• 认为整个浪潮开始。”Worldwide XR 的首席执行官特拉维·罗伊德说道。该公司数字娱乐背后的公司之一

    "I think this is the beginning of an entire wave," says Travis Cloyd, CEO of Worldwide XR, one of the companies behind the digital recreation of Dean.


  • 主持这项计划·,“我们提供给人们思考写作研究最好内容”。

    "We can offer the best of what's thought and written and researched," says Ann Kirschner, who heads the project.


  • 可能董事会真的了个错误的决定--让吉姆·接替提奥,虽然凯知道如何零售商店做的也非常的好,不是个懂得数字化营销的

    Maybe the board did make a mistake in picking Jim Keyes as Antioco’s successor—Keyes knows retailing and did an excellent job with the stores, but he isn’t a digital guy.


  • 设计师·绍创造了款集所有现今消费者所需功能一身电话

    Designer Sebastien Sauvage created “telephone offering all the functions expected in a Digital telephone for today’s consumers.


  • 卡特珀西赖特两兄弟杀死,受伤的托马·温图尔布罗·罗伍德被押回伦敦

    Catesby, Percy and the two Wright brothers were killed, while a wounded Thomas Wintour and Ambrose Rokewood were taken away to London.


  • 因此博士华盛顿大学电脑科学家邹兰•波波维研究生·德瑞恩•特瑞尔着手编制一个引人入胜的游戏

    So Dr Baker, Zoran Popovic, a computer scientist at the University of Washington, and graduate students Seth Cooper and Adrien Treuille set about creating a compelling computer game.


  • 大多数对手不是法国就是讲法语,包括哲学家艾蒂•博诺特••孔狄孟德男爵

    Most of Smith’s opponents were French or French-speaking, including the philosopher Etienne Bonnot de Condillac and the Baron de Montesquieu.


  • 1972年普莱女士——粉丝们称她小姐”——买下这家小店以来,亚特兰大地区伍德街区发生了很大的变化。

    Much has changed in the Kirkwood neighborhood in east Atlanta since Ms. Price — known as “Miss Ann” to fansbought the tiny shop in 1972.


  • 大多数对手不是法国就是讲法语,包括哲学家艾蒂•博诺特••孔狄孟德男爵

    Most of Smith's opponents were French or French-speaking, including the philosopher Etienne Bonnot DE Condillac and the Baron DE Montesquieu.


  • 占据第四的,这部旅途中的喜剧预产期”,由小罗伯特·唐尼·加利费纳基联袂出演,在上映第三预想的有所上扬。

    Landing in fourth place, the road-trip comedy "Due Date," starring Robert Downey Jr. and Zach Galifianakis, held up better than expected its third week.


  • 过渡物体包括阿莉萨•斯克两个优雅模型,它们一个名为“介子发射”的设计项目一部分,这个项目涉及组成亚原子粒子介子。

    "Transitory Objects" includes two elegant models from Alisa Andrasek that are part of a design project called "Mesonic Emission," a reference to mesons, subatomic particles composed of quarks.


  • 对于·凯尔来说,最亲爱的好朋友夏洛蒂女主角其它家庭成员——古怪父亲帕特里受虐狂布伦·威尔虔诚激烈且神秘爱米莉只是配角

    To Gaskell, her "dear friend" Charlotte was the heroine, with the rest of the family - eccentric Patrick, masochistic Branwell, pious Anne and violently mystical Emily - left in her shadow.


  • 报告纽约州哥伦比亚大学法尔·纳兹·凯格霍巴蒂、密歇根州大学的托德·沙尔福德维维纳·韦·沙福德合作完成。

    The report was compiled by Farnaz Kaighobadi of Columbia University in New York state and Todd Shackelford and Viviana Weekes-Shackelford, from Oakland University in Michigan.


  • 双胞胎兄弟康纳·迈尔·赖都是13岁,特·菲茨杰拉德13岁,哈里·蒙卓和迈·蒙卓兄弟分别13岁和15岁他们坚持不是妈妈们给他们选定的海选演出服装。

    Twins Conor and Miles Ryan, 13, Matt Fitzgerald, 13, and brothers Harry and Max Mondryk, 13 and 15, insisted that their mums didn't pick out their outfits for the audition.


  • 及托·里他家门廊一个袋子散发出腐烂海豹臭气Ignatiussen妻子补充道,“季节颠倒了。”

    The stench of rotting seal flesh wafts from a bag in the porch of his house in Tasiilaq as Ignatiussen's wife, Ane, remarks that, "the seasons are upside down".


  • 位于法国索菲亚-提波利研发中心AMORP项目主管FredrikLinaker,把一项目比作“物理世界的超链接”。

    Fredrik Linaker, head of the AMORP project at Accenture’s research centre in Sofia Antipolis, France, likens the project to “physical-world hyperlinking”.


  • 鲍里·约翰逊塞巴·勋爵·勒国际火车站启动伦敦特使项目

    Boris Johnson and Lord Coe launch the London Ambassadors programme at St Pancras international.


  • 特纳先生生物仿制制药威胁到了现有生物技术制药公司公司基因泰公司(现在已属瑞士制药巨头罗氏旗下),他们数十亿美元销售目标现在都风险

    Biosimilars threaten incumbent biotech firms such as Amgen and Genentech (now part of Roche, a Swiss drugs giant), which have billions of dollars of sales at risk, argues Mr Pasternak.


  • 或者干脆袖手旁观,只馅饼天上掉下来毕竟索福生活雅典从来都不提戈涅的雅典。

    Or play the innocent and wait for it to drop from heaven. After all, the Athens of Sophocles was never the same as the city of Antigone.


  • 震中位于阿拉加州波因特以西85公里西南250公里处。

    The earthquake was centered 85 kilometers west of Anchor Point, Alaska, and about 250 kilometers southwest of Anchorage.


  • 罗宁刚刚完成了剑桥格利亚鲁金大学一年级的课程,并希望能通过船上的工作资助自己第二学习

    Mr Cronin, who has just completed his first year at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge, had hoped to fund his second year of studies by working on the water.


  • 斯克LED组的第二用途地面装配标识,他们公司主要销售三星制作的小型LED模组。

    The second biggest use of LED modules is in ground-mounted signs, says Ondracek, whose company sells small LED modules manufactured by Samsung.


  • 希腊哲学家萨哥拉时期,哲学家,数学家佩里·利老师

    The Time Period of the Greek philosopher Anaxagoras, philosopher, mathematician and teacher of Pericles.


  • 大多数对手不是法国就是讲法语,包括哲学家艾蒂博诺特德孔狄亚孟德鸠男爵

    Most of Smiths opponents were French or French-speaking, including the philosopher Etienne Bonnot de Condillac and the Baron de Montesquieu.


  • ·兰德最喜爱的本书是《小王子》,作者是东尼··圣-埃苏佩里:这本著名法国儿童读物可是这位著名的咨询专栏作家最爱

    Ann Landers, The Little Prince by Antoine De Saint-Exupery: The famous advice columnist recommends this French children's book as a great read.


  • ·兰德最喜爱的本书是《小王子》,作者是东尼··圣-埃苏佩里:这本著名法国儿童读物可是这位著名的咨询专栏作家最爱

    Ann Landers, The Little Prince by Antoine De Saint-Exupery: The famous advice columnist recommends this French children's book as a great read.


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