• 安全庇护武装分子提供无限的机会招募新兵。

    Safe havens have also afforded the militants endless opportunities to find new recruits.


  • 煤炭该项目的目的濒临灭绝的本地生物建立一个安全庇护之地。

    The aim of the project on Coal Island is to create a safe haven for endangered native species.


  • 反叛势力东部城市马市挺进,导致周边乡镇成千上万平民城里寻求安全庇护口粮。

    With a rebel advance on the eastern city of Goma, tens of thousands of civilians have fled the surrounding countryside into the city seeking safety, food and shelter.


  • 海啸的时候,尽量用小腿迈着最快的步伐奔跑周围是为寻求安全庇护而奔跑的人群。

    With the tsunami coming, she ran as fast as her short legs could carry her, surrounded by others sprinting for safety.


  • 尽管照片拍摄时候得到安全庇护看到四米长的尼罗河大鳄鱼摄人心魄、杀气腾腾的双眼还是不免心头凉。

    Although this shot was taken from a safe hide, it was chilling to see the frightening, killing eyes of this four-metre-long Nile crocodile.


  • 联合国难民署报告说几千名刚果难民过去几天乌干达卢旺达寻求安全庇护地点,躲避日益升级战斗

    The UN refugee agency reports thousands of Congolese refugees have fled to Uganda and Rwanda in the past few days seeking safety from escalating fighting in North Kivu province.


  • 我们这样的正派人,哪儿才能一个安全庇护呢?

    Where shall we find a safe place for gentlemen like ourselves?


  • 索马里的不安全状况日益严重,逃避冲突人民开始前往肯尼亚寻求庇护

    Insecurity in Somalia is escalating and people fleeing the conflict are seeking refuge in Kenya.


  • 安特卫普是活跃国际贸易港口一度是廷代尔安全庇护所,但这里也是落入陷阱之地

    The port of Antwerp, a power-house of international trade, served for a time as Tyndale's safest refuge-but it was also the place where he met his downfall.


  • 由于担心自己的安全来到首都哈拉雷荷兰大使馆避难随后大约300名他支持者进入南非大使馆寻求庇护

    Fearing for his own safety, he took refuge in the Dutch embassy in Harare, the capital; some 300 of his supporters later did the same at South Africa's embassy.


  • 此外如果他们带到别的国家被判无罪,据称他们有权利申请庇护——基于他们祖国并不安全一理由

    Moreover, if they are brought to a country and found not guilty, they are said to have a right to seek asylum-on the grounds that their home country is an unsafe place to be.


  • 实际上我们庇护我们感到安全

    Indeed, home is the shelter where we can have a safety.


  • 它们也是有着双职工父母青少年放学后安全遍布计算机庇护一些分馆比如rockaways分馆甚至还有录音棚

    They're safe after-school havens for teenagers of working parents, with rooms set aside that are stocked with computers and, at a few branches, like the Rockaways, even with recording studios.


  • 州立大学设计研究生庇护创建概念方案阿富汗战斗美国士兵提供住所,给他们一种安全

    Graduate design students at Iowa State University have created conceptual schemes for shelters that would house us soldiers fighting in Afghanistan and help give them a sense of safety.


  • 朗·赫利认为安全庇护顶部侧面都金属制造汽车或者是一结实的房子

    Ron Holle says the best shelter is a car with metal top and sides or a typical house.


  • :是不是因为敏感所以需要某种庇护,某种安全,但是遍寻获,所以就这个丑陋世界满怀恐惧?

    Krishnamurti: is it that being sensitive you need a certain shelter, a certain security, and not being able to find it, you are frightened of the ugly world?


  • 游艇主人,赫特人巴,对这次救援非常满意,塔图因为荣耀提供了安全庇护所。

    The yacht's owner , Jabba the Hutt, was most pleased by the rescue, and offered a safe haven for the Honor on Tatooine.


  • 美国很多主人家附近安全的小狗屋里,这些他们提供庇护

    Many dogs in the United States sleep in safe little houses near their owners' home. These doghouses provide shelter.


  • 当地动物慈善机构允许进入拆迁现场确保正在推倒各种工业庇护安全

    A local animal charity has been allowed access to the site to ensure the safety of the cats that have taken refuge in the various industrial buildings that are being bulldozed.


  • 日本危机导致许多日本人和居住日本的美国人逃往美国,投靠亲人朋友寻求安全庇护所。

    The nuclear crisis in Japan are causing many Japanese and Americans living there to seek a safe haven with their family and friends in the U. S.


  • 安全角度来讲建筑人类安全一道防线人类庇护也是人类赖以生存基本空间

    Considered from safe Angle, architecture is the first defense line of human safety, the human shelter and also the basic space of mankind survival.


  • 我会损害心境平静自身他人道德人身安全的前提下,尽量你们庇护流浪者的身世个明白。

    I will tell you as much of the history of the wanderer you have harboured, as I can tell without compromising my own peace of mind — my own security, moral and physical, and that of others.


  • 所房子虽然阴暗压抑,却曾是他们惟一安全庇护现在克利已经开心友好多,甚至几分像了。

    Gloomy and oppressive though the house was, it had been their one safe refuge: even, now that Kreacher was so much happier and friendlier, a kind of home.


  • 无论如何,我们学习天天仰赖耶和华,因为就是我们庇护所,当中我们能找到真正的安全

    But we all need to learn to depend daily on the Lord and find a high point of safety in the safe room of His name.


  • 家禽兔子其它可能遭到袭击的动物提供安全庇护

    Provide secure shelter shelter for poultry , rabbits and other animals that could be attacked .


  • 家禽兔子其它可能遭到袭击的动物提供安全庇护

    Provide secure shelter shelter for poultry , rabbits and other animals that could be attacked .


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