• 该科具有人群特殊性,就多年带教经验得以总结,提高学生实习质量培养基层临床医生打好基础

    In short , purpose of this thesis is that promoting the quality of internship of the medical students and laying a substantial foundation for training the clinic doctors in ground floor.


  • 这份实习要求潜水证书并且海洋学专业的大四学生

    The internship requires me to have a scuba diving certification and to be a senior oceanography student.


  • 确定其他学生中心水族馆实习,上海洋生物学然后向游客讲解各种各样展览品

    I am pretty sure those other students are doing the internship at the center's aquarium, taking classes in marine biology and then teaching visitors about the various displays.


  • 我们西北大学同学会上碰面的时候,自然地建议雇用学生作为她的夏季实习

    We were catching up at a Northwestern University alumni event; so naturally I suggested she take on a student as a summer intern.


  • 就像同学一样,他们花很多时间学习不过他们工作,也去实习,也参加学生社团学校出版社打工

    Like my other classmates, they fill their days with their studies, but they also have jobs, hold internships, participate in student clubs, or work for campus publications.


  • 绝大多数学生申请实习职位的考虑顺序是公司地理位置第一,自我兴趣第二有无薪水第三,公司品牌第四

    “The vast majority of students apply for internships by location first, area of interest second, paid or unpaid third, and by name brand of the company fourth, ” Richards says.


  • 这两份报告鸿海大规模地用雇用青年学生实习减轻飙升成本已经影响了今年利润损害了股票价格

    Both reports said Hon Hai was hiring young students and interns on a vast scale at low wages to mitigate soaring costs that have eroded profits and hurt its share price this year.


  • 因为不想失去数百学生实习机会许多学校都接受此类苛刻条款

    Many schools accept such strict terms because they don't want to lose the opportunity to place hundreds of students in internships.


  • 其它好处甚至可能认识一些学生愿意他们毕业后公司实习或是成为其中的一

    Another bonus is that you might even get to know some of the students and find they are great prospects for internships or even permanent staff jobs at your company after they graduate.


  • 十五个实习学生,他们共分每个学生了我的教学目的走廊塑料人体躯干优越性

    I've got 15 interns and students in groups of three, each student having been lectured about my pedagogical purpose and my superiority to the plastic torso down the hall.


  • 如果学生,准备开始份工作或是一个夏季实习机会,你有时会发现你面试谈判中处在弱势

    If you're a college student applying for jobs or summer internships, you're at something of a disadvantage when it comes to negotiation.


  • 本期21世纪英文报》特别采访了多名人力资源部经理其他专家,解读最有价值的学生实习秘密

    Well, this issue, 21st Century talks with a couple of human resources managers and other experts to get at the most valuable student internship secrets.


  • 同学们都一起上课同样指导老师学生学校的时候,当地雇主单位便会学校结成合作伙伴提供实习机会

    Students attend classes together and have the same guidance counselors; local employers partner with the academies and provide work experience while the students are still in school.


  • 密歇根州大学学生就业研究所所长菲尔·加德纳表示参加实习已经几乎成为职业阶梯上不可缺少一步

    Internships have become an almost essential first step on the career ladder, says Phil Gardner, who directs the Collegiate Employment Research Institute at Michigan State University.


  • 南卡罗来纳州州立大学2010年本科毕业生60%实习经历,难怪这历史上黑人大学有那么多学生资源

    South Caroline State University boasts a 60% internship rate for its 2010 undergrad class and it's no wonder why: the historically black college has great resources for students.


  • 今年夏天,有两个半月时间,经济专业大四学生约瑟夫·贝克去位于华盛顿特区的美国联邦调查局实习而且——可以我们说说实习情况

    For two and a half months this past summer, senior economics major Joseph Baker interned with the FBI in Washington, D.C., and yes, it is OK to talk about it.


  • 劳工部表示正在给予实习合理薪酬的公司进行制裁,并且正在加强企业大学在校学生进行实习活动相关的联邦法律培训

    The Labor Department says it is cracking down on firms that fail to pay interns properly and expanding efforts to educate companies, colleges and students on the law regarding internships.


  • 一些学生从事不起眼的工作,另一些人则奢侈选择无薪水暑期实习希望将来可以转正

    Some will be working in lesser roles, and others, with the luxury to do so, have chosen to take yet another unpaid internship for the summer, hoping it will translate into employment in the future.


  • 实习提供给学生实际工作经验一般要持续暑假,一个学期长的时间

    Internships provide students with practical work experience lasting several weeks, a summer, a semester or even longer.


  • 公司喜欢那些公司实习法学院年级学生因此第二学刚开学就开始面试实习生。

    Firms tend to hire those who spent their second summer during law school at that firm, and thus begin interviewing students for these internships near the beginning of their second year.


  • 越来越学生尝试通过去国外实习增长自己职场经验然后再回到美国重新开始自己职业生涯

    Increasingly, a growing number of them are securing an internship abroad to gain some work experience and then coming back to the U.S. to launch their careers.


  • 那些在为明年夏天毕业后生路做打算学生需要谨记:上述调研52%的受访雇主表示他们愿意雇佣实习经验毕业生

    Note to college students already looking ahead to the summer: 52% of employers in the survey said they prefer to hire graduates with internship experience.


  • 年前还是在校学生那时我在学校自然历史博物馆实习

    About ten years ago when I was an undergraduate in college, I was working as an intern at my University's Museum of Natural History.


  • 大部分学生实习最后周里周旋论文,参加毕业聚会毕业离家准备

    LIKE MOST college students, the kids at the college Internship Program have spent the last few weeks gearing up for classes, meeting roommates, readying for life away from home.


  • 这些学生机会接下来暑期里申请Facebook实习机会。

    They'll also have the chance to apply to a paid internship at Facebook for the following summer.


  • 去年这个学校毕业班60%学院实习美国宇航局只是学生可以工作的最好的地方之一

    60% of last year's graduating class had internships in college, and NASA is just one of the awesome places students can work.


  • 去年这个学校毕业班60%学院实习美国宇航局只是学生可以工作的最好的地方之一

    60% of last year's graduating class had internships in college, and NASA is just one of the awesome places students can work.


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