• 突出了安全文化建设基本载体提出强化安全文化管理观念具体措施

    To highlight human is the basic vector of the safety culture, the concrete measures for enhancing safety culture management concepts were put forward.


  • 介绍襄樊北机务段安全文化管理子系统要实现功能及其系统子模块设计系统的数据库设计思想安全设计进行了特别阐述

    This paper introduced function and sub-module design of the security culture management subsystem in Xiangbei Locomotive Depot, specially elaborated the system database design and secure design.


  • 管理安全文化以及其他工作人员态度造成不同他们选择如何运行

    And the safety culture of the management and the attitude of the workers made the difference, how they chose to operate.


  • 企业安全文化企业安全管理治本之策

    Enterprise safety culture is the root of enterprise safety management.


  • 实施风险预控管理建立企业安全文化有效途径之一。

    The implementation of risk management system is an effective way to establish safety culture in corporation.


  • 结果表明提高组织安全文化水平主要提高安全行为组织内受重视程度加强组织管理两个途径入手。

    The result shows that the main approaches to improve the level of enterprises' safety culture are to put a more emphasis on safe act and strengthen their safety management.


  • 介绍了企业安全文化概念探讨了企业安全文化企业安全管理中的重要地位提出了企业安全文化层次结构模型

    The concept of safety culture is introduced, the important position of safety culture in enterprises is discussed and the structure model of safety culture is put forward.


  • 软件建设包括安全理念管理制度安全管理体系安全文化员工素质形成提高

    The "software" administration involves the formation and rising of safety concept, managing regulations, safety administration system, safety culture and stuff quality.


  • 分析民用航空安全文化建设安全管理关系凸显安全文化建设重要性

    Analyzing the relation between civil aviation safety cultural construction and safety management, and protruding to show the importance of safety cultural construction.


  • 持续改进企业安全管理绩效安全文化关键指标进行研究量化处理,以期对建立我国企业安全文化评价体系有建设性作用。

    To improve the performance of enterprises' safety management and establish the evaluation system of enterprises' safety culture, key indices used to measure safety culture were studied and quantified.


  • 企业安全文化企业安全管理工作灵魂建立安全保障长效机制中具有重要地位

    Safety culture is the soul of safety management which plays an important role in ensuring the safety.


  • 道路交通安全文化建设提升当代道路交通安全管理水平途径

    Road traffic safety culture construction is a new way to improve contemporary traffic management levels.


  • 着重提高企业决策层管理操作层安全文化素质观点,论述探讨企业安全生产文化建设主要方法途径

    The major methods and way of enterprise safety culture construction are discussed from improving the safety cultural quality at the levels of decision - makers, managers and operators.


  • 钻井作业安全管理,更加强和发挥企业安全文化作用达到在钻井作业中杜绝安全事故发生的目标。

    The function of enterprise safety culture should be intensify in drilling safety administration in order to preclude safety accidents.


  • 并结合实际工作论述了树立人性化管理理念,营造浓厚安全文化氛围提高安全生产水平发挥积极作用

    Combining practical work describes setting up the idea of human management and making thick atmosphere of safety culture play active role in improving the level of safety production.


  • 文章安全文化功能管理建设等方面安全文化进行详细概述

    The article made a detailed introduction on safety culture from several aspects, such as its function, administration and construction.


  • 分析安全文化企业文化安全文化安全教育安全文化其它安全管理方法关系

    Also analyzed are relation of safety culture and enterprise, safety culture and safety education, and safety culture and other safety managements.


  • 航运企业安全文化企业管理模式管理理念企业文化结晶船舶航行安全保障

    Shipping enterprise's safety culture is a crystallization of the management mode, management idea and culture of enterprise and the assurance of ship navigation safety.


  • 班组安全管理处在油田安全生产最前沿探索搞好班组安全文化建设途径非常重要油田搞好安全生产的核心工程

    Security management team is at the forefront of oilfield safety, so exploring ways to improve safety culture team is very important, and it is the core project of oil production safety.


  • 企业安全文化内涵意义企业安全管理中的作用日趋突出

    The connotation and significance of enterprise safety culture and its function in enterprise safety administration are becoming more and more important.


  • 煤矿企业安全文化是煤矿安全管理重要内容

    Safety culture in coal mining enterprises constitutes a significant part of safety management in coal mining.


  • 建设安全文化体系提高安全管理水平煤矿企业及其相关管理部门重要任务

    Therefore, setting up security cultural system, promoting security supervision is the most important task for mining companies and the related administration.


  • 不仅得到管理大力支持,一线员工积极参与,就提高工厂安全文化表达自己观点

    It won unreserved support from the management and the enthusiatic participation of employees, who expressed their various views on how to improve the safety of the plant.


  • 无线资源管理培训可以通过影响态度全体员工的行为以便从根本上改善一个组织经营文化安全文化变革催化剂

    RRM training can be a catalyst for cultural change by influencing the attitudes and behaviours of all employees so as to fundamentally improve an organisation's operating culture and safety.


  • 认为安全文化建设必须不断安全管理渗透,向安全管理每个环节每个角落渗透才是安全文化建设的本质

    It holds that the building of safety culture should constantly filter into safety management and each links and corners of safety management, which is the nature of safety culture.


  • 新疆责任事故发生较多今后放射源安全管理重点内容应该培植安全文化素养

    There were relatively more responsible accidents in Xinjiang, and the future key points of management of radioactive sources should be focused on building up the safety awareness.


  • 安全文化建设病人安全管理具有至关重要的作用。

    Constructing safety culture has great significance in patient safety management.


  • 电力企业安全文化建设必须安全管理从事本管理人本管理转变。

    Corporate culture construction for electrical enterprise must aim to transform safety management from affair-oriented to people-oriented.


  • 电力企业安全文化建设必须安全管理从事本管理人本管理转变。

    Corporate culture construction for electrical enterprise must aim to transform safety management from affair-oriented to people-oriented.


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