• 论你的学习风格是怎样,接受它并找到一种与之相洽的方法,无论是以书面/音频笔记还是其他方式

    Whatever your learning style is, accept it and find out a way that will work with it, whether it is written/audio notes or some other ways.


  • 篇文章里面,倡导学习方式大概学校里面教导风格具有创新性自发性方式

    What I'd like to advocate in this article is a more creative, spontaneous form of learning than the style you were probably coached for in school.


  • 巙葡萄牙语来说,学习一种语言将会将来生活方式巴西海滩漂亮的女孩聚会足球比赛正是风格

    Portuguese: For you, learning a language is all about the lifestyle that comes with it. Brazilian beaches, beautiful girls, parties, and soccer matches are just your style.


  • 检验信息呈现方式时间压力个体认知风格网上学习影响效应

    The effects of information organization form, time stress and cognitive style on learning performances in WWW were examined.


  • 认知风格个体所偏好信息加工方式好坏之分,影响学生解决问题的能力以及学习成绩

    Cognitive style is the way of information processing, without good or bad, but it can affects the score of study as well as the ability of solving problem.


  • 这些测试证明尽管大多数一个占主导地位学习风格他们能够使用其他有效学习方式

    These tests show that, although most people have one dominant style of learning, they are also able to use other learning styles effectively.


  • 主题先行”究竟在绘画史能否单独列成学习方式,这需要大量时间证明并且要和“风格形态”的涵义和关系重新诠释一遍。

    It need much time to prove and be interpreted that whether theme first is a separate study ways in. the history of the painting.


  • 学习风格判断方式学习学习风格剖析体系的设计为基本开发出遥程学习学习风格剖析体系。

    Developing the analysis system of distance learner learning style with the basis of determination method of learning style and the design of analysis system of distance learner learning style.


  • 典型学习风格模型入行了介绍剖析。(2)遥程学习学习风格测量方式入行了研讨。

    And the typical model of learning style is introduced and analyzed. (2) Studying of learning style of distance learners measuring method.


  • 需要更加强调终身学习在职培训以及更广泛地使用在线学习视频游戏风格模拟方式

    It will require a greater emphasis on lifelong learning and on-the-job training, and wider use of online learning and video-game-style simulation.


  • 学习风格学习持续一贯带有个性特征学习方式,是学习策略学习倾向总和

    Learning style is a study method that a learner USES consistently wi th characteristics of personality and the summation of learning strategy and inclination.


  • 学习程序性知识时,学习风格为动视听型学习使用课堂录像呈现方式进行学习后取得的该类知识的及格率明显较使用电子课本呈现方式取得的及格率高。

    However, when they studied procedural knowledge, the learners 'rate of pass who utilized video of class were higher than the learners 'rate of pass who utilized electronic textbook for study.


  • 我们产品质量卓越,典型方式设计风格我们生产电脑品质,结构紧凑,节能,学习操作。

    The computer we produced is characterized by its high 45. Our products are as superb quality as well as the typical quality, compact-sized, oriental make-up.


  • 学习爵士简单办法尽可能多爵士单簧管演奏家的录音学习他们演奏方式演奏风格

    And the best way to learn to play jazz is to listen to jazz recordings of all the jazz clarinetists you can find. Simply copy their playing and their particular stylistic ideas.


  • 采用问卷调查试卷测试个别访谈方式了解掌握实验高一学生信息技术基础基本技能学习兴趣学习风格等情况。

    By questionary survey, papers test, individual interviews, I learn the Grade 1 students 'information technology foundation and basic skill, study interest and study style before the experiment.


  • 采用问卷调查试卷测试个别访谈方式了解掌握实验高一学生信息技术基础基本技能学习兴趣学习风格等情况。

    By questionary survey, papers test, individual interviews, I learn the Grade 1 students 'information technology foundation and basic skill, study interest and study style before the experiment.


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