• 本文以“学术基本假设,权力利益规则三个维度学术投票制度进行梳理剖析

    This research will analyze the academic voting system from three dimensions such as power, benefit and rules, and based on "academic researcher".


  • 学习应该包含激发性游戏元素概念学术界的大部分看来只是愚蠢事实就是如此

    The notion that learning should have in it an element of inspired play would seem to the greater part of the academic establishment merely silly, but that is nonetheless the case.


  • 古德曼希望计划积极主动学生填补他们经验中的空白鼓励他们不那么积极主动的同龄从事他们学术领域以外工作

    Goodman hopes the scheme will enable active students to fill in any gaps in their experience and encourage their less-active peers to take up activities outside their academic area of work.


  • 我们应该我们同龄比拼谁的学术成就更高而不是攀比谁的潮流时装

    We should compete with our peers for better scholarly achievement instead of more expensive fashionable clothes.


  • 最近一些学术论文终于揭开这些非凡记忆力的冰山一角

    A couple of recent papers have finally opened a window on these people's extraordinary minds.


  • 因此他们认为他们孩子必须学术方面做到出类拔萃打败白种同龄们,这样他们以后同样机会头地

    So what they believe is that their children must excel and beat their white peers in academic settings so they have the same chances to excel later.


  • 尽管有些软件数据引用学术流行但它们带来其他好处

    Although some say that citations for software or data have little currency in academia, they can have other benefits.


  • 澳大利亚最新学术研究表明,一个出生月份影响其成为职业运动员几率

    The month of your birth influences your chances of becoming a professional sportsperson, according to Australian academics in a new study.


  • 一些开始什么了,也许是因为学术期刊发表了一些文章

    Some of them began to listen to what I was saying, perhaps because I was also publishing articles in academic journals.


  • 直至今天也是被引用最多关于商业学术文章激励了无法抵制的趋势,是经历关注股东的利益。

    The most cited academic article about business to this day, it inspired a seemingly irresistible movement to get managers to focus on value for shareholders.


  • 这些战后继续制药业卫生部学术担任要职

    Some went on to occupy prestigious positions in the pharmaceutical industry, health ministry and academia.


  • 名参加者坐在同一个屋子要求完成看起来学术测验东西,其中依然是和实验者安排的。

    Two participants, one of whom was again in cahoots with the investigator, sat in the same room and were asked to complete what appeared to be an academic test.


  • 想要寻得教职很难,让颇为泄气刻板学术生活从来没能让非常感兴趣。

    The academic job market was tough and demoralizing, and the rigidity of the academic lifestyle had never appealed to me that much anyway.


  • 于是一些持有的观点是,学术整体审定,更好成果

    Academia as a whole, some say, could do a better job.


  • 一些来说,缺少全国性学术标准联邦权力一项重要限制

    To some people, the lack of national academic standards is an important limit on federal powers. But others say all it does is limit American competitiveness in a world that is becoming more educated.


  • 2004年推出OkCupid之前先是携手开发了一个网络学术研究工具SparkNotes

    The foursome originally teamed up to create SparkNotes, an online academic study tool, before launching OkCupid in 2004.


  • 麻省理工学院斯隆学院教授LotteBailyn称,她们中很大一部分学术升职系统运行方式之下。

    Many of them are put off by the way the academic promotion system works, explains Lotte Bailyn, a professor at MIT Sloan School of Management.


  • 朋友当中唯一一个——我们所有都经过学术培植,所有艺术而献身的都像士兵驻扎遥远基地(或是我们想象的)——没有什么可怕的事情发生在的身上。

    I was the only one of my friends-all of us academic transplants, all soldiers of art stationed on a far-off base (or so we imagined it) -who hadn't had something terrible happen to her yet.


  • 弗朗西斯教授学术他们需要300捐献大脑帮助他们寻找治疗阿尔茨海默氏病的方法,从未有那么自告奋勇前来捐献。

    Academics like professor Francis say they need some 300 people a year to donate their brains to help find cures and treatments for Alzheimer's, but nothing like that number are coming forward.


  • 听说有些认为学术作假不会为自己带来任何好处的,因为企图复制实验成果时,这种欺骗始终是会发现的。

    I've heard people argue that it would be against anyone's self-interest to cheat in science because cheating will be caught when someone tries to replicate the experiment and fails.


  • 该项目的学术制造伙伴包括有英国国防部沃尔沃公司,前者有志于拓展机器飞机机型系列

    The work’s academic and industrial partners include the British Ministry of Defence, which is interested in extending the range of robotic drones, and Volvo.


  • 学术研究打破基金经理创造神话,认为将来市场上,基金有可能采用低成本策略炮制高额回报

    Academic research is also breaking down the mystique of hedge-fund managers and suggesting that it may be possible to replicate their returns using low-cost strategies in the futures markets.


  • 还有些争辩说学生应该仅仅只接受职业培训应该能够选择重返学术教育的行列。

    Some argue, too, that students should not be shunted off into exclusively vocational training but keep the option to go back into the academic stream.


  • 若从书评看,赞扬指责的都有些信口开河,看不出学术现状好坏。

    However, judged by book reviews, both praises and criticisms being talks through a hat, the academic situation becomes more complex.


  • 商界学术有造诣曾经支持乌里韦哥伦比亚现在很多不想再支持他了。

    Many of the capable Colombians in business and academia who once supported Mr Uribe now want change.


  • 主持PTE学术英语考试,它的名称为什么叫做真正的学术英语考试?

    SINA HostWhy do students call PTE Academic a real academic English test.


  • 他们的确化学进入学术界,即便有些依然认为化学不是那么高端

    They did, indeed, succeed in getting chymistry into the academy—even if it is still not quite top-table in the views of some.


  • 他们的确化学进入学术界,即便有些依然认为化学不是那么高端

    They did, indeed, succeed in getting chymistry into the academy—even if it is still not quite top-table in the views of some.


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