• 永磁直线电机定位铁心开槽及铁心的有限产生

    There are two causes or cogging force in linear permanent magnet motors, resulting from the slotting and the finite length of the iron-cored.


  • 优化电机边定位大大减小优化结果验证本文所提出算法有效性

    The end force is greatly reduced after optimization, and the optimizing results verify the effectiveness of the adaptive algorithm proposed in this paper.


  • 我们使用品牌联合策略,一些小竞争对手相比我们的品牌定位和品牌竞争完全不同

    But at the same time if you look at us compared to some of our smaller competitors, our brand position and strength are immensely different.


  • 记住这点不仅看清自己帮助准确定位自己的目标能为你的意志创造奇迹。

    Embracing this knowledge will not only help you see yourself and your goals more accurately, but also do wonders for your grit.


  • 利用全球定位系统测量汽车速度,利用加速来测量加速刹车转弯时汽车受到的

    It USES GPS to measure a vehicle's speed and a set of accelerometers to measure the forces acting on the car as it accelerates, brakes and turns.


  • 你集中注意的时候,可以更好定位推销你自己

    You can much more easily position and market yourself when more focused.


  • 业务人员关注竞争特性市场的时效性,对于其他产品定位开销

    The marketer is concerned with competitive features, time to market, positioning with other products, and cost.


  • 我们打算重新定位顾客交往体验前景影响非常有必要引导品牌改善

    As we attempt to redefine the experience of new customers, prospects and influencers, we essentially induce a brand makeover.


  • 机构必须认识到自己这种无能为状况接受这个重新学习的机会修改重新定位自己组织的方向。

    The institution must recognize its disempowered state, and embrace the opportunity to relearn, revision and redirect its organizational energies.


  • 大多数mashup应用程序初始阶段都实现搜索查看交互行为改善决策、提供生产帮助定位专门技术内容

    The initial phase of most mashup applications implements the search and review interactions and behaviors to improve decision making, optimize productivity, and help locate expertise and content.


  • 可延展,在使用虚拟QWERTY键盘时能使用者在点触定位时提供轻微震动反馈

    Expansive touch screen featuring localized haptic feedback giving users a gentle vibration as they use the virtual QWERTY keypad.


  • 过去一年里一些品牌四方游戏里使出浑身解数,比如地理定位平台尝试奖励活跃者社区有影响用户制作客户标识

    The past year also saw some brands go full throttle on Foursquare's game-like geo-location platform, attempting to reward mayors and creating custom badges for the network's power users.


  • 知道社会网页远远Twitter,blogsFacebook等工具包罗万象。品牌经理搜索全部的网页后,定位那些散播有影响会话地方

    Understanding that the social web is far more extensive than Twitter, blogs, and Facebook, brand managers search across the entire web to locate where influential dialogue transpires.


  • 只要寻找正确价格定位webos系统仍将顾客的购买发掘出来?

    Is there a potential demand for webOS products that HP just needs to find the right price point to unleash?


  • 本文详细论述了与GPS导航定位系统一系列有关参考系统时间系统、坐标系统模型系统。

    Firstly, a series of reference systems, related to GPS navigation positioning system, such as timing system, reference frame and force model system, are discussed in detail.


  • 确定进行任何活动或者项目的时候,能深度发挥自身创造, 为支持酒店定位进行正确陈述,并一般而传统视野方法挑战

    Ensures the utmostcreativity is used when developing any props or items, to challenge the normaland traditional views and ways in support of the Hotel's positioning statement.


  • 现有简报纲要中,大部分注意放在定位产品功能方面很少注意到产品

    In the current briefing outline a lot of attention is paid to positioning and product performance but very little to who the brand is.


  • 必须非常小心定位光标,这将会分散你在滚动数据上的注意

    You must position the mouse cursor with great care, taking your attention away from the data you are scrolling.


  • 考虑本地产品定位我们提出以下几点建议希望产品设计中加以注意营造出本项目的品质竞争

    In considering this plot targeting the products, we offer the following Suggestions, and hope to be able to pay attention to product design, to create the quality of the item competitiveness.


  • 一旦注意定位同时保持住,那么例如驾驶小跑时同样也进行这个练习

    Once you can target your attention while holding still, practice the same exercise during an ordinary activity like driving or jogging.


  • 杠杆原子显微镜(afm)悬臂定位主要方法

    Optical lever method is a main technique to detect the cantilever's position in atomic force microscope (AFM).


  • 定位表面颜色钎焊缝质量外形尺寸破断结合层厚度达到焊技术要求

    The grids completely meet with the requirements for soldering on surface color , welds quality, overall dimension, rupture stress and joint thickness.


  • GPS全球定位系统以其全球性、全天候、实时定位等优点显示出强大的生命竞争航空、航天、航海及许多民用领域有着广泛的应用。

    Global Positioning System(GPS)is a satellite navigation system designed to provide instantaneous three-dimensional position infbrmation almost anywhere on the globe at any time, and in any weather .


  • 宜将金庸武侠小说定位为具有较强感染的、优秀的休闲文学作品

    Jin Yong's swordsman fictions are highly impelling and excellent lie fallow literature writings.


  • 目前职校学生存在职业定位不明、核心技能不突出问题致使就业缺乏竞争

    At present , some problems such as equivocal career anchor and unoutstanding core competence exist in the vocational school students and result in lacking competitive power of employment.


  • 通过职业生涯设计,使学生从入校起就有明确的职业定位目标指向,进而确立方向,提高自身核心竞争赢得就业主动权

    On the basis of career planning, students strive for achieving at their aims and im proving their own core competence and gain employment leverage.


  • 转台中环主轴施加定位通过脉冲激励试验得到接触轴承轴向刚度,试验结果与理论结果吻合较好,为转台研制各轴系预紧量控制提供了理论和实验依据。

    The axial fixed position preload is applied to middle ring of the shaft, the axial rigidity of the angular contact ball bearing is obtained by the impulse excitation tests.


  • 通过之间弹性定位打磨位置倾斜扶手的同时实现打磨。

    Through elastic beam between the hands and mudsill positioning grinding location, even in inclined handrails, grinding is realized.


  • 人生定位核心竞争什么

    Life orientation: what is your core competency?


  • 尤其是物流企业核心竞争定位关键必须采用差异化策略确保客户提供“量体定制”的个性化物流服务

    The core competition orientation in particular, the key of it is to adapt differentia strategy so as to ensure the specific logistics services to the customers.


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