• 尽管存在这个问题许多学生仍然这些机构尤其是两年制学校吸引

    Despite this problem, many students are still drawn to these institutionsand two-year schools in particular.


  • 通常意味着人们其他城市机构提供服务联系起来学校医院住房药物治疗中心

    Often that means hooking people up with services offered by other city agencies, such as schools, hospitals, housing, drug treatment centers.


  • 一些学校要求学生养老院儿童看护中心政府机构做志愿者提供社区服务

    Some schools require students to provide community service by volunteering in a nursing home, child care center or government agency.


  • 大约学校其他机构开始很有兴趣确保所有孩子无论他们的背景如何,能得到公平对待时候智力测试变得不受欢迎了

    About the time that schools and others quite reasonably became interested in seeing to it that all children, whatever their background, were fairly treated, intelligence testing became unpopular.


  • 诸如学校俱乐部机构使社区成为一个整体

    Organizations such as schools and clubs bind a community together.


  • 学校管理机构负有预算范围内管理学校职责。

    The governing body is charged with managing the school within its budget.


  • 消除心理健康服务机构学校压力唯一方法重新投资学校内部所提供的早期干预服务。

    The only way to break the pressures on both mental health services and schools is to reinvest in early intervention services inside schools.


  • 学校其他任何服务机构容易接触年轻人使得学校一种独有能力,让其有机会接触不合群的儿童年轻人,逐渐建立起有意义关系

    Schools see young people more than any other service, which gives them a unique ability to get to hard to reach children and young people and build meaningful relationships with them over time.


  • 同类项目规模最大这项研究推出之际,正值当今越来越多雇主学校其他机构花钱鼓励人们减肥提高分数的各种事情

    The study, one of the largest of its kind, comes at a time when more employers, schools and other institutions are paying people to do everything from lose weight to improve their grades.


  • 未成年父母或者其他监护人应当配合学校其他教育机构,对未成年子女或者其他被监护人进行教育。

    Parents or other guardians of minors shall coordinate with schools or other institutions of education in educating their minor children or other minors under their guardianship.


  • 优点:由学校合作项目机构安排通常不会教学计划产生冲突而且还有底薪

    Benefits: arranged through school cooperative program or organizations, often no conflict with academic schedule; can come with a basic salary.


  • 学校其他教育机构可以花钱就直接访问知识宝库并且改编内容满足他们需要

    Schools and other educational institutions can access knowledge repositories directly at no cost and adapt content to their needs.


  • 如果就读的学校专业机构认证,你的学位你的工作领域就能得到尊重。

    If your school is accredited by a professional organization (such as the American Library Association), your degree will be honored by those in your profession.


  • 尽管显著差别并不意味着机构学校终结,但是可以帮助我们终结长久以来一个误区,即网络教育传统教育差。

    Though this significant difference doesn't quite mean the end of institutional schools, it will help put an end to the myth that online learning is inferior to traditional learning.


  • BRAC第一个社会企业项目印刷出版机构学校培训项目提供书籍其他材料

    BRAC's first social enterprise was a printing press that supplied books and other printed materials to the organization's schools and education programs.


  • 国家保护学校其他教育机构合法权益侵犯。

    The State protects the lawful rights and interests of schools and other institutions of education from infringement.


  • 学校其他教育机构民事活动依法享有民事权利承担民事责任

    A school or any other institution of education shall, in civil activities, enjoy civil rights and bear civil liabilities according to law.


  • 学校其他教育机构中的教学辅助人员其他专业技术人员,实行专业技术职务聘任制度

    A system of appointment for professional or technical post shall be applied for auxiliary teaching staff and other professional or technical personnel in schools and other institutions of education.


  • 30家学位授予机构也就是学校波士顿地区

    There are 30 degree-granting institutions in the Boston area.


  • 同时许多这个领域孩子为对象的学校机构已经开始努力构建只针对亚斯·伯格综合症女孩帮助系统

    Meanwhile, many schools and clinics that work with children on the spectrum have begun forming girls-only clubs in an effort to build better support systems for girls with Asperger's.


  • 许多旅行社酒店帮助游客慈善团体联手改善当地社区生活,帮助他们联系孤儿院农场学校等有需要的机构

    Many tour operators and hotels help travelers work with charities that improve life in local communities, connecting them with orphanages, farms or schools.


  • 发现可疑车辆记下车牌号码学校车辆管理机构报告

    Report any suspicious vehicle, writing down the license number and providing it to school and law enforcement officials.


  • 他们可以建立一个监管学校管理机构,把学校日常管理承包出去并且克服多数家长没有空闲管理学校障碍

    They could form a body to oversee the operation of a school, contracting out the day-to-day activities and countering the barrier that most parents are too busy to run a school.


  • 然而,处于危机模式:在一些地区超过4,800的学校关闭医疗机构忙得不可开交实验室不停的运作

    Still, it is in crisis mode: more than 4, 800 schools have been closed in the region, medical services are swamped, and testing laboratories are working around the clock.


  • 入学之前先学校招生机构咨询室询问清楚,确保该校正当地区机构认可学校

    Check with a school's admissions or counseling office before enrolling in a school. Also, make sure that your school is properly accredited by the correct regional agency.


  • Ryan辩称那些只是学校或者其他机构周围局部蔓延不是全球大流行病所要求的普遍蔓延。

    But Ryan contends that those were localized outbreaks, often centered around schools and other institutions, and not the generalized onslaught expected during a pandemic.


  • 第二十四国家实行教育督导制度学校其他教育机构教育评估制度。

    Article 24 the State applies an educational supervision system and an educational evaluation system for schools and other institutions of education.


  • 第二十四国家实行教育督导制度学校其他教育机构教育评估制度。

    Article 24 the State applies an educational supervision system and an educational evaluation system for schools and other institutions of education.


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