• 银行业金融机构必须建立适应风险管理存款风险滚动式检查制度

    A banking financial institution must set up a rolling inspection system for deposit risks which meets the risk management requirements.


  • 第二加强存款风险管理银行业金融机构保护客户资金安全职责所在,是风险管理的常规工作

    Article 2 Strengthening the deposit risk management shall be an obligation of the banking financial institutions to protect the safety of customers' funds and a routine job in the risk management.


  • 只靠存款仍然会招致风险

    Relying on deposits alone still entails risk.


  • 好好想想这些问题可能会发现,辞掉自己高薪工作存款一个发明想法上,这样做的风险超出了自己的承受力

    In thinking through these questions, you might determine, for example, that quitting your well-paying job and spending your savings to pursue an invention idea isn't a risk you find tolerable.


  • 这些银行存款资金意味着他们流动性风险他们竭力发现基于巴塞尔协议定义适合缓解流动性所持有本地资产

    While these Banks' deposit funding means their liquidity risk is low, they may struggle to find local assets suitable to hold in their liquidity buffer based on Basel definitions.


  • 如果没有这种存款担保,储 蓄者要求提高储蓄利率银行交易武器反映出与市场有关损失风险

    Without such guarantees, savers would have wanted higher interest rates from banks with trading arms to reflect the risk of a market-related loss.


  • 一个诱惑建议是,银行债券持有者应当承担一些风险正如银行破产联邦存款保险公司接管那样。

    It is tempting to suggest that the bondholders of big Banks should suffer too, just as they can suffer when small Banks fail and are taken over by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.


  • 作为政客手中存钱罐的日本邮政极少进行贷款,并且储户存款风险极低。

    Japan Post, which has been a piggy bank for politicians, rarely made loans or risked its customers' money.


  • 安全存款基本额会使银行承担过度的贷款风险反正利润股东风险保险者承担

    A secure deposit base encourages Banks to take excessive lending risks, since the profits go to shareholders and the risks are borne by insurers.


  • 对冲美元可能下跌风险,美国人不妨可5%存款换成外汇

    To hedge against the possibility of a falling greenback, consider putting about 5% or so of your savings into foreign currencies.


  • 采用国内存款筹资来购买外国资产涉及太多风险:“如果货币升值我们如何收回成本?”

    Using domestic deposits to fund purchases of foreign assets involves too much risk: “If the currency were to appreciate, how would we pay it back?”


  • 身处城市代理商完成大多数交易都是存款(如下)。代理商积存现金,因而存在e -float耗尽风险,达到一定存款限度后,他们就不能接受其他存款

    But agents in cities, where most transactions are deposits (see chart), accumulate cash and risk running out of e-float, at which point they cannot take any more deposits.


  • 存在这一风险存款会将他们的资金疲软国家银行转移安全避风港

    There is also the risk that depositors will shift their funds from Banks in weak countries to safer havens.


  • 存款损失成为道德风险一个教训

    Depositors' losses served as a lesson in moral hazard.


  • 正常情况下监管部门不会关注内部转移存款定价对于银行来说,借钱成本毫无疑问贷款风险相关联的。

    Normally regulators are not concerned with the pricing of internal transfers, but for Banks the cost of borrowing is inextricably tied to the riskiness of the loan.


  • 真实利率常常会导致存款资金投入房地产这导致了地产泡沫风险

    So-called negative real interest rates often encourage savers to shift money into assets such as real-estate, sparking risk of bubbles.


  • 一次货币市场基金扮演存款排队银行取款角色。 同时,监管者和市场参与者没有能够认识机构的风险,而不是市民的风险

    This time, the role of depositors lining up to withdraw funds from a bank was played by money-market funds, Bernanke said.


  • FDIC发言人限制存款保险基金潜在风险始终贝尔优先考虑的问题。

    An FDIC spokesman said 'limiting the potential exposure of the deposit-insurance fund is always a high priority for Chairman Bair.'


  • 建立存款保险制度健全金融机构风险处置机制

    We will establish a deposit insurance system and improve the risk disposal mechanism of financial institutions.


  • 储蓄账户存款这样工具支付利息很他们承担风险也很小

    Instruments like savings accounts and certificates of deposit pay a small rate of interest. They carry little risk.


  • 替代性网贷领军公司为储户提供传统存储账户更高利率存款方案,而且评级机构数据显示,风险程度逐渐与银行持平

    Deposit schemes at a leading alternative lender that offer savers far higher interest than orthodox savings accounts have been rated 'not much riskier than saving at a bank'.


  • 定期存款外,只能承受风险投资者亦可考虑银行不定期推出存款

    In addition to fixed deposits, can tolerate low-risk investors can also consider bank certificates of deposit from time to time introduced.


  • 利率风险产品存续期间人民银行提高存款利率,投资者将失去及时将资金配置存款收益提高机会

    Interest rate risk: If the People's Bank of China increases the deposit interest rate in the financing product's duration, the investor won't have the opportunity of increasing benefit in deposit.


  • 利率风险产品存续期间人民银行提高存款利率,投资者将失去及时将资金配置存款收益提高机会

    Interest rate risk: If the People's Bank of China increases the deposit interest rate in the financing product's duration, the investor won't have the opportunity of increasing benefit in deposit.


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