• 解决这个问题关紧就是分隔”绝对定位浮动

    To fix the problem the extra box must "separate" the AP from the float.


  • 重点起来,我们走出普通对象定位东西

    As emphatic as it may sound, this is not something that we get out of the box with plain object orientation.


  • 例中请求提供一个对话依据文档中的文本定位此对话

    In this case, you bring up the box on request and position it relative to text in the document.


  • 利用这个滚动定位对话审核可利用选项整个列表

    Use the scroll bar located to the right of the dialog box to review the entire list of available selections.


  • 弹出对话控件添加额外表示选项比如定位弹出对话(例如,使其居中相对另一个控件对定位)。

    Add additional presentation options to the pop-up dialog control, such as positioning the pop-up dialog box for example, centering it or positioning it relative to another control.


  • ——大多数网页都需要一个搜索帮助浏览者定位所需要信息

    Most websites need a search box to help visitors locate the information they need.


  • 第二positionabsolute用于允许弹出对话进行定位

    The second is position: absolute, which allows for the pop-up dialog to be positioned.


  • 可以使用对话观察如何使用find方法对话定位按钮以及每个控件获得一个TestObject

    You can use this dialog to see how to use find to locate the buttons in the dialog and to get a TestObject for each control.


  • 接下来使用find方法代替上面代码利用对话窗口标签文本定位PlaceanOrder对话

    Next, instead of the above code, use the find method to locate the Place an Order dialog by using the label text for that window in the dialog.


  • 本文中,已经看到了怎样通过数据PageData视图拖拉页面使用数据模板以及怎样在Preferences对话定位这些模板。

    In this article, you've seen how to use data templates by dragging data from the page data view onto the page and then learned how to locate these templates in the Preferences dialog.


  • 准备好使用find方法定位PlaceanOrder对话利用窗口信息

    You are ready to use the find method to locate the Place an Order dialog, using the class information for the window.


  • Preparing fortheapplication installation对话定位文件本地路径选择

    On the "Preparing for the application installation" dialog, browse to the local path of the file and select it.


  • 对话打开初始化焦点定位容器当中第一输入控件收纳嘎。

    When a dialog opens, set the initial focus to the first input control in the container.


  • 如果用户明确指定数据存储位置(比如使用存储对话),应用可以写入用户指定位置。

    If the user explicitly chooses to save data in an alternate location (using a save As dialog), your application may write to the chosen location.


  • 实现这个关键网格中,定位文本正确地匹配单元格,允许一个简单方法在网格中导航

    The key to doing this is positioning the textbox to correctly match the cell in the grid and allowing a simple means of navigating through the grid.


  • 减小搜索范围提高定向速度本文还提出了一种新的标点概略定位方法

    In order to diminish the range of searching and improve the speed of orientation, this paper provides a new method of orienting frame points roughly.


  • 剪切和粘贴工具包括所有套索,如选取克隆拖动其他定位工具。

    Cut-and-paste tools include all lassos, marquees, clones, drags, and other repositioning tools.


  • 控件添加对话重新定位控件时,控件的最终位置可能参考线边距决定或者取决于是否打开布局网格

    When you add a control to a dialog box or reposition it, its final placement may be determined by guides or margins, or whether you have the layout grid turned on.


  • 对话放置排列控件时,可以使用布局网格精确地定位

    When you are placing or arranging controls in a dialog box, you can use the layout grid for more precise positioning.


  • 我会通过重新定位剪辑开始运行线程(0),然后

    I would create a new thread to run the tick Clip by resetting the position to the start of the Clip (frame 0) and then playing it.


  • 每个按钮文本工具条必须开发者来指,而且如果想要它们的位置窗口大小变化而移动,你得包办所有的事情。

    Each button , text box, and toolbar must be positioned by the developer. If you want the positions to change when you enlarge the window, well, you have to do that all yourself.


  • 联动清废装置,配合中央定位,动作和谐,快捷高效。

    Three-frame co-movement stripping with central positioning device.


  • 如果要打印单个拼贴必须先退出标牌横幅打印选项对话然后重新定位标尺原点使位于待打印区域左上角

    To print a single tile you must exit the Poster and Banner Printing Options dialog box and reposition the ruler origin so it is at the top left corner of the area you want to print.


  • 灵活可靠的翻版中央定位装置

    Flexible and reliable chase Turner and central positioning device on the chase.


  • 由于对数字影像内定向时标的识别定位是从数字影像提取数据关键步骤中心坐标确定的准确度直接关系提取数据信息的精度

    Because the reference mark automatic recognition and locating is an important step detecting data from digital image. The veracity of the focus of mark is related to the nicety of data.


  • “导出文件对话允许当前或者选定宏文件保存

    TheExport File dialog box allows you to save the current or selected macro file to a specified location.


  • 添加现有对话中,定位选择要添加项目项。

    Add Existing item dialog box, locate and select the project item you want to add.


  • 不是定位文本循环行数每行一个字符串保存发送的字符串,你发送到应用。

    Rather than locating it to the textbox, loop to the number of lines and save each line in a string and send that string to the application you want to send to.


  • 如果要打印单个页面必须先退出标牌横幅打印选项对话然后重新定位标尺使位于打印区域左上角

    To print a single sheet you must exit the Poster and Banner Printing Options dialog box and reposition the ruler so it's at the top left corner of the area you want to print.


  • 如果要打印单个页面必须先退出标牌横幅打印选项对话然后重新定位标尺使位于打印区域左上角

    To print a single sheet you must exit the Poster and Banner Printing Options dialog box and reposition the ruler so it's at the top left corner of the area you want to print.


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