• 使用IBMi主机服务(基础ibm i操作系统一部分)访问IBM i系统数据资源

    It USES the IBM I host servers that are part of the base IBM I operating system to access data and resources on an IBM I system.


  • 命令创建了一个QueueConnectionFactory通过端口1414通道ssl . SVRCONN使用本地主机客户机(基于网络的)传输访问队列管理SSLQMGR

    This command creates a QueueConnectionFactory that accesses the queue manager, SSLQMGR, using the client (network-based) transport on a machine localhost via port 1414 and channel SSL.SVRCONN.


  • 使用J2EE应用程序服务主要优点在于简化对用于数据库访问JDBCSPI使用

    A major benefit of using a J2EE app server is how it simplifies the use of the JDBC SPI for database access.


  • 一个EJB组件访问数据库消息队列服务或者一些事务性资源时,需要资源管理连接(通常使用JNDI)。

    When an EJB component wants to access a database, a message queue server, or some other transactional resource, it acquires a connection to the resource manager (usually by using JNDI).


  • 我们之前研究价值甚微的服务使用定制协议以及定制服务客户机远程监控网站访问

    We looked earlier at a slightly-better-than-trivial server that used a custom protocol, with custom servers and clients, to remotely monitor hits to a Web site.


  • 如果连接需要使用jni访问存储api的本机库,那么很难EJB内部运行

    If your connector needs to use JNI to access native libraries for your repository's API, then you will have difficulty running it from within an EJB.


  • 可以使用任何Web浏览访问

    You can access it using any web browser.


  • 动态地运行DSL应用程序所需的内容打包XAP(一个使用不同扩展ZIP文件)文件中,DSL应用程序托管其中,让浏览访问

    It also dynamically packages everything needed to run a DSL application into a XAP (ZIP file with a different extension name) and serves it up to your browser.


  • 通常不是明智做法因为允许使用Web浏览任何人访问应用程序所有文件

    This is generally a bad idea, as it makes all of your application files accessible to anyone using a Web browser.


  • 直接访问Geronimo服务使用客户机应用程序

    It accesses the Geronimo server directly and does not use the client application container.


  • 使用getAccessibleContext()方法AT阅读可以访问所有需要信息组件描述呈现给用户并且组件交互使用该组件。

    Using the getAccessibleContext() method, an AT reader can access all the information it needs to both present the component's description to the user and interact with and use the component.


  • 我们使用SSH是因为支持安全加密地访问远程Linux服务,以及支持访问单一应用程序数据库

    We used SSH because it provides secure encrypted access to a remote Linux server, which provides access to a single application database.


  • FederationServer个独特特性使用DB2强大基于成本优化技术发现联邦查询最佳访问路径

    One of the distinguishing features of Federation Server is that it uses the powerful technology of DB2's cost-based optimizer to find the best access path for federated queries.


  • 临时场景不同添加一个Cloudscape网络服务以便Web应用程序使用数据库时,远程应用程序管理工具可以访问

    Unlike the casual Scenario, it adds a Cloudscape network server so that remote applications and administration tools can access the database while it is being used by Web applications.


  • 不过QPTool一个缺点对于不能直接访问主机服务服务管理员而言,使用方便因为必须直接LotusQuickr服务上执行

    QPTool, though, has a disadvantage: it is not convenient for the server administrators who cannot access the host server directly because it must be executed in the Lotus Quickr server directly.


  • 通过使用export操作服务就使外部机能够访问目录文件系统。

    The server makes its directories or filesystems available to the rest of the world using an operation known as export.


  • 临时场景不同添加了一个Cloudscape网络服务以便Web应用程序使用数据库时,远程应用程序管理工具可以访问

    Unlike the casual scenario, it adds a Cloudscape network server so that remote applications and administration tools can access the database while it is being used by Web applications.


  • 与SDO形成对照EII提供实时数据访问的数据集成服务通常来表示不同种类的数据,而且使用基于SQL的API

    EII, by contrast, is a data integration server that provides real-time data access, typically represents heterogeneous data as tables, and usually employs a SQL-based API.


  • 使用ConnectorConfigFactory判断应该如何创建访问连接例如包含正确连接JNDI名称工厂

    ConnectorConfigFactory is used to determine how your connector should be created and accessed; for example, it holds the correct JNDI name and factory classes for your connector.


  • 一点一个在10%左右的代表了当有100个用户访问服务Rational QualityManager服务总体平均处理使用情况

    The first point on the line is a value around 10%, which represents the overall average processor usage on the Rational Quality Manager server when 100 active users access the server.


  • 第二在18%左右,代表了当有200个用户访问服务Rational QualityManager服务总体平均处理使用情况

    The second point, with a value of about 18%, represents the overall average processor usage on the Rational Quality Manager server when 200 active users accessing the server.


  • 可以通过使用默认浏览访问WindowsStart菜单启动找到您的默认浏览,请访问Windows Start菜单。

    It can also be launched using your default browser by going to the Windows start menu.


  • 控制一般使用模型函数调用改变视图使用不同模型调用访问需要模型的构建(用户可见)表示

    The controller generally USES the model's function calls to change it, and the view USES different model calls to access what is needed to build the (user-visible) representation of the model.


  • 访问网站,我可以看到指向托管帐户正确没有目录服务可以使用为主网页有效文件

    When I visit your site I can see that it is pointing to your hosting account correctly but you don't have a valid file in the main directory that the server can use as the main page.


  • 访问网站,我可以看到指向托管帐户正确没有目录服务可以使用为主网页有效文件

    When I visit your site I can see that it is pointing to your hosting account correctly but you don't have a valid file in the main directory that the server can use as the main page.


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