• 不管怎么说,我们想让孩子任何学习环境里优越表现------不仅仅他们觉得自在的地方。

    In any case, we want kids to be able to excel in response to all learning environmentsnot just the ones they are comfortable in.


  • 但是研究显示孩子花费越多时间荧屏前不管电视还是即时短信,他们学习成绩就会差。

    But research has shown that the more time kids spend in front of screens - whether it's TV or instant-messaging - the worse their school performance.


  • 不管什么时候开始小孩正式授课至关重要的一点是运用适宜孩子学习模式的方式进行教学。

    Regardless of when you start teaching your children formally it is critically important to teach in a manner that best fits the child's learning style.


  • 不管怎么说除了不像一般孩子那样生性贪玩、不学习书呆子之外,还有愿意长大老师呢?

    Who else but a bookworm, with none of the normal kid's tendency to play rather than study, would grow up to be a teacher anyway?


  • 一方面,家长如果孩子放任不管,致使没有学习机会,那么孩子会失去生活热情,失去对事物好奇心

    On the other hand, though, if a child is left alone too much, or without any learning opportunities, he loses his natural zest for life and his desire to find out new things for himself.


  • 孩子一起快乐真心希望这些孩子能够快乐成长不管学习还是其他方面得到提高

    I was very happy to be together with the kids, I truly hope these kids could grow up with happiness, improve themselves no matter in study or other area.


  • 只要孩子48之间不管中国人还是外国人学习完徐思众珠心算后都达到理想效果

    As long as your children between 4 and 8 years old, whoever Chinese or foreigners after who learn Xu Sizhong's methods will enable to reach a ideal effect.


  • 不管怎么说,除了不像一般孩子那样生性贪玩、学习书呆子之外,还有谁愿意长大老师呢?

    Who else would ever grow up to a teacher at all except a bookworm who, unlike other kids, likes to study but not to play?


  • 不管英语程度如何,以下介绍的技巧有助于引导你的孩子提高他们学习语言技巧。运用以下几点教导你的孩子

    Regardless of your own English level, the strategies below can help you guide your child to improve their English language skills.


  • 正确方法应该是激发孩子学习语言兴趣不管他们语言能力如何。因为学习语言的兴趣生活中加以运用。

    The correct way should get children interested in the language, regardless of their linguistic ability because with interest in the language, they will have it for life.


  • 孩子现在已经OK了,可以学习不管多少个小时可以温习功课不必担心没有电源

    Mother, Inderjit Kaur:My children say now they are okay to study for as many hours as they need to do their homework. They don't have to worry about not having electricity.


  • 这句话的意思这些孩子多半归于平庸不管他们努力老师交的多好或者学习的资源多丰富。

    More often than not, they end up being mediocre no matter how hard they try, how excellent their teachers are, or how perfect learning or training resources they enjoy.


  • 研究显示学习乐器儿童不管听力辨别方面,或是手指灵敏度其他孩子表现得更为出色,而恰好这些技巧学习都可以音乐课程里面接触到。

    Tests showed the kids who practiced instruments scored much higher than their non-musical counterparts on auditory discrimination and finger dexterity, both skills closely tied with musical training.


  • 研究显示学习乐器儿童不管听力辨别方面,或是手指灵敏度其他孩子表现得更为出色,而恰好这些技巧学习都可以音乐课程里面接触到。

    Tests showed the kids who practiced instruments scored much higher than their non-musical counterparts on auditory discrimination and finger dexterity, both skills closely tied with musical training.


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