• 这些货品定价过高

    These goods are priced too high.


  • 这种债券当前定价为$900。

    The bond is currently priced at $900.


  • 很难保持有竞争力定价

    It's hard to maintain competitive pricing.


  • 大型超市掠夺性定价威胁着商店生计

    Predatory pricing by large supermarkets was threatening the livelihood of smaller businesses.


  • 基本款式定价大多数都完全负担得起。

    The basic model is priced well within the reach of most people.


  • 公司所提供270万份普通股定价为每股20美分

    The company priced its offering of 2.7 million ordinary shares at 20 pence a share.


  • 不过超级车的标准来看,这样设计精美的机车定价并不过高。

    By supercar standards, though, it is not extravagantly priced for a beautifully engineered machine.


  • 每张票定价100元。

    The tickets are priced at $100 each.


  • 款机器至今尚没有

    No price point exists for the machine yet.


  • 很多餐馆提供定价菜单

    Many restaurants offer fixed-price menus.


  • 友情亲情都是无法定价的。

    Never can you put a price on friendshipnor on family.


  • 为什么苏打水如此定价

    Why is the medium soda priced the way it is?


  • 定价被证明是减少温室气体排放经济方式

    Pricing carbon proves the most economical way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


  • 第一办法通过定价关注公路运输

    The first approach would consist of focusing on road transport solely through pricing.


  • 家公司的定价差不多,都略低于40美元。

    Both are similarly priced at just under $40.


  • 如果目标变成收益更多检票员定价也会更加灵活。

    If the target was changed to revenue, you would have more inspectors and more sensitive pricing.


  • 经济推理表明每个国家来说便宜方法排放定价

    Economic reasoning shows that the least expensive way for each country is to put a price on carbon emissions.


  • 任何经济学家都知道怎么:对定价反映价值

    Any economist knows what to do: price water to reflect its value.


  • 有些阶梯式定价可用保护用于饮用做饭洗濯基本用水补贴

    Some people say step pricing can be used to protect a basic water allowance for drinking, cooking and washing.


  • 除了困难人群家用需求之外,所有用途政府都应对进行定价反映实际价值

    For all uses except the domestic demand of the poor, governments should price water to reflect its actual value.


  • 如果加拿大这种水平定价进入美国行业利润率下降且新药开发步伐将会放缓

    If Canada-level pricing came to the United States, the industry's profit margins would drop and the pace of new-drug development would slow.


  • 政府应该制定安全要求然后保险公司基于制造商而非乘客驾驶记录机器人带来风险进行定价

    Governments should set safety requirements and then let insurers price the risk of the robots based on the manufacturer's driving record, not the passenger's.


  • 为了使全球福利最大化每个国家定价不仅反映碳排放本国造成的损害应反映外国造成损害。

    In order to maximize global welfare, every country's carbon pricing should reflect not only the purely domestic damage from emissions, but also the damage to foreign.


  • 为了使全球福利最大化每个国家定价不仅反映碳排放本国造成的损害应反映外国造成损害。

    In order to maximize global welfare, every country's carbon pricing should reflect not only the purely domestic damage from emissions, but also the damage to foreign countries.


  • 上游资源征税排放定价一种简单方法尽管一些国家可能希望使用其他方法例如碳排放交易计划

    A tax on upstream carbon sources is one easy way to put a price on carbon emissions, although some countries may wish to use other methods, such as emissions trading schemes.


  • 第三办法不是新的它包括一系列措施定价振兴不同运输方式,以及针对欧交通网的投资

    The third approach, which is not new, comprises a series of measures ranging from pricing to revitalising alternative modes of transport and targeting investment in the trans-European network.


  • 创造力体现iPodiPhoneiPad产品上,也体现在线音乐和手机软件定价和分销的商业模式上。

    His creative force is seen in products such as the iPod, iPhone, and iPad, and in new business models for pricing and distributing music and mobile software online.


  • 我们迫切需要采取行动恢复适当价格激励政策特别是通过纠正定价,以降低气候变化产生不可逆转潜在破坏性影响风险

    Action to restore appropriate price incentives, notably through corrective carbon pricing, is urgently needed to lower the risk of irreversible and potentially devastating effects of climate change.


  • 这本字典定价5

    The dictionary is priced five yuan.


  • 这家店里衣服定价偏高。

    The clothes in this shop are priced high.


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