• 成员一起定义安装面积第一迹象

    The members together define a first sign mounting area.


  • 设计灵活安装方便整体式设计,机组外形美观紧凑安装面积

    Design of flexible, easy to install: the overall design, attractive appearance compact unit, the installation of small size;


  • 许多农民拥有面积达数百英亩开阔土地,有足够的空间安装风车,不会像其他人口密度大的州一样引发不要我家后院”安装风车之类的问题

    That leaves plenty of room to erect windmills without stirring up the "not in my backyard" issues that come up in more cramped states.


  • 适合安装沙漠城市边缘阳光充足地区,而不适合安装面积有限的屋顶。

    Better for deserts, or sunny lots on the edge of town, than for roofs where the area available is limited.


  • 根据具体公路施工面积选用新的护栏进行实际安装

    According to the specific highway construction area, the use of new guardrail for actual installation.


  • 根据具体公路施工面积选用新的波形护栏进行实际安装

    According to the specific highway construction area, the use of a new waveform guardrail board for actual installation.


  • 窗式空调室内外合为一体适用面积房间安装方面价格便宜。

    Casing air conditioning: indoor and outdoor machine are one, applicable to small area of the room, installing and cheaper prices.


  • 该会所酒窖安装空调面积总计30平方米左右会所酒窖发热设备,温湿度控制空间节能有较高要求。

    The total area is of about 30 square meters for the club, and there is no heating source, and it requires the temperature and humidity control, space, and energy saving features.


  • 有的户型餐厅较小可以墙面安装一定面积镜面调节视觉造成空间增大效果

    Some small Huxing restaurant, you can install a certain area of the mirror in the wall, in order to adjust the visual, resulting in an increase in the effect of space.


  • 虽然喷头可以安装固定位置有限面积上的经济作物供水,但它们通常安装移动可以移动管道上

    Although the sprinklers may be fixed in permanent locations for limited areas of high-value crops, they are usually mounted on either moving or movable lines.


  • 独特安装结构大大缩小了泵的占地面积节约基建投资40%上。

    The area is small because of special installation structure. 40% investment into building can be saved.


  • 根据具体公路施工面积选用新的护栏进行实际安装

    According to the specific road construction area, the use of new barriers to the actual installation.


  • 意味着安装过程中,矩形玻璃板已经场地成形面积650平方米

    This means the rectangular glass panels have been shaped on-site during installation. The total area is approximately 650 SQM.


  • 设计选型时,考虑氧量服务面积安装方式因素

    In design, we should think of the factors, such as the supply of oxygen, the service area and installation methods.


  • 私人酒窖安装空调面积总计120平方米左右,私人酒窖发热设备,温湿度控制节能较高要求。

    The total area is of about 120 square meters for the private wine cellar, and there is no heating source, and it requires the temperature and humidity control and energy saving features.


  • 摄像机安装尽,完全是因为面积较小

    The camera mounting should burn up entirely because of its smaller size.


  • 剩余面积有足够空间安装广告安置摄影师相机

    The remaining area allows enough space for the installation of advertising screens, photographers and cameras.


  • 不到10,180000平方英尺木材框架被平均每周安装30000平方英尺的楼层面积

    In less than 10 weeks, 180,000 square feet of timber framing went up, averaging 30,000 square feet of floor area installed per week.


  • 由于开关柜安装调试操作正面进行,所以开关柜可以安装节省占地面积

    Because the installation, commissioning and operation of switchgear all can be operated on the front side, thus switchgear can be installed against the wall to save space.


  • 利用该模型,采用复合形优化用QBASIC语言编程,安装热管面积一定状况下对碳钢-水热管换热器结构进行优化。

    QBASIC was used to make procedure, structure of heat pipe was optimized with complex method on condition that the area of fixing heat pipe was invariable.


  • 另外系列泵在结构上采用立式分段形式,运转安全平稳、寿命占地面积小,安装维修方便

    Besides, this pump takes a vertical and segmental structure, and the advantages of security, stability, long life, small occupation space, easy installation and maintenance.


  • 这种多功能展示相对以前展示架,安装拆卸更加方便迅速占地面积小,应用范围更加广泛

    Compared with the prior art, the multifunction display shelf has simple and fast installment and detachment, small occupied area and wide application range.


  • 有时蜗杆齿制成包裹蜗轮就提供了接触面积安装精度要求更高了。

    Sometimes the worm is modified to envelop the gear. This gives a greater area of contact, but requires extremely precise mounting.


  • 面积安排多个永磁吸盘并排安装可以控制器操作

    Large area can be arranged by multiple mounting of EPM chucks side by side which can be operated by a single controller.


  • 结构简单紧凑空间利用率占地面积建设周期安装

    Structure is simple, compact, space utilization high, covers an area of less easy to install short construction periods.


  • 雨水立管的汇水面积结合是否安装雨水是否设置天沟水深进行计算确定

    The water catchment area of rain leader shall be determined based on whether the rainwater hopper and gutter are set up, and the calculation of water depth before the rainwater hopper.


  • 电脑实验室需安装空调面积总计100平方米左右发热30KW温湿度控制空间节能较高要求

    The total area is of about 100 square meters for the computer room, and the heat source is 30KW, and it requires the temperature and humidity control, space, and energy saving features.


  • 系列纤维破碎机具有造价安装使用简易占地面积能耗高效率特点

    This series textile fiber breaker has the construction cost lowly, to install the use simple, the area is small, characteristics and so on low energy consumption high efficiency.


  • 水冷器,则安装8%的附加面积。?

    For water coolers an 8% additional area shall be installed.


  • 结构紧凑,机泵一体化体积其立式结构具有安装占地面积小,运行平稳安装无需调整

    Compact structure, integrated motor and pump and small volume. Vertical structure contributes to small occupation space for installation, smooth operation, and installation with no need of adjustment.


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