• 安全口画廊致力展出革新自我大胆富有挑战性作品;媒体不区,只要是寻求超越种族规范界限作品

    Gallery EXIT was established in 2008 with a purpose to exhibit progressive and ambitious works in all media that seek to go beyond the boundaries of nationality and discipline.


  • A型(甲型)E肝炎(戊型肝炎)主要通过-途径传播缺乏安全水源卫生设施有关

    Hepatitis A and E are also transmitted by the fecal-oral route, in association with lack of access to safe water and sanitation.


  • 想想这些批评怎么来的:通常情况下,批评是因为人们安全

    Take a breath and consider where they're coming from: Often criticisms come from people's own insecurities.


  • 安全看着,”他用一近乎流利英语,“那时,我和女友非常火热,我没有意识到后果的严重。”

    I saw her at the exit, he said in nearly fluent English. "at that moment, I'm very excited for her."


  • 不过即便如此,通过理想主义注入一些现实主义的成分,巴马就可以创造更加安全世界方面,做出较之单纯的“禁止核武器更多的贡献。

    Still, by infusing his idealism with a dose of realism Mr Obama can do more to create a safer world than simpleBan the bombslogans ever could.


  • 伴随着巨大烟云,拉贡火山直径英里火山里,熔岩在像一里一样上下翻滚。这座位于刚果境内的活火山威胁着两百万人民的生命财产安全

    Exhaling clouds of gas, a cauldron of lava boils in the mile-wide crater of Nyiragongo, an active volcano in the Congo that threatens two million people.


  • 研究作者们发出警告持续不断下沉这座有2千万人的城市带来安全威胁其中的一项预测是“会火车运行造成严重影响”。

    Thee authors of the study warn that continued subsidence poses a safety threat to the city of more than 2o million, with "a strong impact on train operations" one of the predictions.


  • 世界河流人类活动严重影响接近50亿饮水安全,还有成千上万的水生物种生存受到威胁

    The world's rivers are so badly affected by human activity that the water security of almost 5 billion people, and the survival of thousands of aquatic species, are threatened, scientists warned .


  • 仅有1100万地方,存在一支35万人的印度安全部队一些说法这个数字更高。) 随时待命以抑制这些武装分子限度内活动

    The presence of a 350, 000-strong Indian security force (some say the number is much higher), amid a population of just 11m, has also kept the armed militants at bay.


  • 他们生活水平提高,他们的城市安全并且他们能够养活自己对于个拥有14亿国家也是一种成就

    Their standard of living is rising, their cities are safe, and they are able to feed themselves, which is an achievement in itself when there are 1.4 billion people in the country.


  • 说完,朋友终于相信网络安全工程师了,给了一个大大的

    In one breath, I finally believe that my friend is a network security engineer, and gave me a big praise.


  • 结论上颌自然行上颌窦穿刺安全简便有效的一种诊治方法。

    Conclusion Inserting the nasal probe into maxillary sinus ostium through maxillary sinus natural ostium is safe, simple and effective.


  • 通过评价道路交叉找出交叉运行存在主要问题,保证行车安全提高交叉的通行能力

    Through the evaluation of the road junction, to find the intersection in the operation of the main problems, and ensure traffic safety and enhance the capacity of the intersection.


  • 安全疏散通道楼梯应当设置符合标准的灯光疏散指示标志。

    Safety exits, evacuation routes and stairways shall be provided with light evacuation signs.


  • 如果超过3小时航班必须返回登机或者那些希望离开飞机乘客提供安全方式

    If exceed 3 hours, the airliner must be returned board the plane mouth, perhaps leave what the passenger of the plane provides security to leave chance way to those hopes.


  • 救援地面喷井相距一个安全距离处所的一定向井。

    The relief well is a directional well drilled at a safe distance on the surface from the wild well.


  • 安全出门安全在心,出门放心

    Safe in the mouth, go out without worry; safe in the heart, go out at ease.


  • 为了安全起见我们取样点设以便于安全,取样还要加护

    For safety we should use dual valves to aid safe pressure reduction, and cap the sample outlets.


  • 交通灯绿灯亮时表示已经避让正在通过十字车辆行人并确认安全行车,可以在十字路直行转右。

    A green light means you may turn left, go straight or turn right after yielding to vehicles and pedestrians already in the intersection.


  • 绿茶含片遗传毒性,食用安全

    GTBT possessed a high safety and had no genetic toxicity.


  • 闸门岩体完全封堵情况下,为确保后期刷帮衬砌安全,采用锚杆结合对闸门进行

    In the case that the pilot bore of the lock gate shaft was fully blocked by the rock mass, anchors have been combined with concrete to ensure the safety of subsequent side clearing and lining.


  • 目的比较研究秦(OXP)肠溶阿司匹林(asp)治疗牙科手术后疼痛(pdsp)疗效安全

    Objective to evaluate the efficacy and safety of oxaprozin (OXP) and aspirin (asp) in the treatment of patients with postoperative dental surgery pain (PDSP).


  • 结论入路切除旁间隙肿瘤安全有效入路,少部分病例可选择经入路。

    Conclusion it is considered that cervical approach is safe and efficacious for extirpation of parapharyngeal space neoplasms, while oral approach is effective for minority.


  • 城市灯控平面交叉混合交通安全效率核心研究对象应该自行车机动车交通流相互影响

    The key research object of safety and efficiency of the mixed traffic flow should be the interaction influence between the bicycle flow and motor vehicles'.


  • 结论应用复方黄连素片剂融入复方炉甘石洗剂外用治疗手足安全可靠

    Conclusion Berberine tablet blending in calamine lotion application is safe and effective on patients with HFMD with infection.


  • 因此研究公路平面交叉安全诊断改善技术对于提高整个公路系统的交通安全降低交通事故率死亡率具有重要的意义。

    So the study of highway intersection safety diagnosis and improvement method is very important to low death and injuries, as well as improving the whole highway system traffic safety.


  • 因此研究公路平面交叉安全诊断改善技术对于提高整个公路系统的交通安全降低交通事故率死亡率具有重要的意义。

    So the study of highway intersection safety diagnosis and improvement method is very important to low death and injuries, as well as improving the whole highway system traffic safety.


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