• 孩子

    The children stood in a circle.


  • 孩子全都

    The children all stood in a line.


  • 诬赖孩子父亲而被骗着

    He was tricked into marriage by a false accusation of paternity.


  • 如果大多数孩子一样,你的母亲你叫错兄弟姐妹名字的话,可能会感到不高兴。

    If you were like most children, you probably got upset when your mother called you by a sibling's name.


  • 城镇(人口)增长数字意味着失业未充分就业情况比例增长,绝望父母挨饿孩子人数也增长了。

    The figures for the growth of towns and cities represent proportional growth of unemployment and underemployment, a growth in the number of hopeless and despairing parents and starving children.


  • 因此城镇(人口)增长数字意味着失业未充分就业的情况比例增长,以及绝望父母挨饿孩子人数增长

    So the figures for the growth of towns and cities represent proportional growth of unemployment and underemployment, a growing in the number of hopeless and despairing parents and starving children.


  • 可能必须帮助年龄较小孩子安排他们做作业的顺序重要的是,等他们小学结束时,要让他们习惯自然。

    You probably have to help younger children plan their session, but it's important that by the end of primary school it's second nature.


  • 第三组,孩子们被要求把自己想象蝙蝠侠,并问自己“蝙蝠侠工作努力吗?”

    And in Group Three, the children were told to imagine themselves as Batman and ask themselves "Is Batman working hard?"


  • 如果孩子喜欢南瓜馅饼例如,可尝试甘薯糊状,或制胡萝卜泥。

    If a child likes pumpkin pie, for instance, try mashed sweet potatoes and then mashed carrots.


  • 孩子可以他们的说话内容概括治疗未经练习的句子。

    The children could also generalize their speech production to words that were not practiced during the therapy.


  • 觉得管理风格像是把大家想象脆弱孩子我们确实如此。

    I guess my management style is very much about like imagining we're all children and really vulnerable. Because we are.


  • 差点他们那个死去孩子宝贝是不行的。

    She had almost called their dead child the baby, and that wasn't right.


  • 孩子做好表率,不要副歇斯底里的样子去解决问题,这样未来的某一天早上如果他们世界一团,他们主动穿戴好。

    Two, model for your kids non-hysterical, problem-solving behaviors that they will be able to draw on for inspiration when their world falls apart one future morning.


  • 电影场景设定雾气迷蒙、阴暗肮脏的样子,荒诞不经宛如梦魇,仿佛孩子梦境也不够令人愉悦,无法让克兰克满意。

    The setting is misty, murky and grimy – so surreal and nightmarish, it seems as if the children’s dreams wouldn’t be pleasant enough to please Krank anyway.


  • 电影场景设定雾气迷蒙、阴暗肮脏的样子,荒诞不经宛如梦魇,仿佛孩子梦境也不够令人愉悦无法让克兰克满意。

    The setting is misty, murky and grimy – so surreal and nightmarish, it seems as if the children's dreams wouldn't be pleasant enough to please Krank anyway.


  • 根据想象力或是孩子的喜好,儿童可以设计城堡或是森林的样子。

    The room can bealso designed as a castle or forest depends on where your fantasy takes you orwhat your kids prefer.


  • 出于某种难以名状的原因阿瑟丁梅斯代尔感到孩子目光身上时,习惯自然的姿势悄悄捂到了心口

    For some unaccountable reason, as Arthur Dimmesdale felt the child's eyes upon himself, his hand - with that gesture so habitual as to have become involuntary - stole over his heart.


  • 出于某种难以名状原因阿瑟·丁梅斯代尔感到孩子目光身上时,习惯自然的姿势悄悄捂到了心口

    For some unaccountable reason, as Arthur Dimmesdale felt the child's eyes upon himself, his hand - with that gesture so habitual as to have become involuntary - stole over his heart.


  • 世界上面边防兵站排,下面西柏林孩子微笑指着墙上的一个窟窿

    Two different worlds: Border guards stand in single file above, while below a West Berlin child smiles and points to a hole in the wall.


  • 自己想象孩子顾问

    Do think of yourself as your children's consultant.


  • 67的付火(音)正在绑着扫帚,他说:“不想孩子负担我现在看上去就是那个样。

    "I don't want to become a burden on my children, but it looks like that's what I am, " said Fu Chenghuo, a 67-year-old stripping bamboo twigs to make brooms.


  • 根据一项调查,多达八父母担心自己孩子沉迷Facebook不可自拔。

    staggering four out of five parents worry that their children will become addicted to Facebook, according to a study.


  • 芬兰孩子可以不选择“名牌大学”独木桥,所以他们的童年的负担轻了很多;但是很多美国的父母望子龙,望女凤,想让自己的孩子进入学风浓的学前班学习。

    Taking away the competition of getting into the "right schools" allows Finnish children to enjoy a less-pressured childhood.


  • 例如巴尔的摩一些学校上午10统计出席人数不是在上午8时,因为他们知道如果孩子迟到了,上午8时统计会他们算旷课

    For example, in Baltimore, some schools take attendance at 10 a.m. rather than 8 a.m. because they know if kids show up at all, they come in late and would be counted absent.


  • 原谅这么说,但是那些苦恼决定真的改变什么,比如你把房间什么颜色,你是否应该孩子某事,你在哪里度假等等

    I'm sorry but those decisions you agonize over just don't make any difference. The color you paint your house, whether you should let your child do x, where you go on vacation, etc.


  • 读物可以帮助孩子加强语言结构节奏有助于记忆词汇。

    Rhymes help reinforce the structure and rhythm of language, and can aid in learning vocabulary.


  • 读物可以帮助孩子加强语言结构节奏有助于记忆词汇。

    Rhymes help reinforce the structure and rhythm of language, and can aid in learning vocabulary.


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