• 季节情感障碍产后抑郁症曾经面临过同样的情况但是现在它们已经被正式收录精神诊断统计手册》中了。

    However, this was also the case with seasonal affective disorder and postpartum depression, which are now formally recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.


  • 南半球许多国家处于冬季流感季节,因而将重点特别放在南半球流行学现状方面。

    Particular emphasis was placed on the epidemiological situation in the southern hemisphere, where many countries are experiencing their winter influenza season.


  • 季节流感以前的一些大流行当中怀孕已经一个尽人皆知风险因素了。

    Pregnancy is already a well-documented risk factor in seasonal influenza and in previous pandemics.


  • 然而直到本项试验研究发现患有糖尿性肾患者血压关联的肾脏功能季节性变化而变化

    However, until this study, it was not known whether kidney function in patients with diabetic nephropathy varied with the season in relation to blood pressure.


  • 上所述,糖尿忠者重视天气变化季节变更

    In summary, diabetes loyalty takes the weather change, the season change.


  • 他们发现所有研究显示,在流感高发季节心脏心脏发作导致死亡的情况呈上升。

    All the studies that covered entire populations showed a rise in deaths due to heart disease or heart attacks when influenza viruses were circulating, they found.


  • 虽然不会新的出现,但是改变许多现有季节特性。

    While it is unlikely to cause entirely new diseases it will alter the incidence, range and seasonality of many existing health disorders.


  • 我们已经饱受如艾滋,肺结核及疟疾这样全球性疫情侵袭。流感疫情其他所不同的容易传染美国,季节流感是死亡率最高的十种之一;

    That deaths from the new virus have mostly been confined to Mexico is probably a consequence of its having appeared there first and spread, under cover of normal seasonal flu, without anyone noticing.


  • 他们的报告显示流感这一季节可以使心脏恶化流感季节心脏发作心脏的患者明显增多。

    Their report shows that the seasonal virus can worsen heart disease and that deaths from heart attacks and heart disease are far more common during flu season.


  • 结果情绪紧张剧烈活动吸烟饮酒季节变换等有密切关系。

    Results:This disease was closely correlated with emotional strain, strenuous exercise, smoking, drinking and the convertion of season.


  • 本文采用分布统计分析方法精神科常见进行季节性分析。

    This study used the statistic method of circular distribution to detect the incidence of psychosis in psychiatric hospital.


  • 预防手足重要的一点是儿童保持清洁尤其初夏季节

    It's important to keep children clean to prevent HFMD, especially in early summer.


  • 分布分析脑血管季节规律;直线相关、多元逐步回归分析气象因素与脑血管之间关系

    The relationship between the onset of CVD and meteorological factors including temperature, air pressure, relative humidity, wind velocity was analyzed by circular distribution analysis,.


  • 结论手足1 - 3岁散居儿童为主,男性多于女性农村多于城市,发生明显的季节

    Conclusion HFMD mainly appears in 1-3-year-old scattered children, more male than female, and more in rural area than in urban area. It is a seasonal disease.


  • 每年季节流行都会造成数以千计的人死亡为什么我们如此担心一疾大流行可能性

    Why are we so worried about this pandemic possibility when thousands die every year from seasonal epidemics?


  • 研究发现初侵染源来自枝干生长季节互相交叉传染。

    The study shows that the initial infection source of the disease is the disease spot on the branches. In the growing season branches, leaves and fruits can infect one another.


  • 留针时间原则上应根据证、针刺经脉腧穴、患者体质长短治疗季节不同而定。

    The time of needle retaining is determined by the disease, the channels and acupoints, constitution of the patients, course of disease and the seasons.


  • 需重点关注感染禽流感季节流感毒性腹泻等传染的公共卫生风险。

    Close attention should be paid to human infection with avian influenza virus, seasonal influenza, viral diarrhoea and Zika virus disease.


  • 另一个理论人们可能会干燥季节一直待家中这样脑膜炎几率大了,夏季雨季到来的时候这种流行停止肆虐了。

    Another theory is that people may stay in their homes more during the dry season, making it easier to catch meningitis from others. The epidemics usually stop when the summer rainy season begins.


  • 季节转换饲草料结构变化发生主要诱因

    The main predisposition of occurrence of this disease lies in the seasonal changes and forage conversion.


  • 明显季节夏秋季

    This sickness not obvious seasonal characteristic, the summer autumn are slightly many.


  • 权威流行学家发出警告尽管新的流感疫苗效果预期疫苗出现得太,在这个季节无法阻挡疫情在全(美)国爆发。

    Several prominent epidemiologists are warning that even though the new swine flu vaccine works much better than expected, it will still come too late to blunt the peak of this season's pandemic.


  • 指出发生初春季节,起急剧情凶险,重者遗留永久性神经系统后遗症,甚至死亡

    Results suggested that the disease often occurs early in spring with sudden onset and that sometimes it leads to death. In severe cases, permanent sequelae of the nervous system often developed.


  • 目的描述腹泻临床特征年龄季节别的评估那些腹泻发生相关危险因素

    Aim: to describe clinical characteristics and age - and season - specific incidences of diarrheal episodes, and to evaluate risk factors associated with the occurrence of diarrheal disease.


  • 目的描述腹泻临床特征年龄季节别的评估那些腹泻发生相关危险因素

    Aim: to describe clinical characteristics and age - and season - specific incidences of diarrheal episodes, and to evaluate risk factors associated with the occurrence of diarrheal disease.


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