• 成年学生问题同情

    She was very sympathetic to the problems of adult students.


  • 教师电邮即时讯息电话传真回答学生问题

    Instructors answer student questions by e-mail, instant message, phone or fax.


  • 因此人们花了很多精力发现学生问题以便他们失败之前给予他们更多关注

    Consequently, much effort has been spent on identifying students with problems in order to give them more attention before they become failures.


  • 更关心教育学生的问题

    She cared more about educating students.


  • 一个描述三个当前以前学生问题PD F文件

    One is a PDF file that describes a problem that I gave to three of my current and former students.


  • 学生费利西蒂》也许不能仅仅谈论全世界范围内一个困扰学生的问题因为那些问题存在

    It may be that Felicity simply can't talk about the universal problems that beset a college student, because those problems don't exist.


  • 大多数学生求学期间都会面临经济来源问题

    Most students face the problem of funding themselves while they are studying.


  • 塞德整天布拉德布瑞图书馆学生私人单间思考这个问题

    Merced was pondering this problem one day in his student carrel at the Bradbury library.


  • 1800年至今教科书都是这样提出问题学生归纳性回答

    From 1800 to the present day, textbooks have done this by posing questions for students to answer inductively.


  • 说到底一方面学生自主选择就是导致问题出现首要原因。

    After all, students making their own choices in this respect is what caused the problem in the first place.


  • 教授历史重要因为学生应该能够理解新闻当前问题背景

    Teaching history is important because students should be able to understand the background to current issues in the news.


  • 一位老师激励学生思考当前问题

    Every teacher ought to be challenging students to think about current issues.


  • 研究人员观察了让跨种族学生成对宿舍产生问题

    Researchers also observed problems resulting from pairing interracial students in residences.


  • 戈埃尔教授已经有了8助教不足以应付学生每天提出大量问题

    Professor Goel already had eight teaching assistants, but that was'n t enough to deal with the overwhelming number of daily questions from students.


  • 戈埃尔教授已经有了8助教不足以应付学生每天提出大量问题

    Professor Goel already had eight teaching assistants, but that wasn't enough to deal with the overwhelming number of daily questions from students.


  • 在经历足够长时间以及调整之后吉尔回答学生问题正确率达到97%。

    After some adjustments and sufficient time, Jill was able to answer the students' questions correctly 97% of the time.


  • 考试成绩在多大程度上反映学生能力问题焦点。

    At issue is the extent to which exam results reflect a student's ability.


  • 我们希望有人提出无法轻易回答问题,”霍普金斯高中学生巴里·安德森说,“通过在线活动找到答案一个发现那样!”

    "We hope that someone will ask a question that can't readily be answered," says Hopkins High School student Barry Anderson, "and through the online activities, an answer will be found—a discovery!"


  • 学生感到孤立困惑他们提出的问题没有被回答时,他们继续学习的动力就开始减弱

    When students feel isolated or confused and reach out with questions that go unanswered, their motivation to continue begins to fade.


  • 真人教师一样Bill能够立即学生提出问题话题看法做出回应。

    Just like human teachers, Bill is able to immediately respond to the students' questions and opinions about the topic.


  • 人们担心,如果不解决小时候面临的挑战,书写糟糕将会导致严重问题这些学生面临的就业前景会更严峻。

    It is feared that a failure to address early-year challenges, such as poor handwriting, leads to much more serious problems down the line with these pupils facing reduced career prospects.


  • 通勤上学学生有时面临一个问题他们父母愿意承认他们成年人

    One problem that commuting students sometimes face is their parents' unwillingness to recognize that they're adults.


  • 这些学生来说,成问题的是发音

    With these students it's pronunciation that's the problem.


  • 学生问到有关他们所学课本内容问题

    The students were questioned on the books they had been studying.


  • 很多学校都出现学生仗势作恶的问题

    Bullying is a problem in many schools.


  • 一个博士后学生经常遇到问题

    This is a problem not infrequently encountered by postdocs.


  • 每周五个上午老师们25学生见面,就家庭作业问题周六晚上糟糕约会等各种问题展开开放式讨论

    Teachers meet with students in groups of 25, five mornings a week, for open-ended discussions of everything from homework problems to bad Saturday-night dates.


  • 职业学校应该更加努力培养学生解决问题机器协作能力

    Vocational schools should do a better job of fostering problem-solving skills and helping students work alongside robots.


  • 中学一个重要年龄段因为学生足够的数学能力解决高级问题他们没有真正决定他们生活中些什么

    Middle school is an important age because students have enough math capability to solve advanced problems, but they haven't really decided what they want to do with their lives.


  • 教学对象问题迫使辅导别人学习的学生不同方式思考解释材料观察他们解决问题的过程能让这些学生看到知识付诸到了实践中。

    The agents' questions compel student tutors to think and explain the materials in different ways, and watching the agent solve problems allows them to see their knowledge put into action.


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