• 像头痛背痛其他疼痛头晕、肌肉抽搐、痉挛性震颤等,完全健康也可能发生的。

    Headaches, backache and other pains, light-headedness, jerks and tremors all occur in totally healthy persons.


  • 那儿没有种水平辐射完全健康的。

    There is no level of radiation that is completely safe.


  • 一个人生命完全健康时间认为的。

    In one's life, completely healthy periods are thought to be very short.


  • 当然他们需要完全健康前锋他们完成这个任务。

    However they will need fully fit strikers in order to do it.


  • 特里神甫说:埃德杀死一条完全健康完全没有任何关系。

    Ed, Father Terry said to me. Killing a perfectly healthy dog has nothing to do with.


  • 诀窍在于找到那些完全健康的资产负债表可以决定自己积蓄用来使用实际利率

    The trick is to find the real interest rate at which those with perfectly healthy balance sheets decide to put their savings to use.


  • 耐莉以为好些,幸运完全健康有力:你难过——不久就要改变了

    Nelly, you think you are better and more fortunate than I; in full health and strength: you are sorry for mevery soon that will be altered.


  • 出场时间仍然还受到限制但是认为完全健康时,他很好融入的。

    He's still on a minutes restriction but I think when he's back to full health he'll slot in well.


  • 湖人完全健康猪。安猪在一月份受伤前场均能有1.9个火锅

    The Lakers figure to be stronger down low with a healthy Andrew Bynum, who was improving defensively and averaging 1.9 blocked shots a game before hurting his knee in January.


  • 即使这种危险年夜夫们先前相信两倍,但91%这类出生婴儿仍然完全健康

    And even if the danger is twice what doctors previously believed, 91% of ART babies would still be born perfectly healthy.


  • 看来,之所以我会这么失败,是因为不能通过自己的意志努力使自己变得完全健康

    In my mind, I was failing because I couldn't think myself to perfect health.


  • 不能走路不能说话可是变得著名很成功。而我们可能完全健康,也很聪明

    Hecan't walk or even speak, but he has become very famous and successful. We are probably quite healthy and smart.


  • 如果这种身体状况下都做到这么完全健康状况下超越自己做到如何呢?

    If Patti Wilson can do so much with so little, what can you do to outperform yourself in a state of total wellness?


  • 这项新研究调查了成百上千名肥胖者,结果显示,将近三分之二的身体完全健康仅有一点小问题

    A study of thousands of obese men and women found that more than one in three were perfectly healthy or had only slight health problems.


  • 每晚睡觉下意识自己灌输一个完全健康理念,那么,的潜意识会忠诚地为你服务顺从的那个理念。

    Lull yourself to sleep every night with the idea of perfect health, and your subconscious, being your faithful servant, will obey you.


  • 即使完全健康并且队友紧密团结周围,他才能持续的进球,才有希望看到他踢旗杆庆祝进球。

    Even fully fit and secure in his surroundings, Torres would struggle to prosper on a diet of long, hopeful punts towards the corner flag.


  • 意愿保持通讯通道打开,而这样我们就可以来讨论那些建立一个完全健康提升胰腺所需的事物了。

    I intend to keep the avenue of dialog open so we can discuss whatever is necessary to establish a fully healthy ascending pancreas.


  • 真相:是的,艾滋病毒可能通过母婴传播但这不是绝对的。艾滋病毒呈阳性的女性也可以生出完全健康孩子

    Truth: Though HIV can be transmitted from mother to child, it is completely possible - and completely normal - for positive mothers to give birth to happy, healthy babies.


  • 如果的能完全建立忠诚基础上,这些轮会一个完全健康速度运行,的能量和生命流动平稳,你经历和谐和极乐。

    If you completely base your thought in love and faith, these chakras operate at a perfectly healthy rate. Your energy and life flow smoothly, and you experience harmony and bliss.


  • 依靠完全健康的范佩西所领衔的进攻线荷兰依靠战胜丹麦日本喀麦隆以及斯洛伐克连胜而挺进世界杯的四分之一决赛

    With a fully-fit Van Persie leading their attack, the Netherlands have advanced to the Quarter-Finals with four straight wins over Denmark, Japan, Cameroon and Slovakia.


  • 必要辩解之前就为自己辩解,其实就是控告自己。在完全健康时候放血,就等于暗示自己有病一次意料之外的申辩,会唤醒原本沉睡怀疑

    To excuse oneself before there is occasion is to accuse oneself. To draw blood in full health gives the hint to ill will. An excuse unexpected arouses suspicion from its slumbers.


  • 像口误(slipsofthetongue)、头痛背痛其他疼痛头晕肌肉抽搐或抽动、痉挛性震颤等,完全健康也可能发生的。

    Slips of the tongue, headaches, backache and other pains, dizziness, light-headedness, numbness, muscle twitches, jerks, cramps, and tremors all occur in totally healthy persons.


  • 现在完全恢复健康

    He is now fully restored to health.


  • 做手术完全恢复健康

    She made a complete recovery without recourse to surgery.


  • 名医生判断完全健康的。

    The doctor's verdict was that he was entirely healthy.


  • 自己的健康负责一码事别人健康负责完全一码事

    Being responsible for one's own health is one thing, but being responsible for another person's health is quite a different matter.


  • 需要长时间才能完全恢复健康

    She still has a long way to go before she's fully fit.


  • 心理健康问题早期识别支持治疗防止它们转变完全疾病最佳方法

    Early identification, support and treatment for mental health issues, he says, are the best ways to keep them from turning into full-blown disorders.


  • 尽管蜥蜴可能栖息地要求幼仔健康完全漠不关心

    Although the lizard may stake a claim to its habitat, it exerts total indifference toward the well-being of its young.


  • 尽管蜥蜴可能栖息地要求幼仔健康完全漠不关心

    Although the lizard may stake a claim to its habitat, it exerts total indifference toward the well-being of its young.


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