• 对于暗物质宇宙微波背景辐射不管冷热

    For dark matter, the cosmic microwave background doesn't care whether you're hot or cold.


  • 批评工作几组认为宇宙微波背景辐射不是这样的。

    But the groups who are critical of his work say that this is not what the cosmic microwave background is like.


  • 基于宇宙微波背景辐射物理学公理联合推论

    This is an combined inference derived from Axiom of Physics and observation of CMBR.


  • 宇宙微波背景辐射(CMB)爆炸理论提供了有力线索。

    The cosmic microwave background - called the CMB for short - also provides evidence to back up the Big Bang theory.


  • 介绍有关宇宙微波背景辐射CBR观测理论研究最新进展

    The recent progress on observation and theory of the cosmic microwave background radiation(CBR) is presented in this paper.


  • 然而宇宙微波背景辐射温度测量显示宇宙结构也许某种系统规律

    However, measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation temperature suggest that its structure may have some systematic order.


  • 黑体宇宙微波背景辐射向性研究宇宙起源观点有许多想通之处。

    His work in black body form and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation CEMENTED our understanding of the origin of the universe.


  • 卡什林斯基和同事们研究星系团气体宇宙微波背景辐射之间相互作用首次注意黑暗的。

    Kashlinsky and colleagues first noticed the dark flow when studying the way gas in galaxy clusters interacts with the cosmic microwave background radiation.


  • 这个授予宇宙微波背景辐射黑体各向异性发现强有力地支持爆炸宇宙

    It was awarded for the discovery of the blackbody spectrum and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation which strongly supports the big bang theory of cosmology.


  • 这个授予宇宙微波背景辐射黑体各向异性发现强有力支持爆炸宇宙

    It was awarded for the discovery of the blackbody spectrum and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation, which strongly supports the big bang theory of cosmology.


  • 南极望远镜2007年开始工作的作用观察宇宙微波背景辐射宇宙爆炸余辉”。

    The South Pole Telescope, which began scientific observations in 2007, surveys the sky for cosmic microwave background radiation, the "afterglow" of the Big Bang.


  • 描绘宇宙微波背景辐射困难的,因为银河系本身这些波长发射很多,使得背景辐射难以分离出来

    Mapping the cosmic microwave background is hard because the Milky Way itself shines quite brightly at these wavelengths, making the background hard to discern.


  • 但WMAP却没能够发现这些高能量光子所以宇宙微波背景辐射上那些星系周围有些光子的亏损

    WMAP cannot detect these higher energy photons, so there should be a deficit of CMB photons around clusters.


  • 阿尔诺·彭齐亚斯罗伯特·威尔逊1965年发现了宇宙微波背景辐射使得爆炸理论科学界获得了广泛支持

    The theory of the big bang gained widespread support in the scientific community after Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered cosmic microwave background radiation in 1965.


  • 宇宙微波背景辐射通过星系团时,气体其中光线散射开来,方式类似地球大气层散射星光而使一些星星貌似闪烁

    These gases scatter light from the cosmic microwave background radiation as it passes through the clusters, similar to the way Earth's atmosphere can scatter starlight, making some stars twinkle.


  • 进展多半来自爆炸“余辉”——也就是为人所熟知,名为“宇宙微波背景辐射”(CMB)辐射能——研究

    Much of the progress has come through studies of the afterglow of the big bang, radiation known as the cosmic microwave background (CMB).


  • 宇宙微波背景辐射很多热点“冷点”,没有稳定水平,从表面看,应该出现这样的情况的。

    The CMB radiation has many hot and cold spots in it, but none above a certain size. On the face of it, there is no reason why this should be so.


  • 欧洲航天局最近开始投运普朗克空间望远镜,在能画出更为灵敏宇宙微波背景辐射的天体就可能解决这个问题

    The European Space Agency's recently launched Planck space telescope might settle the issue when it makes the most sensitive maps yet of the CMB.


  • 彭罗斯博士还预测了另一种均匀形态存在---这就是宇宙”, “宇宙微波背景辐射“大圈”中略显均与性。

    Dr Penrose, though, predicts another form of irregularitygreat circles in the sky where the microwave background is slightly more uniform than it should be.


  • 威尔逊彭齐亚斯捕捉人造卫星反弹回来无线电波天线时不经意发现宇宙微波背景辐射这正是宇宙爆炸物理性证据

    And Wilson and Penzias discovered the cosmic microwave background radiation, physical evidence for the Big Bang, while fiddling with an antenna designed to catch radio waves bouncing off satellites.


  • 研究宇宙微波背景辐射-就是爆炸以后残留下来辐射-科学家说,他们已经发现一些发生在离这里二十几亿光年以外的奇怪的事情。

    Scientists studying the cosmic microwave background - that's the radiation leftover from the Big Bang - say they've detected something strange happening couple of billion light years from here.


  • 威尔金森微波各向异性探测器(WMAP)得来的数据显示出,细微温度变化是在宇宙微波背景辐射移动通过银河星系团气体时产生的。

    Data from the Wilkinson microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) can show the minute temperature changes created as the cosmic microwave background radiation moves through gases in galaxy clusters.


  • 一个号角宇宙也许会令人感到很惊奇不过能够解释一些令人费解宇宙微波背景辐射的数据——这是爆炸残留宇宙辐射

    A universe shaped like a Bugle may sound odd, but it could help explain some puzzling observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation: the relic radiation left over from the big bang.


  • 经过9天际扫描威尔金森各向异性微波探头(WMAP)航天任务得出宇宙微波背景辐射(及宇宙早期“光线”)的观测结论。

    After nine years of scanning the sky, the Wilkinson microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) space mission has concluded its observations of the cosmic microwave background, the oldest light in the universe.


  • 通常来说宇宙微波背景辐射粒子发生移(它们光谱的蓝移动),但进入星系团之后又发生了红移。两个效果相互抵消

    Normally a CMB photon is first blueshifted (its peak shifts towards the blue end of the spectrum) when it enters the supercluster and then redshifted as it leaves, so that the two effects cancel.


  • WMAP设计用来对宇宙微波背景辐射微小温度差进行详细观测,该差别首次1992年NASA宇宙背景探测器观测到(COBE)。

    WMAP was designed to provide a more detailed look at subtle temperature differences in the cosmic microwave background that were first detected in 1992 by NASA's cosmic background Explorer (COBE).


  • UHECRs往往宇宙微波背景中的光子相撞,这种辐射早期宇宙遗迹,无处不在

    UHECRs tend to collide with photons of the cosmic microwave backgroundpervasive radiation that is a relic of the early universe.


  • 研究人员如果存在着多重宇宙它们可能会相互碰撞宇宙微波背景辐射留下痕迹

    If multiple universes exist, they may collide with each other and leave behind signs in the cosmic microwave background radiation, researchers say.


  • 研究人员如果两个宇宙已经相撞过宇宙微波背景辐射留下圆形图案

    If two universes had collided, the researchers say, it would have left a circular pattern behind in the cosmic microwave background.


  • 研究人员如果两个宇宙已经相撞过宇宙微波背景辐射留下圆形图案

    If two universes had collided, the researchers say, it would have left a circular pattern behind in the cosmic microwave background.


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