• 一个很简单问题通过观察重量多少以及下降了多确定多少

    It's a trivial matter, by looking at what is the weight and how far does it drop, to say OK, how much work is done by the paddlewheel.


  • 只要能够旋转照片,我可以好好观察然后做出合理的结论

    If only I could spin the photo around, then I could get a good look at it and make a sound judgement.


  • 如果我们一月份观察颗恒星——那时地球轨道上的——位置似乎会与个月出现的位置不同

    If we look at a star in Januarywhen Earth is at one point in its orbitit will seem to be in a different position from where it appears six months later.


  • 这本书有点野心勃勃的书名生命书》,试图表明一个善于观察通过遇到的一切事物进行准确系统考察可以学到多少东西。

    Its somewhat ambitious title was "The Book of Life" and it attempted to show how much an observant man might learn by an accurate and systematic examination of all that came in his way.


  • 这些观察结果透露SN 1979c出生后31年里没有暗淡下去可以想象如果说任何不同,都比不上一个真正黑洞那样激动人心。

    Those observations have revealed that SN 1979c has not dimmed in the 31 years since its birth, as would be expected if this was anything less than a genuine black hole.


  • 这个也可以一个工程生成后,附上的代码写到一个“生成后事件”去,让自动安装,安装后,为了使用,你得添加一个session对象那个观察窗口中并且点击那个放大镜图标.

    After installing, in order to use it, add the Session object in the Watch window, and click the magnifier icon.


  • 所有属性甚至是基础比如扩展期限都是一个观察指出的,真实想象

    All of its attributes, even the most fundamental ones like extension and duration, are attributes as noted by an observer, real or imagined.


  • 作为使用结对编程开发者自己的经验这样的,并非只是编码一个观察技术

    My own experience as a developer using pair programming is that it isn't just a technique where one person programs and the other person watches.


  • 这种NLP技巧甚至能治疗恐惧症因为能让作为一个观察观看这种恐怖的情景并且公正评价

    This NLP technique even cures phobias because it lets the person see the situation as an observer and that allows him/her to objectively assess it.


  • 完全是虚构出来所以不要尝试过度分析,只是观察一个分析负责的分离操作即可。

    It's entirely made up, so please don't try to overanalyze it, but instead observe the separation of duties at each analysis layer.


  • 作为读者快速浏览页面的每一个所以我们很少看到一个树,准确完整地,观察树叶,质感,颜色形状

    Just as a reader skims quickly over the individual words on page, so we scarcely see a tree exactly and completely with regard to its leaves, branches, color, shape.


  • 如果一个物体通过眼镜观察物体(或地方)的基本信息分层呈现

    If you pick up an object while peering through these spectacles, the object's (or place's) essential information will appear in overlay text.


  • 读书增强了我们分析能力鼓励我们观察,将注意力集中书本一个脚注。

    Book reading strengthened our analytical skills, encouraging us to pursue an observation all the way down to the footnote.


  • 不仅仅因为庞大会员数,一些观察开始将脸书作为一个国家来评论。

    Not least because of its gigantic population, some observers have started to talk of Facebook in terms of a country.


  • 其中一个就是因为给了观察他人隐秘独特一面机会,或许是这个世上再没其他人看到的东西。

    One of them is because it gives you a chance to see a private, special side to another person that few other people in the world may ever get to see.


  • 有史以来,人类第一观察到了黑洞诞生生成自一颗约是太阳质量20恒星超新星爆炸中。

    For the first time ever, a black hole has been seen being born out of a supernova of a star perhaps 20 times the mass of our sun.


  • 希望能为美国有线电视观众观察这个世界上人口最多的国家提供一个新的视角

    It hopes to offer American cable TV viewers a new perspective on the world's most populous country.


  • 一旦天文学家知道一个太阳系外行星大小位置了解的足够精确的话,他们可以求助于气候模型师他们可以创造虚拟大气并且观察如何运转的。

    Once astronomers know an exoplanet's size and location with reasonable accuracy, they can turn it over to climate modelers who can create a virtual atmosphere and see how it might behave.


  • 深入观察云时,您会发现实际上不是单独服务而是一个服务集合如图3所示。

    As you peer inside the cloud, you find that it's actually not just a single service but a collection of services, as shown in Figure 3.


  • 2008年望远镜发射升空不久我们第一次启动时候,新近观察伽马射线天空中发现一个出乎意料的明亮物体

    Shortly after launch in 2008, when we first turned on the telescope, we noticed an unexpected bright object in the newly observed gamma-ray sky.


  • 一个主要特点动态表示网页显示内容观察对象的角度参数不同而有所不同。

    One of its main features is dynamic presentation: Content displayed on a Web page will change depending on how objects are profiled and on different parameters.


  • 银河系外面可能存在着一个隐藏星系,科学家近期加州拉孙火山观察局部

    A hidden galaxy may be just beyond the Milky Way, part of which is shown over California's Mount Lassen.


  • 最近新的天文站建成了,叫做钱德拉x射线观察

    A very new observatory was launched only recently, and that is called the Chandra X-ray observatory.


  • 作为一个被动的方法,实施依赖观察对象能力意愿,很多疾病通常会遇到的问题。

    And as a passive measurement it does not rely on a subject's ability or willingness to perform a task, a common current gauge for different disabilities.


  • 一个观察对象接收到了状态更改通知(箭头所指的方向),然后,观察者本身作为观察目标,然后决定在下一步通知哪些自身的观察

    As notification of state changes are received at an observer (at the arrowhead), the observer, acting as an observable, can decide which of its own observers it will notify further.


  • 所以观察使用家用机器人生活,得到的发现就是:在完全信任之前,你首先花大量的时间,观察它的一举一动

    So the first observation of life with a domestic robot is that you will keep watching it before you trust it completely.


  • 看起来所希望的这个报告更仔细观察可以揭示出矛盾事实正在缩减的劳动力人口一个趋势

    Desirable as it seems, a closer look at the report revealed contradictory facts and a trend toward a shrinking labor population.


  • 看起来所希望的这个报告更仔细观察可以揭示出矛盾事实正在缩减的劳动力人口一个趋势

    Desirable as it seems, a closer look at the report revealed contradictory facts and a trend toward a shrinking labor population.


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