• 获取主机看到存储阵列列表

    Get a list of Storage Arrays seen by the host.


  • 如今最大存储阵列大约15字节

    The largest arrays available today are about 15 petabytes in size.


  • 是否计划存储阵列使用存储分区

    Do you plan to use the storage partitions in the this storage array?


  • DB 2环境中同一时间只有一个系统可以拥有存储阵列

    In the DB2 environment, only one system can "own" the storage array at a time.


  • 考虑企业级存储阵列购买SSD时,不仅要考虑速度容量

    When you consider the purchase of SSDs for your enterprise-class storage array, think beyond speeds and feeds.


  • 存储阵列需要通过明确充填空间存在一个递增顺序创建

    To store your array you will need to create it by explicitly filling spaces in memory in an incremental order.


  • 发明可以通过简化工艺实现具有3d交叉点结构高密度存储阵列

    The present inventive concept can realize a highly dense memory array with 3d cross-point architecture by simplified processes.


  • 因为仅限于单个机器,所以想要它有效率,需要强大的数据库服务器存储阵列网络

    Since it is limited to a single machine you need a powerful database server and a storage array network for it to be effective.


  • 电路包括存储阵列译码电路、敏感放大器、数据输入输出电路,预充电电路等部分。

    The whole circuit includes memory array, decode, sense amplifier, data in - out circuit and pre - charge circuit.


  • 用于传出传入消息mq队列存储一个通用存储阵列网络中,标准可用过程用于故障转移

    The MQ queues, which are used for inbound and outgoing messages, will be stored on a common storage array network and standard high available procedures can be used for failover.


  • 假设位于一个存储区域网络(SAN)存储阵列数据库每次运行某个查询具有糟糕的性能

    Suppose a database that resides on a storage area network (SAN) storage array exhibits poor performance every time a certain query is run against it.


  • 如果使用SAN或者其他类型存储阵列,那么您应该尝试创建阵列时使它们具有相同大小类型。

    If you have a SAN or another type of storage array, you should try to create your arrays of equal size and type.


  • EMC首次将FLASH芯片固态硬盘运用于存储阵列,使性能能效获得前所未有提升

    EMC firstly applies FLASH chip solid state disk into the memory array, and unprecedentedly raises the performance and the energy efficiency.


  • 服务器存储阵列信息系统核心硬件如何采购符合要求设备CIO十分关心问题

    Servers and memory arrays are core hardware in information system. How to select suitable facilities is the question that each CIO of the hospitals is quite concerned.


  • 如果阅读了最近的行业文章新闻一定会注意到固态硬盘(SSD)已经应用到先进的企业存储阵列

    It cannot have escaped your notice, if you have been reading industry articles and press releases, that solid-state drives (SSDs) are now available for the leading enterprise storage arrays.


  • 根据解决方案不同,位置可能主机筛选器驱动程序级别上,可能在存储阵列中的某个磁盘切片上

    Depending upon the solution, this location can be at the host filter driver level or at a disk slice within a storage array.


  • 系统数据服务器操作系统、服务器设定参数等资料建立备份存放端的SAN存储阵列中。

    It also create volume shadow copies for system and the server Settings, parameters and OS running on data servers, stored on near or far SAN.


  • 方法加强这些情况下表现缓冲区中的数据尽可能多的数据读取可以临时存储阵列然后包裹需要

    One way to enhance performance under these conditions is to buffer the data: to read as much data as you can into a temporary storage array inside the class, then parcel it out as needed.


  • PODS文件服务器上存储医疗记录图像文件使用IBMDB 2数据库存储相应的元数据,用网络附属存储阵列存储图像文件,包括PDF文本

    PODS stores medical record image files on file servers; it USES an IBM DB2 database to store corresponding metadata and a network attached storage array for the image files, including PDFs and text.


  • 事实上Symmetrix存储阵列EFD能够大约1毫秒响应时间实现30个15,000r PM硬盘驱动器相同的IOPS

    In fact, in a Symmetrix storage array, one EFD can deliver IOPS equivalent to thirty 15,000 RPM hard disk drives with a response time of approximately 1 millisecond.


  • 第二存储过程中,使用字符串替代阵列大量使用光标以便结果集合中提取

    In the second set of stored procedures, strings were used in place of arrays, and cursors were heavily used to fetch rows from multi-row result sets.


  • ORACLE隐式重复FETCH直到使用了来自游标所有每一存储阵列元素中。

    ORACLE implicitly repeats the FETCH until all the rows from the cursor are consumed and stores each row in an element of the array.


  • 基于存储设备虚拟化可以把多个物理磁盘放在单一阵列中,根据需求划分多个不同大小卷。

    Storage device-based virtualization provides the facility to join multiple physical disks in a single array and divide it to multiple volumes of different sizes based on requirements.


  • 对于第一存储过程,在可能使用DB 2阵列

    For the first set of stored procedures, DB2 arrays were used when possible.


  • 重要的是阵列应用程序存储过程之间存储过程之间流动数据集合非常方便表示形式

    But more importantly, arrays are a very convenient representation for collections of data that flow between an application and stored procedures or between stored procedures.


  • 同样很多时候阵列内容需要转变中的要么存储其他联合

    Similarly, very often, the contents of an array needs to be turned into rows in a table, either to be stored or to be joined with other tables.


  • 对于主动/被动存储RAID阵列任何时候主机只能通过其中路径到达阵列的一个LUN

    For an active/passive storage RAID array, your host can only reach one single LUN from this array by one of these two paths at any time.


  • 包括BULKCOLLECT句后,语句返回INTO 子句中的变量必须阵列每一存储阵列元素中

    When the BULK COLLECT clause is included, the statement can return multiple rows; the variable in the INTO clause must be an array, and each row is stored in an array element.


  • 存储配置一个具有42磁盘驱动器IBMDS4000 series(FAStT硬件阵列

    The storage configuration was an IBM DS4000 series (FAStT) hardware array with 42 disk drives.


  • 例如IBMDB 2融入了数据压缩特性电信公司可以用更少磁盘阵列存储数据。

    IBM DB2, for example, incorporates data compression features that enable telcos to store data on fewer arrays.


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