• 毫不夸张的说,很多不同体型跑步很棒的事情,当然更加艰苦,因为有时候不得不努力一下才能完成跑步

    It was great running with a group of people in varying shapes, literally and figuratively. It was also harder because now I sometimes had to finish a run when I didn't feel so great.


  • 手边工作一下子再去完成

    The works that I have in hand I will finish afterwards.


  • 清晰目标使稿子最后完成

    My clear goal would be to have the post completed and final by Monday evening.


  • 想象一下听到”“喜欢”“工作不够”“你不可能完成这样话语,你现在心情如何

    Imagine hearing the words "no", "I don't like you", "your work isn't good enough", "it is impossible for you to accomplish this". How does your stomach feel now?


  • 完成TDD版本时,比较一下两个代码

    When I have the TDD version complete, I'll compare some metrics between the two code bases.


  • 大胆猜想一下如果让狄巴克完成马克·吐温名言可能会变成:“所有发明家中伟大的那位叫,意外——或什么也不叫。”

    I would venture to guess that if Deepak was to complete Mark Twain's quote, it would read something like this: "Name the greatest of all inventors. Accident-or not at all."


  • 既然已经完成概述,那么将对使用SqlDataSourceObjectDataSource来检索修改数据进行一下对比

    Now that I've finished the overview, I will compare and contrast the retrieval and modification of data using both the SqlDataSource and the ObjectDataSource.


  • 想象一下在星期三疲惫不堪大脑:“必须使这项设计最优化必须周五之前完成而且不能超过十五个小时的时间。”

    Picture my frazzled brain by mid-week: "I must get this design optimised, but I must get it done by Friday and not spend any more than 15 hours doing it."


  • 因为已经辞掉原来不喜欢但是收入颇丰的工作而开始自己创业。很多完成必须要完成事情摆在面前。但每当着手开始的时候总是被迫把每一件都暂时抛诸脑后因为两个儿子家庭需要照顾。这里需要解释一下开始自己的事情以前必须。

    Are so many things I want to, and need to do - but, when I look at my MITs - I have to put them behind my two boys and the family. Let me explain - before I can even consider my MITs - I have to?


  • 作出这个决定了很久,结果这时候,这么久什么都没有发生时间以后,一下同时完成4Dr Who还有漫游指南的后面5集。

    It took a long time to reach that decision, and then, after all this period of nothing happening, I was suddenly commissioned to write four Dr Whos and the next five Hitchhikers all at once.


  • 最后打开PowerPoint完成整个图表一下就是解说了。

    Finally I went to PowerPoint and started creating the diagrams. Below is a screencast of the animated slides with my narration.


  • 完成工作一定好好游览一下

    After finishing my work I must have a good trip.


  • 首先一下目前幕后发生的事,因为涉及前来完成工作

    I will firstly address that which is currently transpiring behind the scenes as it relates to the work we came to accomplish here.


  • 所以下一次某个你认为有难度体式时候,不要无法完成这个动作啊”而结果半心半意地去做,你不妨尝试一下的这个小小秘诀

    So next time you're doing a pose you find difficult, instead of doing it halfheartedly, thinking, "I can't do this pose," try this little trick of mine.


  • 一下现在忙得不可开交好的完成能为什么吗?

    Just a minute. I'm as busy as a bee right now. Ok, I'm done. What can I do for you?


  • 手边的工作一下子再去完成。 。

    Thee works that I have in hand I will finish afterwards.


  • 你现在可以休息一下将会确保工作按时完成的。

    I'll see to it that job (should) be finished in time.


  • 清静一下否则永远不能完成工作

    Please leave me alone. Otherwise, I will never finish my work.


  • 因为完成任务一再往后最后时间只能匆匆应付一下

    Because I have the tasks to be done again next, and finally no time only push in a hurry it.


  • 方法激励一下加里,更快地完成这项工作。他这个的工作热情

    I feel I need to find a good way to incent Gary to finish this project quicklyhe's got a very low motivation level this month.


  • 不会希望立刻呼吸一下也不会希望完成这个句子

    I don't hope I take another breath right now, nor that I finish writing this sentence.


  • 就如现在已经HP5完成并且正要休息一下想要狂热者副本邮件来自明年开始新的时事通讯一起相片

    As I have now finished on HP5 and am about to take a break, I wanted you to have a copy of my new fan mail photo which will be sent out with a new newsletter from the beginning of next year.


  • 庆祝一下项目完成吧。今天晚饭请客

    Let's celebrate the end of our project. I will shout for tonight's dinner.


  • 觉得这个办法适用所有类型工作作为例子回顾一下自己记忆门外语大量定义(每周完成汉语功课的例子)。

    I think this method works for all types of work, but as an example, I will look at memorizing a large number of definitions in a foreign language (it's one I do every week for my Chinese homework).


  • 澄清一下只是一个简单例子试图完成什么

    I should clarify that this is only a simple example of what we're trying to accomplish.


  • 在开始讨论这次演讲话题之前回忆一下发现皮埃尔·居里合作完成的。

    Before broaching the subject of this lecture, I should like to recall that the discoveries of radium and of polonium were made by Pierre Curie in collaboration with me.


  • 在开始讨论这次演讲话题之前回忆一下发现皮埃尔·居里合作完成的。

    Before broaching the subject of this lecture, I should like to recall that the discoveries of radium and of polonium were made by Pierre Curie in collaboration with me.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定