• 可以选择创建工作区它们完全提取离线工作单独百科全书之中

    Optionally, you could create child Workspaces and extract them completely to a separate encyclopedia for offline working.


  • 盆栽试验培养实验都证明热水不能完全提取当季施入土壤中的这些硼在后作物生长继续发挥效果。

    It was testified by pot test and cultivation experiment that applied boron to soil in this season could not be extracted fully by hot water, and this boron was available to crop growth in next season.


  • 盆栽试验结果表明,除HWSB较高潮土外,其余4土壤施硼均不同程度增产效果。盆栽试验和培养实验都证明热水不能完全提取当季入土壤中的硼,这些硼在后季作物生长中继续发挥效果。

    The result of pot test showed the yield of the crops increased if applying boron in 4 soils with the exception of the alluvial soil in which HWSB was higher than that in other soils.


  • 这些区域生产商品完全组成员提取加工运输

    The commodities produced in these zones were extracted, processed, and transported entirely by members of a single group.


  • 如果知识网络完全连通了此时此刻就可以恰当历史引用文附本书之后,而且能为所有这些沉思默想提取历史背景

    If the web of knowledge were completely wired then I could tag on the appropriate historical citations at this point, and pull out the historical context for all these musings.


  • 关键提取一个手动进程,关键字选择完全取决于执行选择的

    The extraction of keywords would have been a manual process, their selection entirely at the mercy of the person performing it.


  • 百事公司宣布成功研制世界第一种由全部植物提取制成可以完全循环饮料瓶。

    PepsiCo announced that it had developed the world’s first bottle to be made entirely of a plastic consisting of plant-based materials, which can be fully recycled.


  • 集群操作(如果喜欢可以叫做remoting或者分布式)完全提取配置任务中

    Clustering (or remoting or distribution if you want to call it that) will be completely abstracted away into a configuration task.


  • 石榴健康好处几乎完全集中于果子浆状物质汁液虽然萃取获得越来越多关注,但引人注目的是水果提取物的形式

    The health-benefits of pomegranate have focussed almost exclusively on the pulp and juice of the fruit, most notably in fruit form although extracts are also gaining increasing attention.


  • 这些内容可以完全不同系统中聚合,可以集中的内容储备库提取

    This content can be aggragated from disparate systems, or it could be pulled from a centralized content repository.


  • 常规旧书鉴定方法需要提取样本进行检测,这会进一步损害书籍分析这些旧书散发出来的气味则完全无害

    Conventional analysis techniques require small samples of the work for testing, further damaging the book. But analyzing the gases coming off of the old books is noninvasive.


  • 一些甚至完全只是为了招徕顾客而采用浓缩提取物质香精合成所谓“茶类饮料”。

    Some of them were made from “concentrates” or “essences, ” and likely lack the touted benefits.


  • 之后科学家囊胚中提取细胞培养皿里培育成干细胞,干细胞DNA名成熟细胞捐献者的DNA完全一致

    Cells from the blastocyst then were cultured in a lab dish and yielded stem cells that were an exact match to the donor's DNA.


  • 这个软件非常简单易用,允许提取喜爱的影片音乐剪辑音轨此外这个软件是完全免费的。

    This software is extremely simple to use and allows you to extract audio track from your favorite videos and music clips. Besides of it this software is completely free.


  • 两种研究证实完全阻断了荨麻提取

    Research confirmed that these two enzymes have been blocked completely by the Nettle Root extract.


  • 该方法实现,可以使逻辑参数提取完全自动化缩短了逻辑参数建立时间具有较高的适用价值。

    With it the extraction of logic parameters becomes completely automatic and the time to establish the logic parameter library is greatly reduced.


  • 完全信息系统遗失数据补充规则提取,一直数据挖掘技术面临的重要问题

    Missing data filling and rules extraction in incomplete decision table are two important data mining problems.


  • 通过提取各种故障情况下电动机电流分量特点保护单元内电动机提供简单完全保护;

    The simple complete protection for a motor in the protection units is described based on characters of motor's sequence currents in case of different faults.


  • 研制出的信号建模软件提取功率FET的大信号模型参数,并用该模型模拟测量了器件大信号s参数,结果完全一致。

    We developed a general large signal modeling software and extracted the power FET model parameters. The parameters are well coincide with simulated and measured large signal s parameters.


  • 超声提取时间当归中的阿魏基本提取完全

    Ultrasonography and extracting a short time, Angelica in the basic ferulic acid can be extracted completely.


  • 提出计算象素方向游程长度基础完全基于汉字结构知识笔划提取算法

    Put forward the calculation that pixel direction distance length as foundation, the stroke extraction way according to the structure knowledge of Chinese characters completely.


  • 通过对从化石中提取DNA分析完全不同安德特人或是现代人的DNA。

    Analysis of DNA extracted from the fossil reveals it is significantly different from the DNA of Neanderthals or of modern humans.


  • 试验证明,美丽马醉木提取不同环境下具有十分稳定毒性完全具备进一步开发利用的条件。

    Results have shown that ex - tracts from Pieris Formosa were stable in their toxicity and could be developed further.


  • 指纹识别源代码。思路完全按照文件夹中网页介绍方法,提取指纹中的分叉端点位置作为指纹的特征值。

    Thinking is entirely in accordance with the folder on the website Lane, that the fingerprints of the bifurcation point and endpoint position as a fingerprint eigenvalues.


  • 提高卡拉提取完全改善了卡拉胶凝胶收缩缺陷

    The extraction rate of carrageen was increased, while some shortcomings such as that the gel of the carrageen being prone to bleeding water and shrinking were improved under the above method.


  • 针对不完全树形结构分解提取纹理特征清晰度图像效果佳,运算速度问题提出基于形态学预处理的不完全小波树形分解快速提取图像纹理特征的算法

    Low operation speed and being only fit for high quality images are the disadvantages of incomplete tree-structured wavelet. To deal with this problem, a new algorithm was proposed.


  • 提取含有水印视频进行解码得到量化后DCT系数,进行LSB提取RS解码后得到嵌入序列完全相同比特序列。

    When extracting the watermark, decode the containing video to get the quantized DCT coefficients, get the watermark by using LSB, and RS decoded to get the same sequence as the embedded bit sequence.


  • 提取水印需要原始图像完全实现了水印提取

    The blind watermark was realized as the original image don't be needed when extracting watermark.


  • 提取温度提取率高杂质去除完全提取液澄透明无任何可见杂质

    The utility model has the advantages of low extraction temperature, high extraction rate, complete removal of impurities, pellucid and transparent extract and no visible impurity.


  • 提取温度提取率高杂质去除完全提取液澄透明无任何可见杂质

    The utility model has the advantages of low extraction temperature, high extraction rate, complete removal of impurities, pellucid and transparent extract and no visible impurity.


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