• 不过并不认为这种音乐使用理想的,她相信自己有一天会完全摒弃音乐。

    She did not regard this use of music as ideal, however, believing that she would someday dispense with music entirely.


  • 这位研究员的名字叫做埃德温·墨菲(Edwin Murphy),1964年召开的宇航员饮食营养有关垃圾处理问题会议提出:一名理想的宇航员完全应该放屁

    His name was Edwin Murphy, and at a 1964 Conference on Nutrition in Space and Related Waste Problems, he suggested that the ideal astronaut should be totally flatus-free.


  • 理想状况应该计算拥有股票的你自己目标而不是完全按照我的

    Ideally, you should be calculating your own target price for every stock you own, instead of just accepting mine.


  • 新的瓷器需要一个好质量杯,不能完全负担瓷器客户理想选择。

    The new porcelain shapes are ideal for customers who require a quality mug but can not quite afford bone China.


  • 秒钟时间内,似乎完全出神地在思考着理想走动快慢,坐在那里看着孩子仿佛盘似的。

    For a moment or two he seemed quite lost in contemplating the pace of this ideal timepiece, and sat looking at the boy as if his face were the dial.


  • 理想解决方案完全避免这些冲突以便实施灾难恢复的过程中根本需要解决这些冲突。

    The most desirable solution is to avoid these conflicts altogether so that resolution during a disaster recovery implementation effort is not required.


  • 最后看着眼前完全空白行程表以及大堆的调查结果,用图表画自己理想工作搭配

    Finally, because an open schedule and an inbox full of inquiries were staring me in the face, I charted out what my ideal work mix would be.


  • 网上可是可以容易一个理想自己展示别人看的,不用说这会导致很多人把自己粉饰一番,甚或伪装个与现实完全不同的形象.

    Online it is very easy to display an idealised version of the self to others so surely the temptation to exaggerate or even give a completely misleading impression is just too great?


  • 很多时候我们过于担心锻炼次数达不到理想的标准,因而完全停止锻炼。

    Too often, we worry so much about getting the perfect amount of exercise in that we end up getting no exercise at all.


  • 认为大家有能力追逐自己梦想需要一点点站自身角度之外思考——毕竟没人给你一个完全量身定做的理想工作

    I think we are all capable of going after our dreams, but that does require a little bit of thinking outside the box on our own part - nobody is going to hand us a cookie-cutter dream job.


  • 理想不过某些情况下可能接受的,毕竟低吞吐量完全没有吞吐量要好。

    This is not ideal, although in some cases it may be acceptable to have at least slow throughput rather than no throughput at all.


  • 乔治安娜现在长住彭伯里了;姑嫂之间正如达西先生料到那么情投意合,互尊互甚至融洽完全合乎她们自己理想

    Pemberley was now Georgiana's home; and the attachment of the sisters was exactly what Darcy had hoped to see. They were able to love each other even as well as they intended.


  • 找到真正理想工作之前有可能会从事与你做的工作完全无关的工作。

    Before finding your true career calling, it's likely that you held a job that seemed unrelated to what you hoped to do.


  • 摒弃那些多余东西完全专注生活重要东西,专注于人与人之间的情感关系追求自己理想过上有意义的生活。

    I got rid of unnecessary things so I could focus on what's important in my life, so I could focus on relationships and pursuing my passions and living a meaningful life.


  • 松散耦合esb使用提供了理想机制服务使用者提供者进行松散绑定完全消除了点对点接口

    Loose coupling: the use of an ESB provides an ideal vehicle to loosely bind the service consumer and provider, removing all traces of point-to-point interfaces.


  • 注意我以梦想棱镜其他人视为理想角色时交流呈现出完全不同的形态。

    I've noticed that conversations take on a whole different flavor when I view them through the dream lens and when I address the other person as a dream character.


  • 尽管美国沿岸地区的风力资源非常丰富,完全转化出的电能可以满足四个美国的需求,然而,为了出捕捉风能理想近海风力发电机,世界各地正在你追我

    There’s enough wind energy along our coastlines to power the country four times over, and the race is on to build the best offshore turbines to capture it.


  • 它们就是使用VIOServer理想候选LPAR,因为其中每个LPAR都不会完全利用以太网卡磁盘控制器全部容量(请参见3)。

    They would be ideal candidates for using the VIO Server since each of them would not completely utilize the full capacity of an Ethernet card or disk controller (see Figure 3).


  • 正确但是幸运对于理想气体完全正确的。

    H for an ideal gas is only a function of temperature. This is not true for a real gas fortunately, but it's true for an ideal gas.


  • 不要任何人确定的职业理想需要只是确定完全属于你的目标

    Don't for anyone to determine your career ideal, you need to do is determine completely belong to your goals.


  • 拥抱理想礼品适用任何场合,不仅接到都很有乐趣还代表关心自带包装而且当然完全可以退货

    Hugging is the ideal gift. Great for any occasion, fun to give and receive, shows you care, comes with its own wrapping and, of course, fully returnable.


  • 理想如果可以隐藏窗口演讲麦克风完全控制自己的控制在应用程序

    The ideal would be if I could hide the Windows Speech microphone control altogether and have my own control inside my app.


  • 姨妈故事深深迷住了,完全不同理想中的爱情

    I was fascinated by Aunt Susan's story, which was totally different from my ideal of love.


  • 审美想象进入澄明自由之境而且几乎完全彻底地自由展开人生命本质力量理想方式

    Aesthetic imagination is an ideal mode that sets writers free with a sober mind and brings the essential power of human beings into full play.


  • 获得最佳破坏盗窃完全透明的翻盖定制加热成型(有时拼写为蚬壳”)包装或吸塑包装是理想的。

    For optimum resistance to damage or theft, fully transparent custom thermoform clamshell (sometimes spelled "clam shell") packaging or blister packaging are ideal.


  • 指导我们理想而不是能够完全实现的现实。

    This is an ideal to guide us, not a condition we could ever entirely achieve.


  • 这样安闲清静生活完全合乎幸福理想

    The quiet, the retirement of such a life would have answered all my ideas of happiness!


  • 本文提出了一种完全依照理想运算放大器的特性,对元件的线性不变电路利用PSPICE进行计算机仿真方法

    New systematic approach to the simulation of circuits containing ideal operationamplifiers using the standard simulators such as PSPICE is first presented.


  • 本文提出了一种完全依照理想运算放大器的特性,对元件的线性不变电路利用PSPICE进行计算机仿真方法

    New systematic approach to the simulation of circuits containing ideal operationamplifiers using the standard simulators such as PSPICE is first presented.


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