• 喜欢这种安静感觉我会回来的!

    I don't like this kind of quiet feeling, I'll come back!


  • 喜欢这种安静感觉我会回来的!

    I don't like the feeling of silence, I'll come back!


  • 粉红色浪漫颜色看起来给人以安静的感觉

    The most romantic color, pink, is more tranquilizing.


  • 不知为什么每次音乐的时候总是有种安静的感觉

    Don't know why each time listening to music is always have a quiet sense.


  • 以往白色家具总是呈现平和纯粹安静感觉

    In before a kind of gentle, dinkum, quiet feeling always appears in white furniture.


  • 我们离开商店我们也许其它灵魂从未分享荣誉安静感觉

    We would leave the store with a quiet sense of honor that we might never share with another soul.


  • 但是快乐见到人和朋友也许温哥华生活变成习惯了喜欢安静感觉

    But the most happy of see my person and friends... Become accustomed to the life of Vancouver perhaps, liked a quiet feeling!


  • 用墨灰色墙面壁纸柔软舒适空间,灰色给人平稳安静感觉感觉不到特别跳跃动态空间。

    Gray does metope wallpaper in with ink, give a person a kind of very soft and comfortable space, gray give a person calm and quiet feeling, make you feel special bouncing dynamic space.


  • 此时才能下来好好享受一下安静感觉了,已经许多没有这种孤独时分了,现在发现偶尔孤独也是一种享受

    At this point I can sit down and enjoy some sense of quiet, and has been for many years without such a lonely night, now only occasionally found in the enjoyment of solitude is a!


  • 穿过带锁的电梯走入满是钢筋玻璃石头木材混搭出的超美感觉,以往经验告诉我们,立马有种十分引人注目安静的感觉

    Step off the key-locked elevator into a home where steel, glass, stone and wood mingle to stunning effect, yielding an experience that is at once striking and serene.


  • 很惊讶,我能感觉到我的脸变红了,因为当我打开门的时候,站在前门的是莎拉·韦斯特利——那个在音乐课上坐在我旁边的安静女孩——她拿着一个盒子。

    I was so surprised and I could feel my face turning red, because when I opened the door, there at the front door and stood Sarah Westly—the quiet girl who sat next to me in music class—and she was holding a box.


  • 大多小型车舒适甚至比部分中型还要舒适,它运行平稳安静,给我的感觉像是更大高端汽车

    It is more comfortable than the average small car — or even the average midsize car — and it runs smoothly and quietly, feeling more like a larger, higher-end vehicle.


  • 如果15分钟内不能入睡另外一个安静地方直到感觉可以入睡然后返回卧室睡觉

    If you are unable to get to sleep within 15 minutes, go to another quiet place and lie down until you feel ready to fall asleep, and then return to your bedroom to sleep.


  • 讲述人可能会:“下班回到家,感觉很累安静环境。”

    So the Talker might say: "When I come home from work, I feel tired and I need some quiet time."


  • 感觉校园生活孤立宿舍也没有安静空间。

    She feels isolated from campus life and no peace at the apartment.


  • 感觉这里每个人都安静的不过警察还是赶走他们。

    My feeling was everyone in there was peaceful but they wanted to clear them out.


  • 自动升级特色也是他们喜欢的内容之一,即使大部分很可能完全没有感觉他们喜欢它——安静升级美。

    The auto-update feature is something they love as well, even though most of them probably have no idea they actually love it at all - the beauty of silent updates.


  • 纯粹的哲学温柔安静的;哲学去掌握世界感觉好像对待一个脆弱婴儿,带着原初的开放性同时小心翼翼。

    Real philosophy is as gentle as fog and as quiet as tears; it holds the world as if it were a delicate infant, raw and open and vulnerable.


  • 虽然电脑没有采用超轻薄设计体现闪存存储器优越性,但依然感觉运行的时候非常安静即使运行关闭程序的时候。

    Though the laptop itself didn't have a slim design to take advantage of the flash, I did notice that it went about its business silently, even as I launched and shut down programs.


  • 感觉能担当自己工作人员选择了安静惩罚,在55至62分贝之间那些感到不称职,权力不大的人也一样。

    Workers who felt up to their jobs selected quieter punishments, between 55 and 62 decibels, as did those who felt a combination of incompetence and powerlessness.


  • 所以,诺维赛德繁忙狭窄马路上安静乡村道路时,我感觉彻底放松了。

    As a result, I was deeply relieved to swap the busy and narrow main road out of Novi Sad for a quiet country lane.


  • 个人喜欢办公室一角阅读专用椅喜欢在一图书馆书籍包围感觉而且大家都知道图书馆需要安静

    My personal favorite is a reading chair in the corner of my office, I like the feeling of being in a big library surrounded by books, and everyone knows that you need to be quiet in the library!


  • 所以第一第一次把沉重身躯扔在舒适床上时,他只是着,黑暗中安静天花板心里感觉美极了。

    So when he first fell like a rough heavy stone into the softness of his friend's bed that first night, all he could do was lay there looking at the dark quiet ceiling and feel grateful.


  • 大多数讲话不同方式这些但是发现很难做到,不光是理解这个想法以及深度很难,而且理解安静感觉也很难,如果我可以这个词的话

    You have said this in different ways in most of your talks and I find this awfully difficult, not only to grasp the idea, the depth of it but the feeling of quiet emptiness, if I can use that word.


  • 纽约市只需30分钟感觉一个遥远世界这个安静新泽西豪华酒店完美迅速逃离浪漫的逃逸

    Just 30 minutes from New York City, but feeling a world away, this quiet New Jersey luxury hotel is perfect for quick getaways or romantic escapes.


  • 谈话中保持沉默并不会让人感到有不舒服感觉,适当的安静太过啰反倒

    Silences during conversations are not considered uncomfortable, and it's better to be a bit quiet, rather than overly verbose.


  • 谈话中保持沉默并不会让人感到有不舒服感觉,适当的安静太过啰反倒

    Silences during conversations are not considered uncomfortable, and it's better to be a bit quiet, rather than overly verbose.


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