residents in nearby settlements, backed up by harrowing videos.


  • 那些由当地森林居民外来定居混居社区中,很少询问当地森林居民的想法,他们感激所得到任何工作机会。

    In mixed communities, of forest dwelling and settled peoples, the forest dwellers are rarely consulted, but are grateful for any employment of largess their receive.


  • ,曾段时间,他基亚特·阿巴定居点的居民相处得很好

    He said there was a time when he and settlers of Kiryat Arba got along well.


  • 位于得克萨斯东南部城市,在博蒙特阿瑟之间荷兰定居建成,现为工业居民人口',92。

    A city of southeast Texas between Beaumont and Port Arthur. Founded by Dutch settlers, it is an industrial and residential community. Population, ', 92.


  • 随着现代文明生活逼近牧民居民开始定居生活,然而他们婚礼依然帐篷分不开

    With the approach of modern civilized life the herdsmen have their residential area to settle down. but their weddings are still connected with tents.


  • 该法令同样禁止居民利用水管冲刷光滑的路面,以及定居必须使用带有自动闭合喷嘴的水管来清洗车辆

    Residents are also prohibited from using a hose to wash off paved surfaces and must use a hose equipped with an automatic shut-off nozzle when washing their cars.


  • 不管什么原因阿什伯里居民高兴他们新的来访者并且希望他们将会他们新的家永久定居

    Whatever the cause, the residents of Ashbury are delighted to have their new visitors and hope they will take up permanent residence in their new home.


  • 不管什么原因阿什伯里居民高兴他们新的来访者并且希望他们将会他们新的家永久定居

    Whatever the cause, the residents of Ashbury are delighted to have their new visitors and hope they will take up permanent residence in their new home.


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