• 意味着吞并8%西岸土地,包括多年以来在靠近边界建立大型定居

    That would mean annexing about 8% of the West Bank, including the large settlement blocks built up close to the border over the years.


  • 我们定居听到真的枪战,他们在房屋互相射击,我们知道非常不寻常的。

    We heard a real gunfight in the settlement, shooting between houses, and we knew it was something unusual.


  • 最后协议中,他们每个人都知道边境调整因此一些定居区留在以色列划定的边界内随意扩张

    In a final deal, they say, everyone knows that the border will be adjusted so that some settlements will stay in Israel, free to expand behind a new line.


  • 例如很久之前以色列民族权力机构签订了一个路线图”,其中包括了以色列必须停止扩大在所领土定居区这项要求

    Israel and the pa, for example, long ago signed a "road map" that included a demand for Israel to stop expanding its settlements in the occupied territories.


  • Bohadana枪手袭击房子远。“我们定居听到真的枪战,他们在房屋互相射击,我们知道非常不寻常的。”

    Bohadana's home is just a few yards from the house the gunmen attacked. 'we heard a real gunfight in the settlement, shooting between houses, and we knew it was something unusual.


  • 当越来越多的居住开放定居地,人们每天国有土地管理局前排队。

    Line-ups formed daily at the land offices as township after township was opened for settlement.


  • 荷兰十九世纪来到一地定居

    This region was settled by the Dutch in the nineteenth century.


  • 约旦河西岸,巴拉克那些零散定居拆除,保留边境附近聚居,并且今后将实施“严格的安全部署”。

    On the West Bank, Mr Barak says, the spread-eagled settlements would be dismantled and only the large settlement blocks near the old border retained.


  • 他们收回一地并且这里定居

    They withdrew and settled in this area.


  • 属于非洲撒哈拉大沙漠马里尼日尔阿尔及利亚三国在这里交界算是一个真正意义上的无人除了沙子岩石没有道路没有定居

    This glimpse of Africa's Sahara Desert, located near where the borders of Mali, Niger, and Algeria converge, is truly a no man's land, a world of sand and rock without roads or settlements.


  • 同样另一处犹太人定居建设计划要求28户巴勒斯坦家庭搬离,而他们许多已经这儿生活50多年

    Another Jewish building project in the same district requires the eviction of 28 Palestinian families, many of whom have been living there for more than 50 years.


  • 游牧生活方式一步步崩塌,对逃离即将逃离者,和一些定居下来的村落,都有着深远的社会影响

    The escalating collapse of the pastoralist way of life is having a profound social impact on the dropouts, those on the verge of dropping out, and the few settled communities in the region.


  • 历史记录证实时期对这一北欧定居来说相当艰难的时期,最显著的是灾难性的农作物歉收

    Writings confirm that this period was a difficult one for Norse settlements in the area, marked by devastating crop failures.


  • 目前C定居巴勒斯坦村民的人数比例是而双方都认为片领土应自己所有。

    Settlers now outnumber Palestinians in Area C by two to one; they regard the territory as theirs.


  • 加拉(Jarawa)从前是一个安曼达岛上游牧的部落,人口约为250。 自1998年外界接触以来,加拉瓦人开始自己森林保护中露面,拜访附近城镇定居

    The Jarawa, a once-nomadic Andaman island tribe of about 250 people, made contact in 1998, emerging from their small forest preserve to visit nearby towns and settlements.


  • 耶路撒冷20万定居只有三千人偏远居民。这些居民环绕耶城,并且避开27万巴勒斯坦人仍然居住的建筑

    All but 3,000 of Jerusalem's 200,000 settlers live in outlying neighbourhoods that ring the city and avoid the built-up areas where the city's 270,000 Palestinians still live.


  • 耶路撒冷20万定居者中,只有三千人偏远居民。这些居民环绕耶城,并且避开27万巴勒斯坦人仍然居住建筑

    All but 3, 000 of Jerusalem's 200, 000 settlers live in outlying neighbourhoods that ring the city and avoid the built-up areas where the city's 270, 000 Palestinians still live.


  • 如今,有100多头野牛闲适的生活蒙大拿州东部3万英亩美国草原自然保护一个世纪以来它们首次在此定居

    More than 100 bison now roam the 30, 000-acre American Prairie Reserve in eastern Montana—the first time they've inhabited that region in a century.


  • 该市法国定居温莎酒店短距离内的许多新的奥尔良的受欢迎旅游景点

    Settled in the city's French Quarter, the Windsor Court Hotel is within a short distance of many of New Orlean's most popular attractions.


  • 国内最早定居陆地之一,接收定居印度尼西亚群岛一些数以万计年代之前

    This region was one of the earliest settled areas of the continent, receiving settlers from Indonesian islands some tens of thousands of years ago.


  • 沃特福德美国康涅狄格州东南镇,长岛。1653年有人定居住宅人口17,930。

    A town of southeast Connecticut on Long Island Sound. Settled c. 1653, it is a residential community. Population, 17, 930.


  • 新石器时代定居来到其次青铜时代美丽黄金首饰工艺防御性居住开始认识

    Neolithic settlers arrived, followed by Bronze Age people who were known for the beautiful craftsmanship of gold jewelry and the beginning of defensive habitations.


  • 位于得克萨斯东南部城市,在博蒙特阿瑟之间荷兰定居建成,现为工业居民人口',92。

    A city of southeast Texas between Beaumont and Port Arthur. Founded by Dutch settlers, it is an industrial and residential community. Population, ', 92.


  • 定居下来的人迅速接受这个名字如今曼哈顿已经这个著名行政的官方名称

    The name Manhattan was quickly adopted by the settlers and today is the official name of the most famous borough.


  • 采矿者开发了建立了村镇打下永久定居基础

    Miners opened up the region, established communities, and laid the foundations for more permanent settlements.


  • 许多难民在玉达定居

    There's an area called Yida where many of these refugees have settled.


  • 用于接近荒野、无人烟的居民北美白人定居初期。 收藏。

    Frontier is used of an inhabited region close to wild, unsettled territory, especially in North America in the early days of white settlement. frontier.


  • 伦敦南部自治朗伯斯(Lambeth)长期以来一直认为是伦敦加勒比人第一所在地,1948年帝国疾风号的乘客大部分在这定居

    Lambeth, a south London borough, has long been known as the first home of the capital's black-Caribbean population: the passengers of the Empire Windrush mostly settled there in 1948.


  • 标准规定用气相色谱大气甲苯二甲苯浓度

    This regulation prescribes the concentrations of benzene, toluene and dimethylbenzene in air for residential area by gas chromatograph method.


  • 标准规定用气相色谱大气甲苯二甲苯浓度

    This regulation prescribes the concentrations of benzene, toluene and dimethylbenzene in air for residential area by gas chromatograph method.


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