• 结果使用30样本检测算法性能,证明联合算法能够提高比,对特征点的定位准确可靠

    Results Based on 30 samples, test proved that the new combined approach improved the signaltonoise ratio, accuracy and reliability.


  • 结果64导皮层电极8导深部电极检测证实精确定位诊疗计划系统定位准确可靠

    Results The accuracy in localization of the epilepsy foci by this 3-dimensional localization system was confirmed by 64-channel electrocorticogram and 8-channel deep electrodes during the operations.


  • GPSIII增强定位授时服务导航能力,具有先进抗干扰性能,全球用户提供安全可靠准确的服务。

    GPS III will improve position, timing services, navigation and provide advanced anti-jam capabilities yielding superior system security, reliability and accuracy.


  • 线成型驱动采用一个减速电机加变频控制速度控制、定长、定位控制准确可靠

    The main drive of the whole line uses a reducer with the frequency conversion to control, the speed control, length setting and the localization control are accurate and reliable.


  • 结论CTMRI肾上腺囊肿定位定性诊断较为可靠准确方法

    Conclusion: CT and MRI are the accurate methods to locate and diagnose the adrenal cysts.


  • 结论CT引导下经皮穿刺活检一种定位准确安全可靠、阳性诊断率检测方法,少数患者出现并发症

    Conclusion CT-guide percutaneous lung puncture biopsy is a safe accurate and successful efficient diagnostic method with low rate of complication.


  • 定位系统性能准确快速可靠标准,工业环境的工作更是如此

    Positioning systems should operate as accurately, quickly and reliably as possible, especially under industrial ambient conditions.


  • 准确可靠工程地质勘察资料促成大楼整体迁移永久定位

    The accurate and reliable engineering geological prospecting materials have helped to bring about the integral moving and permanent location of the building.


  • 红外测温成像监测系统研制脑认知科学大脑皮层功能区域定位研究提供一个新的准确可靠的监测手段

    Development of the system provides a new accurate and reliable means for orientation of the cerebral cortex function area.


  • CT阻塞定位、定性有直接胆管造影同样高的准确CT还恶性胆道阻塞的手术切除可行性作出相当可靠估价

    The accuracy of CT predicting of the level and cau se of biliary obstruction was the same as that of DC However, CT can correctly evaluate the resectability of malignant obstruction.


  • 准确可靠工程地质勘察资料促成了大楼整体迁移永久定位

    The accurate and reliable engineering geological prospecting materials have helped to bring about the integral moving and permanent location of...


  • 为了提高靶场末区落点定位可靠准确提出一种多传感器测量数据融合定位方法

    In order to improve reliability and accuracy of impact point positioning in the last stage of missile range, a fusion positioning method of measurement data is presented in this paper.


  • 结论MRI平扫增强扫描肿瘤定位诊断准确可靠大部分肿瘤定性诊断准确诊断椎管内肿瘤的首选检查方法

    Conclusion MRI is accurate in all localization of tumors and the majority of characterization and is the most valuable and first-selected method for diagnosing intraspinal tumors.


  • 为了准确定位梗塞临床提供可靠治疗依据,本文对81例患者心电图(ECG)定位二维超声心动图(2de)定位进行了比较

    In order to correctly locate the site and scope of the infarction and provide reliable warranty for clinical treatment, 81 cases' ECG localization and 2de localization were compared.


  • 电力电缆故障迅速准确定位能够提高供电可靠减少故障修复费用停电损失

    The rapid and accuracy power cable faults inspection can improve the reliability of power supply, reduce the reparation fee and the loss owing to insufficiency power supply.


  • 结论MR小脑肿瘤诊断价值在于定位定性准确临床制定治疗计划判断预后提供可靠依据。

    Conclusion MRI is of high value for location and qualitative diagnosis of CPA tumors. It can help the clinical doctors to make the therapy plan and evaluate the prognosis.


  • 体作间歇转停运动,停留位置上,为了实现准确可靠定位设置有双向卡装置

    In its pausing position, a locker device is set symmetrically to precisely and credibly locate the proper position of the revolver.


  • 矢状面上利用髓定位回、脑准确可靠,为种较为实用的方法

    It is a reliable and accurate method to localize the gyri and lobes according to the pattern of medullary branches.


  • 高压输电线路故障准确定位能够缩短故障修复时间提高供电可靠减少停电损失

    By accurate fault location, we can cut down time to repair lines, bring up power supply reliability and reduce lost.


  • 结论较之CT轴位图像MPR图像提高机械性SBO移行定位准确可靠性,阅片耗时无明显变化

    Conclusion Compared to axial images, MPR technique can increase both accuracy and confidence in the location of the transition zone of SBO with CT, and interpretation time is not increased.


  • 准确可靠工程地质勘察资料促成了大楼的整体迁移和永久定位

    The accurate and reliable engineering geological prospecting materials have helped to bring about the integral moving a...


  • 准确可靠工程地质勘察资料促成了大楼的整体迁移永久定位

    The accurate and reliable engineering geological prospecting materials have helped to bring about the integral moving and perman...


  • 为了提高软件可靠,在软件运行发生故障时,快速准确定位故障成为非常有意义研究课题

    In order to improve software reliability, software running in the event of the failure, rapid and accurate positioning of the point of failure has become a very meaningful study.


  • 实际应用表明这种方法可以快速准确地进行泄漏检测定位可靠工作。

    Application shows that the proposed method detects pipeline leak rapidly and precisely, and it works reliably.


  • 脸部特征定位人脸识别中的关键步骤定位准确与否直接关系后续应用可靠

    Human facial features positioning is a key stage in face recognition and the accuracy of the positioning directly relates to the reliability of subsequent applications.


  • 电力电缆故障迅速准确定位能够提高供电可靠减少故障修复费用停电损失

    To locate the faults of power cable rapidly and with accuracy can improve the reliability of power supply, and reduce the reparation fee and the loss owing to breakdown of power supply.


  • 采用本发明方法能在高风险、流量流速条件下安全可靠准确无误、定位抛投材料并快速截断河流

    The method of the present invention makes it possible to fast cut off river safety and reliably in conditions of great flow rate and fast flow speed.


  • 整线成型主驱动采用减速电机加变频控制,速度控制、定长定位控制准确可靠

    The forming machine included the motor, the rack, forming rollers, the manual control work piece size device.


  • 第四研究了地面目标经纬度计算问题,推导通用化计算公式,初步分析了计算误差,为实现双星无源定位系统辐射源目标的快速准确定位提供了可靠保障。

    Chapter 4 is contributed to the calculation problem of longitude and latitude about surface target. The general calculation formula is given out and its calculation error is analyzed briefly.


  • 第四研究了地面目标经纬度计算问题,推导通用化计算公式,初步分析了计算误差,为实现双星无源定位系统辐射源目标的快速准确定位提供了可靠保障。

    Chapter 4 is contributed to the calculation problem of longitude and latitude about surface target. The general calculation formula is given out and its calculation error is analyzed briefly.


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