• 必须完成什么?

    What does it have to accomplish?


  • 这个代码编写起来非常容易但是伸缩性不好因为必须完成大量工作计算满足每个面值表示查询记录

    The code is fairly easy to write, but it does not scale well because of the amount of work that it must do to count the number of records that satisfy the query that each facet value represents.


  • 我们必须通过流汗完成

    We have to do it by sweating.


  • 必须在周日前完成

    You must finish it before Sunday.


  • 必须实用的,所以不要忘记指定诸如参与者成本完成顺序等事宜

    It's got to be practical so don't forget to specify things like who would be involved, and the cost, and the order that things would be done in.


  • 如果星期仅仅是必须完成件事,那么你就真的可以精力放到上面去实现

    If you just have to accomplish one thing this week, you can really put your energy into making it happen.


  • 必须其他应用程序视图工具一起包括表单访问完成能力

    It must include form access and completion capability alongside other application views or tools.


  • 相反需要人工介入任务必须队列进行管理,以等待有人空闲时来完成

    Rather, tasks requiring human intervention must be managed on a queue for completion when a human is available.


  • 允许在包括的活动完成释放必须运行补偿逻辑撤销完成操作

    This allows releasing locks once an enclosed activity completes, but one has to run compensation logic to undo already completed actions.


  • 月历上贴出每天必须完成阅读量,完成阅读划掉

    Post how much reading you must do each day on a calendar and when you finish the reading, cross it off.


  • 不是必须项目直到完成为止,而是说你不应该三个项目分钟换一次

    This doesn’t mean you necessarily have to work on one project until it’s completely finished, but it does mean you shouldn’t skip back and forth between three projects every two minutes.


  • 科学家们必须他们的标本用来与博物馆中的样本比较分析DNA,还要完成大量文书工作

    Scientists must compare their specimen to museum samples, analyze its DNA, and complete reams of paperwork.


  • 不是必须项目直到完成为止而是说你不应该在三个项目分钟换一次

    This doesn't mean you necessarily have to work on one project until it's completely finished, but it does mean you shouldn't skip back and forth between three projects every two minutes.


  • 避免工作任何中断确保一杯咖啡必须打的一个电话之前完成

    Avoid taking any kind of breaks while you are at that task and ensure that you complete it before you consider a cup of coffee or a call that you need to make.


  • 曾经客户,“是否进行这个项目然后完成产品见我,最后必须喜欢呢?”

    I've had clients ask me, "So, will you just work on the project, come to me with a finished product and then I have to like it?"


  • 如果那样的话,必须离开IDESourceForge中寻找文档下载我的机器上,并试图查看视图可能通过第三工具完成

    In that case I have to leave my IDE, find the document in SourceForge, download it to my machine and attempt to view it, and possibly the view will have to be done via a third tool.


  • 如果进度可见的话,那么意味着项目构建正在进行当中,必须等到完成为止

    If the progress bar is visible, it means that the project build is in progress and you must wait for it to finish.


  • 第三低级别的需求确实软件必须完成的功能提供了足够细节使写成代码

    The third is a lower-level requirement; it does provide enough detail about what the software must do to enable you to write code.


  • 场景中的大多数工作提供者一方的处理程序完成的,必须消息头中恢复证书检验使之生效。

    The majority of the work for this scenario is in the provider-side handler, which must recover the certificate from the header, verify it, and validate it.


  • 但是并不意味着必须亲自完成

    That doesn't mean you have to do it though, right?


  • 典型情况就是一个部门完成收购流失高级IT开发人员同时必须快速报告运营状况

    It's typical for a division to have to report on its operations quickly at the same time as it assimilates an acquisition and loses senior it developers.


  • 毕竟他们付出努力,他们正为提供需求而且完成产品必须使他们满意

    After all, they're paying for it, they're providing the requirements for it, and they're the ones who must be satisfied with the finished product.


  • 希望人生远离完成某些必须做事情进程而是变得来说有趣一些。

    Instead of wishing your life away in the process of accomplishing something that you really have to do, try making it more fun for yourself.


  • 对于zone 来说创建需要使用几个命令并且作为启动过程一部分,您必须完成进一步配置迭代

    With zones, you need several commands to create a zone, and you must also go through further configuration iterations as part of the boot process.


  • Staff活动必须使用queries实现配置定义了哪些负责声明完成这些操作(潜在所有者)。

    Staff activities need to be configured with queries which define which users are responsible to claim and complete them (the Potential Owners).


  • 重新启动gmond之前必须完成最后一件事更改IPMI设备权限这样没有人可以执行操作

    The last thing that needs to be done before restarting gmond is to change the permissions of the IPMI device so that nobody can perform operations to it.


  • 重新启动gmond之前必须完成最后一件事更改IPMI设备权限这样没有人可以执行操作

    The last thing that needs to be done before restarting gmond is to change the permissions of the IPMI device so that nobody can perform operations to it.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定