• 具体的定价计划清楚

    Planned pricing isn't known.


  • 几个定价计划满足需求

    There are several pricing plans to meet your needs.


  • 一旦人们了解到无线传输短信,是在信道中偷渡过来的,就会一个全新视角看待运营商定价计划

    Once one understands that a text message travels wirelessly as a stowaway within a control channel, one sees the carriers' pricing plans in an entirely new light.


  • 加州红杉(Redwood City)彻底采用Shoup 博士提出的街道泊车的市场定价计划城市之一。

    One city that has fully instituted Shoup's market-pricing plan for street parking is Redwood City, Calif.


  • AT&TSprintT-Mobile在给科尔参议员回信中,长篇大论地提到了定价计划压根儿没提短信传输成本

    The written responses to Senator Kohl from AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile speak at length about pricing plans without getting around to the costs of conveying text messages.


  • Netflix宣布将定价计划一分为二之后,市场掀起了轩然大波。 本周二,反对声又数次升温,原因在于客户很想知道,Netflix一最新举措到底他们带来什么影响

    The loud backlash that ensued after Netflix split its pricing plan in two is being turned up several notches today as customers wonder how this latest move will affect them.


  • 上游资源征税排放定价一种简单方法尽管一些国家可能希望使用其他方法例如碳排放交易计划

    A tax on upstream carbon sources is one easy way to put a price on carbon emissions, although some countries may wish to use other methods, such as emissions trading schemes.


  • 重申一次,如果没有计划定价就不要提交申请这里所说的价格涵盖计划发行价区间中的任何水平。

    Once again, do not file if you do not plan to price, and this includes all prices in the planned offering range.


  • 但英特尔否定掠夺性定价指控计划上诉

    Intel rejects the charge of predatory pricing and plans a court appeal.


  • 想你的销售营销策略包括产品服务怎样定价的,渠道市场广告和营销计划

    Think about your sales and marketing strategy, include information on how the product or service will be priced, channels to market, advertising and marketing plans.


  • 英特尔不服掠夺性定价指控计划上诉法院律师大量理论支持为其辩护

    Intel rejects the charge of predatory pricing and plans a court appeal. Its lawyers have a block of theory on which to build a defence.


  • 今年一些买家事实上已经采用了动态定价方式进行差旅计划

    Some buyers already have adopted de facto dynamic pricing arrangements for travel this year.


  • 因此美国航空公司对外宣布了新的定价计划这个计划削减票价的同时,还一个简明的四列价格体系取代复杂打折程序。

    So American Airlines announced a new "value pricing" plan, which entailed cutting fares while replacing complex discounts with a simple, four-tier price system.


  • 虽然公司打算推出打折计划但是现在这个定价还是有点

    While the company plans to offer regular discounts and sales, we can't help but wonder if the price isn't a bit too high.


  • 然而购买者旅游咨询顾问尤其是占主导地位的买家方,对于今年有许多差旅计划采用无上限动态定价模式怀疑态度。

    Buyers and consultants, however, remain doubtful that many travel programs will adopt a non-capped, dynamically priced program this year, particularly with buyers in the power seat.


  • 他用衍生产品例如互换交易或期权建立计划

    He USES derivatives like swaps and options to create his fixed plans.


  • 一项受欢迎申请书破坏了全国道路定价方案计划

    A popular petition scuppered plans for a national road-pricing scheme.


  • 为了保证拥有iPhone上网独家,美国电报电话公司同意满足苹果的需求,同达成一个简单计划

    To secure exclusive rights to the iPhone, it acceded to Apple’s demand that the device come with a simple, flat-rate plan.


  • 如果曾经计划迪士尼乐园游玩,你就知道定价结构理解起来有点儿复杂

    If you've ever planned a trip to Disneyland, you know that understanding the pricing structure can be a bit complicated.


  • 阐述了我国目前主要采用三种水价核算方法:边际成本计划定价法和成本核算法。

    Briefly presents three mainly used methods for calculating water price: marginal cost method, planned price method and cost method.


  • 作为中国规模最大银行,中国工商银行也是中国最后一个相对比较健康交易所上市的银行。按照预定计划将在10月20号股票定价一周投资者就可以开始进行交易

    The largest of China's large Banks and the last of the relatively healthy ones to list on an exchange, it is scheduled to price its shares on October 20th and to begin trading a week later.


  • 营销计划执行关于商品服务创意观念定价、促销和分销,以创造符合个人组织目标交换一种过程

    Marketing is an exchanging process by which the concept, pricing and retail of commodities, service and originality are planned and performed to realize the goals of individuals and organizations.


  • 这家公司不久接受UM TS手机订单计划其提供几乎没有限制无线互联网接入可视电话、以及传统语音呼叫收取费用。

    The company will shortly be taking orders for UMTS handsets, and intends to offer fixed-price tariffs for virtually unlimited wireless Internet access, video conferencing and conventional voice calls.


  • 满足个人组织目标交换过程计划执行理念促销定价分销货物服务

    The process of planning and executing the conception, price , promotion, and distribution of ideas , goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.


  • 钢厂来说之前年度基准价格相比季度定价提供了一个缓冲时间根据确定安排生产计划

    For steel for, and the annual benchmark prices than before, a quarterly pricing provides only a month of buffer time to determine the ore price according to the new arrange production plan.


  • 钢厂来说之前年度基准价格相比季度定价提供了一个缓冲时间根据确定安排生产计划

    For steel for, and the annual benchmark prices than before, a quarterly pricing provides only a month of buffer time to determine the ore price according to the new arrange production plan.


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