• 一个世纪,亨利·卡文迪什注意空气中的氧气氮气除去,还有其他剩余气体存在人们没有认识它们重要

    A century earlier, Henry Cavendish had noted the existence of a residual gas when oxygen and nitrogen are removed from air, but its importance had not been realized.


  • 科学认识并不完整,而且有关气候变化精确程度时间及其危险存在着很大不确定

    This scientific understanding is incomplete, and there remain significant uncertainties about the precise magnitudes, timing, and dangers of climate change.


  • 最终还是回到股利股利即便很多忘记了它的存在没有认识重要,但它们才是驱动力所在。

    The ultimate thing is the dividend; the dividends, even though a lot of people forget the dividends and don't realize how important they are, they are actually the driving force.


  • 这种相对物理学已有了很深研究我们已经认识自然界存在万物都一定的相互联系

    This kind of relativity theory has been deeply researched in physics, we have known that the thing existed in the nature have to contact mutually.


  • 当前地方报纸新闻评论专栏建设重要认识不足因而操作存在一些误区

    The present local newspaper has insufficient understanding of importance of special column construction of news analysis, therefore there are some mistaken ideas in operation.


  • 任何学术专业领域认识我们知识理解存在种种局限获取事实和新信息具有同等的重要

    In any academic area or professional field, it is just as important to recognize the limits of our knowledge and understanding as it is to acquire new facts and information.


  • 这样不可避免存在劳动力产品质量问题、劳动者所处资源环境问题以及人们认识上的主观统计数据的不完整等问题。

    Inevitably, there exist the problems of the product quality of the works, the resource environment and the subjectivity of cognition and the lack of integrity on statistical data.


  • 青少年普遍存在过于严谨尊崇权威倾向创造个人关系消极态度,对发明创造过程个人因素重要认识不足。

    Juveniles tend to be over-precise and pay too much homage to authority, hold an inactive attitude to creation and personal relationship, misunderstand the importance of person factors in invention.


  • 无疑,可靠理论认识到了正当正义之间鸿沟尽管如此,可靠理论坚持两者之间存在关联

    Reliability theories acknowledge this "gap" between legitimacy and justice, but insist that there is nonetheless a strong connection between the two.


  • 对于惩罚赔偿责任主要存在公法责任民责任说两种不同认识

    Regarding the responsibility of punitive compensation's nature, there are two mainly different understanding that is, responsibility in public law or responsibility in civil law.


  • 城镇体系序列中存在集镇认识随意学术研究模糊

    But in urban system sequences, there still exist the randomness and fuzziness of academic research on the understanding of the towns.


  • 由于房地产业自身的特殊当前带动作用认识存在一定的误区。

    As real estate is a very special industry, there are some misunderstandings on its driving effect at present.


  • 肿瘤抗原认识历经了多个阶段,最后终于确定了它们存在肿瘤排斥抗原(TRAP)为研究的主要方向

    It has taken several periods before the existence of tumor antigens are proved and their new direction is considered as tumor rejection antigen peptides (TRAP).


  • 尽管我国民法通则、合同法对无效合同确认标准做了原则规定,但实务存在一些模糊认识作法

    Though there are principal provisions in the General Principles of Civil Law and in the Contract Law concerning the issue, still we see ambiguities in our understanding and judicial practice.


  • 命运哲学思考、对偶然必然辩证认识,这王安忆潜意识存在宿命体现

    Philosophical thought that towards fate and dialectical understanding towards contingency and inevitability are the embodiments of the fatalistic feeling existing in Wang Anyi's subconscious.


  • 由于人类认识世界诉讼的规律各国证明标准虽然表述不同,但运作存在上述共

    As the commonness of people's cognition of the world and the principal of lawsuit, the standards of proof in different country are different in expression and same in operation.


  • 道德一致是个社会自身存在意义的反省的结果,道德的强反映了一个社会中的个人或社会自身存在认识程度的深与浅。

    The uniformity in moral is a meditation on personal existence by individuals and by the society, and thus the standard of morals suggests the degree of personal perception.


  • 因为我们基础认识实践存在诸多误解片面

    Because we have had a lot of misunderstandings and unilateralism about understanding and practising of Basic.


  • 本文观点存在合理及其重要初步论述认为观点我们认识研究传播媒介重要意义

    The paper gives a primary discussion on the rationality and importance of Mcluhan' s viewpoint and argues that it is of significance for us to study communication media.


  • 概念法学利益法学对法律方法价值判断存在片面认识

    The concept law theory and the interest law theory are both have some unilateral understanding of the value judgment of legal method.


  • 白云铁矿人力资源现状存在总体人力资源过剩结构缺乏,人力资源质量上仍处于低水平状态,思想认识体制上还存在差距

    The present situation of human resource at Baiyun is in a low level and thinking has gap for its system that is surplus and configuration lack.


  • 必须认识操作低温液体存在窒息可能

    The potential for asphyxiation must be recognized when handling inert cryogenic liquids.


  • 信息悖论一个客观存在现实越来越多的企业家认识的危害

    Information paradox is an objective reality, also more and more entrepreneurs have realized its destructivity.


  • 基础上对中学生非正式群体内涵特点作出分析,从而认识非正式群体存在的必然必要

    Based on the analysis above, the meaning and features of the informal groups in the middle school students are demonstrated.


  • 我国目前对土地信息资源重要性认识还不够,缺乏技术人才,对土地信息资源收集利用存在缺乏市场机制和效率不高等问题

    This paper expounds the concept of the information resources and land information resource and its peculiarity, analyses the problems in using the land information resource.


  • 违法性认识可能存在场合,故意过失犯都不成立。

    When there is no the probability of the Consciousness of Illegality, the act constitutes neither the intentional crime nor the negligent crime.


  • 违法性认识可能存在场合,故意过失犯都不成立。

    When there is no the probability of the Consciousness of Illegality, the act constitutes neither the intentional crime nor the negligent crime.


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