• 丝柔细腻单宁使得其结构完整平衡确保丰富的果香保留长久

    Silky fine tannins provide structural integrity and balance, ensuring lengthy persistence of these full fruit flavours.


  • 为了理解为什么会这样我们提供给你一些着手创造一个内在男女之间完整平衡关系时,可以询问自己的问题。

    To understand why you do this we will offer to you some questions that you can ask yourself when working upon creating a whole and balanced relationship between your inner male and female.


  • 四个方面我们一个完整平衡视角看待成就

    These four facets give us a complete and balanced view of prosperity.


  • 又是怎样平衡那些需要完整容器数据库到端(endto end)测试Mocks替换关键JEE构件而进行的轻量级测试的呢?

    How do you balance writing end to end tests that require a full container and database (but replicate the full environment) versus lighter tests that make use of mocks for key JEE constructs?


  • 自我意义在于什么时候考虑自尊除了平衡完整的自我意义之外的自尊,自尊不是去认为自己最好的能做任何事(更方便定义为自恋和自我中心),自尊是建立在哪方面做的好,方面做不好的基础之上。

    It is this sense of self that you need to consider when thinking of self-esteem. What is self-esteem except a sense of self that is balanced and whole?


  • 采用现有人口统计方法(包括一般增长平衡)评估人口普查获得家庭死亡数据完整覆盖范围

    We used established demographic techniques, including the general growth balance method, to evaluate the completeness and coverage of the household death data obtained through population censuses.


  • 主体部分方块重复使用,为了达到平衡结构完整水平垂直重复。

    However, the main featured pieces of content are repetitive blocks, translated horizontally and vertically for balance and structural integrity.


  • 通过修改隔离级别J2EE开发人员部署人员可以性能约束下平衡数据完整,从而应用程序进行调整

    By changing the isolation level, the J2EE developer or deployer can balance data integrity against performance constraints to performance tune the application.


  • 如克鲁格曼般仅关注这个不平衡忽视了为什么美国会成为赤字国家这给大家的只有一个关于到底发生了什么的粗略完整认识

    Focusing exclusively on the imbalances as Krugman does, while ignoring why the United States became a deficit country, gives us a grossly incomplete understanding of what happened.


  • 另外完整方面,本书没有介绍到流行业务决策方法比如实际期权平衡计分卡。

    Another small quibble is that, for all its completeness, the book stops short of introducing popular advanced approaches to business decisions, such as real options and balanced scorecards.


  • 此时错误不再是错误,而是平衡已知风险完整信息效应

    Here was an error that wasn't an error, but rather a predictable side effect of balancing known risks with imperfect information.


  • 走向完整性相反另一希望限制Web容器内存占用愿望做出平衡,这包括物理方面包括概念方面。

    Against this drive towards completeness, one wishes to balance a desire to limit the footprint of web containers, both in physical and in conceptual terms.


  • 此刻努力朝向完整这些区块带入平衡时候了。

    It is time to work toward wholeness, bringing these areas into balance.


  • 他们非常平衡,他们是如此完整,他们是如此平静,他们不可能变成云的一部分,他们不可能降得那么

    They are very balanced, they are so whole, they are so tranquil, they cannot become parts of crowds, they cannot fall that low.


  • 一个产品如果各个组件互相匹配协调工作得很好,则这个产品就具有概念上完整体系结构将在下列各项之间获得有效平衡

    A product has conceptual integrity if its components match and work well together; the architecture achieves an effective balance between.


  • 随着我国经济实力增强,我国要求接纳WTO较为完整权利义务框架,而才是权利与义务平衡真正支点

    But with the growth of economy, China will be asked to accept the whole frame of right and duty of WTO that is the real fulcrum of balance.


  • 你们灵魂回应存在喜悦,它的平衡优雅,它的特性美丽完整以及它的知识智慧

    Your spirit will respond with the joy of its presence, the elegance of its balance, the beauty and fullness of its attributes and the wisdom of its knowledge.


  • 完整的人生中包含了照顾你自己以及呵护他人。两者保持平衡使的人生旅程充实富足,硕果累累

    Livung fully includes caring for yourself and giving care to others. Keeping both in balance will make your journey through life rich and rewarding.


  • 协调平衡价值的价值,即价值体系中的核心其他价值正是通过相互协调升华为一完整的价值体系。

    Coherence as the core of value system balances other values, and other values form the completing value system through coherence.


  • 完整热流系统平衡式分流高精度温度控制器组成

    A full set of heat runner system is made up of a balancing shunting plate, a heat spout and a high precision temperature controller.


  • 从而平衡通量问题提出了较为完整工艺理论

    So a more integrated technological theory for balance of membrane flux is discussed.


  • 得深不能平衡生命因此完整

    If you love the deep will can't balance, but life is so complete.


  • 本文认为,绩效评价系统战略管理系统通过因果关系有机的联系起来才能构成完整平衡计分卡体系

    This paper says efficiency evaluation system has been combined with strategic management system together by the cause-effect relationship to establish a complete balanced scorecard system.


  • 国家层面的政策试图降低法国境内经济平衡,但却无法促进巴黎盆地这个完整空间系统的形成。

    The national policy aiming to reduce economic imbalances in the French territory has failed to promote a coherent Bassin Parisien system.


  • 就在摇摇欲坠岩石3000边缘平衡英尺(0.9公里以上海平面)的花岗岩巨石建成一个完整神秘国内外游客

    Built on a granite boulder precariously balanced on the edge of a rock mountain over 3000 feet (0.9 km) above the sea level, the pagoda is a complete mystery to visitors from home and abroad.


  • 就在摇摇欲坠岩石3000边缘平衡英尺(0.9公里以上海平面)的花岗岩巨石建成一个完整神秘国内外游客

    Built on a granite boulder precariously balanced on the edge of a rock mountain over 3000 feet (0.9 km) above the sea level, the pagoda is a complete mystery to visitors from home and abroad.


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