• 几乎我们都会停下来死去孩子朋友说说话些能安慰朋友话说

    Nearly all of us would stop to talk to a friend whose child has just died, and we'd find words which comfort our friend.


  • 如果一个朋友得了难以治愈疾病亲人或者好友多数情况下隐瞒病情安慰朋友康复机会非常好的

    If a friend falls into incurable illness, his friends of relatives, in most cases, will conceal the truth and comfort him that the chance of recovery is good.


  • 受害人遗孀今天受到亲属朋友安慰

    The victim's widow was today being comforted by family and friends.


  • 私人层面上朋友可能感到不安需要安慰

    On a more personal level, a friend may be upset and need comforting.


  • 成了费雯丽忠实朋友安慰

    He became Vivien Leigh's devoted friend and comforter.


  • 斯福总统立即回信说:“亲爱的朋友,谢谢你写信安慰我。”

    President Roosevelt wrote back at once, saying, "Dear friend, thank you for your letter to comfort me."


  • 今晚不能一起看电影因为必须安慰极度悲伤的朋友

    I can't go to the cinema with you tonight because I have to comfort my friend in grief.


  • 告诉这件事情因为消除本能并没有没有造成朋友心情不好的疑虑而感到自我安慰

    The man who told me this was himself comforted to be reassured that his instincts hadn’t been wrong and he hadn’t let his friend down.


  • 那时深为感动:“求助家人朋友都不避不躲挺身而出,这多让人安慰的事。”

    It was so comforting to know that if you're willing to ask for help, the generosity of family and friends can be phenomenal.


  • 女性倾向于通过聆听轻柔回应来赢得和加强朋友关系,表现出支持和提供安慰

    Women tend to value and bond with their friends for listening and responding non-critically, showing support and offering comfort.


  • 经常的情况是,感觉不舒服时,你不想马上承认一点,而是安慰朋友你会好的

    Often, when you feel unwell, you don't want to admit it right away. You reassure your friends that you will be fine.


  • 女人失去母亲姐妹其他亲密之人时,自然而然朋友寻求安慰

    It's also natural for women to turn to the comfort of friends when they grow older and lose their mothers, sisters and significant others.


  • 朋友绝不冷漠,而是关心他们哪怕只是一句安慰的话

    I will not be cold and indifferent to my poor friends, and I will show concern for them, even if it is only a comforting word.


  • 还会身边安慰你说:那个从未全心对你好? 当你心觉孤独时,你忽视了几个月的朋友愿意你倾诉吗?

    Who is going to be there to tell you, "That guy was never good enough for you." Will the friends you have neglected for several months want to hear from you now that you are alone again?


  • 可以帮助一个生病朋友安慰采取积极的措施出租车尽快把他送到医院。

    You can help an ill friend by reassuring them and taking positive steps like calling a taxi and taking them to hospital as quickly as possible: I'll get a taxi.


  • 3年前另外一个婚礼上朋友寻求安慰

    Then three years ago,at another wedding,I turned to a friend for comfort.


  • 住在两千英里以外的朋友打电话安慰

    My best friend lives 2000 miles away and called to comfort me.


  • 我家祖屋位于斯里兰卡西南海岸Hikkaduwa,而房子后面大海就是朋友,是她听我讲话,给我带来安慰,同时她也令着迷。

    The sea behind our ancestral house at Hikkaduwa on the southwestern coast of Sri Lanka was my friend.


  • 但是阿龙还可以唯一的朋友那里得到些许安慰。从记事只狗一直陪在身边了。

    But a long apparently finds comfort in his best friend, Lao Hei - the dog that has been with him for as long as he can remember.


  • 以色列日益孤立地位担心害怕的朋友可不会因为这些做法而安慰

    All that will be of little comfort for friends of Israel who fear and deplore its increasing isolation.


  • 痛苦打击下温斯顿来到苏格兰朋友家中以求得安慰绘画来解脱自己

    Battered by grief, Winston took refuge at the home of friends in Scotland, finding comfort in his painting.


  • 重点在于时间花在朋友一起庆祝各自成功而不是安慰彼此的缺陷

    The point here is to spend time with your friends celebrating each other's successes instead of commiserating over flaws.


  • 这种安慰的心灵;不同环境见到房子不再在一个陌生地方遇见了朋友那么令人感到惊讶了

    This dream recognition comforts me; seeing the house again in different surroundings is no more surprising than encountering an old friend by chance in a strange place.


  • 朋友不仅仅治疗师或者安慰即使有时朋友能够治愈我们的伤口我们从上帝而来宽恕

    A friend is more than a therapist or confessor, even though a friend can sometimes heal us and offer us God's forgiveness.


  • 男子告诉这件事,自己得到了安慰确信自己的直觉没有没有朋友难过

    The man who told me this was himself comforted to be reassured that his instincts hadn't been wrong and he hadn't let his friend down.


  • 罗宾·布莱顿是伯廷小姐闺蜜,她说担心朋友次伤心,她怕这个失去妻子的男人只是想要安慰不是出自真心

    Robin Bratone, Ms. Bertine's maid of honor, said she worried that her friend's heart could be broken by a new widower looking for a shoulder, but not a commitment.


  • 某种程度上,‘朋友朋友安慰者,分享者。

    To some extent, being a 'girlfriend' is like being a friend, a consoler, a sharer.


  • 某种程度上,‘朋友朋友安慰者,分享者。

    To some extent, being a 'girlfriend' is like being a friend, a consoler, a sharer.


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