• 5面向学习评估

    Figure 5: Illustration of learning-oriented estimation.


  • 这个阶段自然地选择组合基于功能分析面向学习评估

    A combination of Function Count-based analysis and learning-oriented estimation could be a natural choice for use during this phase.


  • 这个早期阶段使用面向学习的评估方法估算几个迭代需要资源也是有用的。

    At this early stage, it may be useful to apply learning-oriented estimation to assess the resources required for the first few iterations.


  • 然后,我们评估他们学习其他方面看法观察了他们的成绩

    We then assessed their beliefs about other aspects of learning and looked to see what happened to their grades.


  • AAR活动项目一开始持续学习纳入团队不是等到长期项目结束了以后再来团队的表现进行评估

    Rather than waiting until the end of a long project to evaluate how well the team did, AARs incorporate continuous learning right from the start.


  • 最终也就是评估开源软件商业软件,不仅仅要考虑虚拟学习环境而且要考虑UDOM总体IT蓝图。

    This quickly became an evaluation of open source versus commercial software, not just for the virtual learning environment, but for the IT landscape at UDOM in general.


  • 如果没有任何公司关于IT ROI的经验,在你开始学习一步之前,首先需要集合你的评估小组

    If you do not have any previous experience with it ROI in your company, learn all you can before your first visible step, assembling your assessment team.


  • 也进行学习能力评估然后通过对他课堂学习干预学习能力有大幅提升。

    And, he got the learning evaluation he needed, followed by classroom interventions that made a significant difference in his ability to learn.


  • 下载学习资料参加评估得到积分的奖励。

    Downloading the studying material and taking the assessment is rewarded with points.


  • 例如孩子每周花五每天小时学习数学,可成绩不理想,那么就要孩子重新评估这种学习方法是否正确

    For example, if your son studies for a math test for two hours a day, five days a week, yet gets a bad grade, then you and your son need to reevaluate his math studying regimen.


  • 的“十二周一”之后可以重新归类评估继续学习到的东西

    After your "12 Week Year" you can re-group, re-assess and move forward with what you've learned.


  • 我们不能仅仅拥有数据必须学习任何情况获取整理评估信息的必要技能。 这种新型的识字能力需要通信技术的能力,包括计算机和移动设备。

    Rather than merely possessing data, we must also learn the skills necessary to acquire, collate, and evaluate information for any situation.


  • 它们可以支持结构化交互(例如,在培训课程中学员完成预先定义活动,对学习效果进行评估),也可以支持非结构化业务交互(协作活动)。

    Can support both structured interactions (for example, training sessions where students complete predefined activities and are evaluated) and unstructured business interactions (collaborative events).


  • 不过课程的内容远明白每天早上穿什么复杂,比如该课程还讨论人们怎样利用时尚学习历史用它评估个性等

    It's more complicated than just figuring out what to wear in the morning, though. The class discussed how people use fashion to do everything from study history to assess character.


  • 这个原理推论,一种学习算法永远不会训练结果进行评估因为对于一未知事例而言,没有证据表明算法具有概括它们的能力

    A corollary of this principle is that a learning algorithm should never be evaluated for its results in the training set because this shows no evidence of an ability to generalize to unseen instances.


  • 儿童青少年神经病理学学习班中,学生会被送到学校的儿童研究中心观察医生如何儿童进行评估,然后他们详细写下自己看法

    The class on child and adolescent psychopathology sends them to the university's child study center to observe a clinician evaluating a child, after which they write up their own assessments.


  • 我们英语自测评估一下如何轻松地学习英语

    To assess how easily you will learn, go through our Self-Test on Learning English.


  • 为了进一步评估学习使用各种技术推荐了一些教程其他有用的参考资料

    I also recommend tutorials and other useful resources for evaluating and learning to use each technology.


  • 我们可以学习改变评估然后再次改变配件制造业务流程因为流程对于每个人可见的,局限于配件制造主任。

    The widget-making business process can be studied, changed, evaluated, and changed again since it is visible to all and not restricted to the chief widget-maker.


  • 但是如果怀疑自己学习障碍或者学校适应不良或者有测试障碍,神经心理学评估有用的

    A neuropsychological evaluation is useful, however, if you suspect you have learning disabilities or need accommodations in school or on tests.


  • 通常来说,为了设计构建可重用价值的服务必须持续测试评估你的劳动成果、度量质量不断学习重构

    In general you have to continuously test and evaluate you efforts, measure quality, learn, learn more and refractor for designing and building reusable and valuable services.


  • 案例研究技术中,评估人员使用课程调查构建系统类似例子进行启发式学习

    In case studies techniques, estimators apply lessons and heuristics learned from examining specific examples that resemble the system that is being built.


  • 但是许多公司学习传统业绩评估方法却无法促进员工行为

    However, as many companies are learning, traditional performance appraisals fail miserably in positively influencing employee behavior.


  • 业务案例评估通常使用面向学习技术以前的内部外部项目中获取相关信息

    It is common for "business case estimation" to use learning-oriented techniques, and obtain information from previous internal and external projects.


  • 也是为什么认知科学家认为考试本身——模拟考试小考——一个有力的学习工具原因之一,不是仅仅只对学生进行评估

    That’s one reason cognitive scientists see testing itselfor practice tests and quizzesas a powerful tool of learning, rather than merely assessment.


  • 也是为什么认知科学家认为考试本身——模拟考试小考——一个有力的学习工具原因之一,不是仅仅只对学生进行评估

    That's one reason cognitive scientists see testing itselfor practice tests and quizzesas a powerful tool of learning, rather than merely assessment.


  • 有意思的神经网络学习评估进化算法经过训练后其行为就像是人类专家

    It is interesting to note that Neural Networks is an evolution of learning-oriented estimation, in which the method algorithm is trained to behave like a human expert.


  • 规模评估MMOG 项目中具风险而且成本影响很大部分,已经学习如何处理这个问题

    You've learned how to successfully solve one of the most risky and costly pieces of the MMOG puzzle.


  • 规模评估MMOG 项目中具风险而且成本影响很大部分,已经学习如何处理这个问题

    You've learned how to successfully solve one of the most risky and costly pieces of the MMOG puzzle.


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