• 中国外出售食品流行已经成熟比起其他食品简单方便

    Takeout food is very popular in China, it has matured, more simple and convenient compared to other foods .


  • 一旦已经成熟通过移动到冰箱保存,的保鲜时间最多长达3

    Once it's ripe, you can keep it that way for up to 3 days by moving it to the fridge.


  • 我写此文的时候火狐发布3.5.7版本,第一次轻装上阵,为的就是告诉你上网,到现在,它已经成熟了许多。

    Standing at release 3.5.7 at the time ofwriting, Firefox has matured immensely since first arriving as the slimlinebrowser that showed just how quick trawling the Internet could be.


  • 已经足够稳定成熟,完全可以创建与传统桌面应用程序抗衡程序,因为后者稳定性特性丰富性方面都要胜出一筹。

    It has become stable and mature enough to create programs that rival traditional desktop applications in their stability and in the richness of their features.


  • 使用大部分开发人员已经熟知成熟稳定技术

    It USES mature and stable technologies that most developers already know.


  • 位图呈现第一也是最为重要的一种技术,该技术已经存在数十年了,现在很多围绕的技术工具也都已经十分成熟

    The first and foremost, bitmap rendering, has been around for decades, and technologies and tools revolving around it have greatly matured.


  • 已经有很大竞争力相对于塑胶注塑模具需要生产上千个物料这个数据技术成熟时,可能还有可能增加

    It is already competitive with plastic injection-moulding for runs of around 1, 000 items, and this figure will rise as the technology matures.


  • 与其建立一个需要强制我们数据适应的数据成熟模型不如我们用数据已经存在不同阶段定义成熟度的路径

    Rather than creating a data maturity model and forcing your data to fit into it, we are letting the various stages the data is already in define the maturity path.


  • 浏览器也是如此已经变成成熟可靠技术

    The same is true for browsers, which have become mature, reliable technology.


  • 但是尽管柏林正在追赶西德地区的已经成熟商业中心仍然唯一一个所统治的国家更为贫穷欧洲首都

    Yet although Berlin is catching up with established commercial centres in the old West Germany, it is still the only European capital poorer than the country it rules.


  • 扩展库已经非常成熟去年作为核心GWT系列补丁包提供下载,很多用户就已经证实了的价值。

    This library is very mature, and has been around in at least some manifest since early last year when it was introduced as a series of patches to the core GWT download.


  • 这个可执行架构一个进化原型目的系统架构成熟时,保持已经被证明特性保证他们最大可能的满足系统的需求

    The executable architecture is an evolutionary prototype, intended to retain proven features and those with a high probability of satisfying system requirements when the architecture is mature.


  • 为了已经成熟寡头国内市场寻找另外的增长点收购了商业银行使位于纽约繁华商业街的同行们感到震惊。

    Seeking growth outside its mature, oligopolistic home market, it bought Commerce bank, which had shaken up high-street banking in New York.


  • 即使Linux技术已经足够成熟仍然未能对主流桌面市场形成重大影响

    Even as Linux matures as a technology, it has yet to make a major impact in the mainstream desktop market.


  • 国内国外已经成为一个成熟品牌房地产价格正在迅速上升

    Bay at home and abroad has become a mature brand, and its real estate prices are rapidly rising.


  • 底层标准已经成熟而且一些优点例如松散耦合虚拟化已经向实现面向服务架构(Service - OrientedArchitecture, SOA)这目标前进了一大步

    The underlying standards are mature, and some of the benefits, like loose coupling and virtualization, goes a long way towards achieving a Service-Oriented Architecture.


  • 自从1979年提出以来,程序分片受到人们广泛关注目前技术已经成熟

    Since it was proposed in 1979, drawing people's extensive concern, the technology has been already very mature at present.


  • 尽管调查性报道已经存在世纪而且正在有越来越多的国家媒体接受一报道方式,但是学术界的理论探讨还不成熟

    Although existed for more than one century and, accepted by more and more countries and medias, investigative reporting is still in the juvenility to academic study.


  • 如今新加坡一个成熟经济体系,如同日本经济增长已经减慢。科兰滋克其他西方国家一样陷入相同的问题

    Singapore today is a mature economy that, like Japan, has seen its growth slow. Kurlantzick says it struggles with a problem familiar to the West.


  • 公司已经达到一个成熟生命周期阶段往往探索可能性如何仍然增长

    When a large firm has reached a mature life-cycle stage it often has to explore the possibility of how to still grow.


  • 墨西哥社会已经改变许多现在成熟,更尊重他人

    Mexican society has changed a lot, it's more mature, more respectful of others.


  • 已经强大成熟,以磋商会议中容许程度的畅所欲言。

    It is strong and mature enough to allow for a greater degree of openness in its deliberations.


  • 一切结束后,又不网上这个已经很多用来来见证成功

    Then over. And try to paste it on blog website which is so immature that I should try many times to be load successfully.


  • 现在成熟感觉一样,我终于免费”我已经工作所以方面努力专辑,我不能等到大家听到巡回演出,再次

    I am now more mature and feel like I am finally "free." I've been working so hard on this new album and I can't wait for you all to hear it and to go on tour again!


  • 已经成为整个金融市场体系不可或缺的重要组成部分衍生金融工具交易是否成熟成为衡量一个金融市场是否成熟标志。

    It has become a system in the entire financial market an indispensable component of the derivative transactions has become a measure of a mature financial market is mature signs.


  • 目前网络通信中通常采用分组数据加密算法——DES拥有简捷、快速和标准化的特点,软硬件技术的实现已经非常成熟

    The software and hardware technology of DES is also very mature, but there are some weaknesses of DES in security and etc.


  • 区别成熟方面已经稳定地生长而且经过全部摇摆

    It has steadily grown in distinction and maturity, and through it all, it swings.


  • 扩展频谱通信到目前为止已经成为比较成熟技术个人通信方面,具有独特优点

    Spread spectrum communication is an accepted technique and has many special advantages. The chaos theory has been the focus of scientific research.


  • 而且经过众多诗人理论家努力已经不断成熟日趋完善是新诗再也无法回避选择

    And with the effort of many poets and theoretician, it was mature and perfect gradually. Modern metric verse was the choice that new verse can't get around any fu...


  • 而且经过众多诗人理论家努力已经不断成熟日趋完善是新诗再也无法回避选择

    And with the effort of many poets and theoretician, it was mature and perfect gradually. Modern metric verse was the choice that new verse can't get around any fu...


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