• 但是人们经常发现西方方式经常一个重要方面存在欠缺不一定培养经济社会教育背景良好伴侣

    But the Western way was often found wanting in an important respect: it didn't necessarily produce a partner of the right economic, social, and educational qualifications.


  • 完满的事物反而像存在欠缺作用不会过时

    The most successful things seem defective. But its use will never be dismoded .


  • 坦率地说认为目前开放源码解决方案几个方面存在欠缺

    Quite frankly, I found existing open source solutions to be lacking in various ways.


  • 从系统论的观点看,本文认为现有汉语水平考试体系结构完整和谐最优化方面存在欠缺

    This article thinks that HSK has many shortcomings in the completeness, harmony and optimization of the structure.


  • 连续方法研究网结构稳定问题一种重要途径目前连续化理论分析球面稳定问题存在欠缺不足

    Continuum analogy method is an important approach for the stability analysis of reticulated shells, but there still exist imperfections in applying this method to reticulated spherical shallow shells.


  • 如果主要人际关系中存在某种欠缺抛弃受害者角色全身心创造应该得到吧。 。

    If there is something that is lacking in one of your core relationships, cast off the role of victim and commit to creating the love you deserve.


  • 现阶段我国零售书业营销分类实践存在诸多不足,在理论上相对欠缺

    But in the present, our retail book industry is relatively deficient both on practice and in theory of marketing classification.


  • 同时,在建设存在不少亟待解决问题比如思想观念、管理体制技术水平法律保障等方面的欠缺

    Meanwhile, there are still some problems demanding prompt solution during the building process, such as the shortcomings in ideological mode, managing system, skill level and law guarantee.


  • 目前学术界对于网络文学自身存在意义、网络文学区别于传统书面文学呈现性的讨论非常欠缺

    However, the academia gave less discussion to the meaning of the existence of online literature and the nuance new quality different from traditional literature.


  • 合同形式包括一般书面形式特殊书面形式,欠缺法定形式合同效力存在着“证据主义”与“要件主义”评价模式差别

    There are two different modes of judging the effectiveness of contracts short of legal form: one is essentials doctrine, and the other isp proofs doctrine.


  • 文章试图诚信教育行为语言思维方式差异合作意识团队精神等四个方面论述国际商务谈判教学存在文化欠缺

    This article attempts to discuss the cultural defect in the teaching in terms of integrity education, behavioral language, differences in thinking pattern, cooperation awareness and team spirit.


  • 由于风险理论研究中,大多数研究者考虑随机干扰的因素,因而对有些问题这种风险模型存在着较大的欠缺

    Considering that many researchers have not considered stochastic diffusion in the studies of risk theories, we think the risk models in some problems still have deficiency.


  • 现行公司法股东出资违约责任体系方面存在明显欠缺失衡着力建立完善相应的制度。

    Because there is obvious deficiency and imbalance on shareholders' liabilities to the breach of agreement on investment, relevant systems should be constructed and consummated.


  • 女性主义神学研究也存在着过激之处,其理论上建树还比较欠缺

    But feminist theology tends to go to extremes and lacks of supporting theoretical achievements.


  • 然而,澳门社团管理或监督欠缺周延约束机制,无法防范社团运营存在的种种流弊。

    A. R. It is lack of comprehensive constraint mechanism for supervising the mass organizations, which prevent the faults from existing in the operation of mass organizations.


  • 苏北农村存在整体经济水平村庄之间差距大、土地利用率低、建筑形式单一基础设施欠缺生活质量偏低等问题

    Northern Jiangsu countryside is characterized by low economic level, discrepancy be-tween villages, low land usage ratio, single architecture form, dearth of infrastructure, low life quality etc.


  • 目前上市公司会计信息披露存在内容虚假完整性欠缺时效性差等各种质量问题

    At present, there are various kinds of quality problems in stock companies' accounting information reported, such as false content, lack of completeness and effectiveness.


  • 处理法人法人代表关系上,存在代理说、代表说及混合说,究其原因主要是因为我们对代理与代表的认识不够透彻以及立法上欠缺

    The co-existence of these three theories can be mainly attributed to the fact of not having a thorough understanding of the essence of proxy and representation and lack of legislation.


  • 民事检察监督制度重要检察制度,我国起步较晚理论研究还比较欠缺,在立法存在缺陷,在司法实践中存在许多矛盾冲突,需要一个自我完善的过程。

    The system of Civil Prosecutorial Supervision being late start and the deficiency of the theoretical research and legislation is important one in our country, which needs be improved.


  • 由于司法环境影响实体法配置欠缺因素,致使我国酷刑工作存在诸多问题。

    However, due to the environmental impact and the lack of substantive law targeting such factors, China's anti-torture work of the problems is quite severe, anti-torture is still very arduous task.


  • 但是我们清醒地看到,《合同法无论理论上还是立法技术上仍存在一些欠缺之处,需要改进甚多。

    However, we must be fully aware, still there are some places deficient no matter in theory or on legislative technique in contract law, there are a lot of places needing improvement.


  • 存在具体功能欠缺网络稳定性、操作人员熟练机构缺乏认识等问题。

    But there were some problems of defective concrete function, poor network stability, less specialized operator, and lack of acknowledge by the institutions.


  • 由于语言文字本身存在多义性模糊性,以及当事人文化水平法律知识欠缺合同用语不当以及存在漏洞之情形时有出现

    Due to the multi-meaning and obscure language and words, and the limitation of the parties 'education or the lack of legal knowledge, the impropriety and loopholes in contracts always appear.


  • 当前探究支撑软件存在着各种问题,突出表现对于探究过程支持不够,软件虚拟化程度较差以及系统化通用性欠缺等方面

    Current probe support software, more or less, the problems in the process of exploring prominence to support enough, software and systematic poorer level virtualization of universal lack, etc.


  • 由于高校扩招教育资源欠缺就业形势严峻因素影响毕业设计(论文)过程中存在一定问题影响毕业设计(论文)的质量

    But owing to such factors as college enrollment expansion, lack of educational resources and grim employment situation, we find certain problems affecting the graduation project (thesis) quality.


  • 作者现有基于行为的时空数据模型分析发现有的模型个人行为的动态性特征体现、行为可视化以及行为活动的统计、分析技术存在一定的欠缺

    But through the analysis of the data model for activity-based, the author found that the current models has some drawbacks on the dynamic character, videotext and statistic analysis and so on.


  • 作者现有基于行为的时空数据模型分析发现有的模型个人行为的动态性特征体现、行为可视化以及行为活动的统计、分析技术存在一定的欠缺

    But through the analysis of the data model for activity-based, the author found that the current models has some drawbacks on the dynamic character, videotext and statistic analysis and so on.


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