• 不管你相信与否正在发生

    Believe it or not, it's happening.


  • 现在心里播放一事件正在发生一样

    Now try to see in your mind the same event like it was happening to you now.


  • 香槟下一步更大整合,就我们谈论之际正在发生

    Greater integration is the next step in Champagne, and it's happening as we speak.


  • 没有打算推荐给大家这样。“Swan,”但是怀疑正在发生

    "I'm not going to recommend that people do it yet," says Swan, "but I suspect it's happening."


  • 忽然意识身体危机就是这个世界的危机,不是将要发生它正在发生

    I suddenly understood that the crisis in my body was the crisis in the world, and it wasn't happening later, it was happening now.


  • 现在可以辩论全球变暖或者我们怎么做,但是已经不能否认正在发生的事实了。物理学中的温室效应是有道理的

    You can debate how bad global warming will be or what to do about it, but it's hard to deny it's happening anymore. The physics of greenhouse gases trapping heat are clear.


  • 已经底特律迁移到了硅谷在那里,自动驾驶汽车正在发生机。

    It has migrated from Detroit to Silicon Valley, where self-driving vehicles are coming into life.


  • 两个世界的合一趋势或许不易发现,因为正在同时发生众多领域通常难以理解到底怎么回事。

    This convergence may not be instantly discernible, because it is happening in many places at once and is often not understood for what it is.


  • 这份报告表明气候变化正在发生就在我们自己的后院而且影响着人们关心一些东西,”

    "This report demonstrates that climate change is happening now, in our own backyard, and it affects the things that people care about," she said.


  • 当然希望如此并且相信我们正在见证发生

    I certainly hope so, and believe that we are seeing it already.


  • 美国正在成为拉美裔国家而且发生任何人预期要快得

    The United States is becoming an Hispanic country. And it's happening much faster than anyone expected.


  • 我们提前一步明白宇宙正在发生事情

    It takes our understanding of things that are happening in the cosmos one step further.


  • 也许解释正在发生简单地方法人类力量正在剧变跳跃而增加现在真实定位也在拼命地赶上。

    Perhaps the simplest way I can explain what's happening is that humanity's Power has been increasing by leaps and bounds, and now its alignment with Truth and Love desperately need to catch up.


  • 不是一些正在发生的事情,一种已经出现的力量。

    It is not you. It is merely something happening, an energy that has risen.


  • 对这并不感到吃惊但是明显财政紧缩尽管卢森堡正在发生什么欧洲看来代表着整个世界动向。

    Hi, well, I am not surprised. But obviously austerity, notwithstanding what's going on in Luxembourg, austerity very much the way of the world as far as Europe is concerned.


  • 如果正在使用另一个线程尝试获取,这时发生争用

    Lock contention occurs when a lock is currently in use and another thread attempts to acquire it by another thread.


  • 显示固定动画表明有些事情正在发生但是不表明完成的百分比。

    It shows constant animation to indicate something is going on, but it doesn't indicate what percentage has completed.


  • 这个小组正在研究有趣的对比选择包含腺苷三磷酸合成酶(atp)自然发生F1F0发动机。

    An interesting choice being investigated by the team is a membrane that contains the naturally occurring F1 and F0 motors of the ATP-Synthase.


  • 工具可以显示堆正在发生变化,从而 更加容易确定模式 甚至可以为指出某些模式并且给出调整建议

    The tooling can visualize what's going on in the heap, making it easier to spot patterns, and it can even point out some patterns for you and make tuning recommendations.


  • 这份报告表明气候变化正在当下,就我们后院里面发生着,并且影响着我们所关心重要方面

    This report demonstrates that climate change is happening now, in our own backyards, and it affects the things that people care about.


  • 需要正在发生什么在哪儿发生透明知识以及咨询技巧”的关注这样信息能够迅速准确有效地收集

    It requires a transparent flow of knowledge of 'what' is going on and 'where', and a focus on 'consulting skills' so that information can be gathered quickly, accurately and effectively.


  • 他们知道足以使他们明白,他们生于斯长于国家正在发生变化,他们会一切可能扭转这些变化试图将人文景观恢复曾经的样子。

    They know enough to know that the country in which they grew up is changing, and they'll do whatever they can to reverse those changes and return the cultural landscape to what it used to be.


  • 如果台机器人马达停转了,或者正在实施心脏手术抑或递上一杯滚烫咖啡发生系统故障怎么办?

    What happens if a robot's motors stop working, or it suffers a system failure just as it is performing heart surgery or handing you a cup of hot coffee?


  • 运行时会记录每次系统时钟中断发生正在执行指令地址

    While it is running, it records the address of the instruction that is being executed every time a system-clock interrupt occurs.


  • 所以,并不是他们知道正在发生什么,只是他们没办法,正确报告并且没办法处理好

    So it's not that they didn't know what was happening, it's just that they failed to properly report and failed to deal with it.


  • 几年以来,死海表面涟漪暗示富含盐分的水下正在发生一些神奇的事情。

    For years, ripples at the surface of the Dead Sea hinted there was something mysterious going on beneath its salt-laden waters.


  • 这家公司引发了一场颇有意思争论通过观察几千个案例,人们思考消费者炫耀地位方式是否正在发生改变

    But the company has also produced a fascinating argument, illustrated with thousands of examples, about the changing ways in which consumers seek to flaunt their status.


  • 这家公司引发了一场颇有意思争论通过观察几千个案例,人们思考消费者炫耀地位方式是否正在发生改变

    But the company has also produced a fascinating argument, illustrated with thousands of examples, about the changing ways in which consumers seek to flaunt their status.


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