• 虚拟存储适配器无法移动除非关闭虚拟

    Virtual storage adapters also cannot be moved, unless the virtual machines are shut down.


  • 编辑initrd映像更改存储适配器顺序

    Edit the initrd image to change the storage adapter sequence.


  • 其他限制包括系统运行不能转移存储适配器也不能进程只使用单一分区

    Other limitations include the inability to move around storage adapters, while the system is up nor the ability to dedicate processes to a single partition.


  • 然后将用于配置逻辑分区、分区启动关闭功能以太网存储适配器管理以及一些基本系统管理功能。

    It is then used for configuring logical partitions, startup and shutdown functions for partitions, management of Ethernet and storage adapters, and basic system management functions.


  • 编辑initlinuxrc文件使文件系统磁盘适配器出现同一个类别中的所有其他存储适配器前面

    Edit file init or linuxrc to let your root file system disk adapter appear earlier than all other storage adapters in the same category.


  • 编辑initrd映像,以便首先载入文件系统适配器驱动程序,然后再载入所有其他存储适配器驱动程序。

    Edit your initrd image to let the root file system adapter driver load earlier than all other storage adapter drivers.


  • 能够对象匹配一些基本猜测适配器开发者可以很自由全部或者部分实现存储引擎的交互。

    It provides some basic predicates for matching objects, but adapter authors are free to implement all or some of those that make sense to the storage engine.


  • 使用适配器需要设置事件存储库,暂时存储入站数据地方

    To use the inbound adapter, you first need to set up the event store, which is where inbound data is temporarily stored.


  • 非常肯定特定存储引擎开发DM适配器需要花费一些时间编写一个完整对象映射器。

    I've certainly developed DM adapters for specific storage engines in a fraction of the time it would take to write an entire object mapper from scratch.


  • 一种存储引擎被加入DM之后,就会有信息被反馈到DM核心开发团队最后将会反映在下一个版本适配器api中。

    As each storage engine is added to DM, feedback is made to the DM core team which is eventually reflected in the next release of the adapter API.


  • 使用文本文件存储企业信息文件又分散在不同位置时适配器非常有用。

    This adapter is useful when you use text files to store your enterprise information, but the files are scattered across locations.


  • 存储节点中的每个节点都有这种PC i适配器

    Each of the nodes in the storage node group has two of these PCI adapters.


  • 创建文件后,适配器存储业务对象中的数据调用导出构件。

    When a file is created, the adapter calls the export with the data that is stored in a business object.


  • 适配器按照与存储设备相同的方式导出WPAR

    The adapter is exported to the WPAR in the same manner as storage devices.


  • 如果设备智能设备,譬如支持多种机制硬件适配器STDLL可以变得简单因为设备存储大多数会话信息

    If the device is an intelligent device, such as a hardware adapter that supports multiple mechanisms, the STDLL can be thin because much of the session information can be stored on the device.


  • 请求集群磁盘驱动传递微软存储驱动最终传递到与磁盘通讯那个总线适配器

    The request is passed from the cluster disk driver to the Microsoft storage driver stack and finally to the driver specific to the HBA that communicates to the disks.


  • 应用程序使用FlatFile适配器实现文件系统存储类型(“EF”)。

    The sample application only implements the file system store type (" FF ") using the FlatFile adapter.


  • 业务对象不仅有一个类型为Customer属性,还有多个其他属性用于存储特定适配器操作数据

    The business object has a attribute of type Customer and multiple other attributes used to store data that is specific to the adapter and the operation.


  • 可以schema元素Web服务适配器其他数据存储定义不过可以是全局变量

    This can be a schema element, a Web service adapter, or some other data store definition, but it can also be a global variable.


  • 内容包括每个节点安装GPFS代码以及存储节点配置Qlogic适配器

    These include the installation of the GPFS code on each node and the configuration of the Qlogic adapters for the storage nodes.


  • 磁盘存储系统通过四个QLogicQLA2342光纤通道适配器连接主机系统上。

    The disk-storage system is connected to the host system with four QLogic QLA2342 Fiber Channel adapters.


  • 这些可重用数据适配器可以拥有selectupdateinsertdelete命令它们或者是sql语句或者存储过程调用

    These re-usable data adapters can have select, update, insert, and delete commands that are either SQL statements or stored procedure calls.


  • 存储IBMTotalStorage DS8100,通过4 个光纤通道适配器连接到LPAR

    Storage: IBM TotalStorage DS8100 attached to the LPAR through four fiber channel adapters.


  • 如果启用PXE引导这个问题会影响存储节点,其中Q logicPC i适配器没有足够空间正确进行初始化

    This problem affects the storage nodes where, if PXE boot is enabled, there is not sufficient space for the Qlogic PCI adapters to initialize properly. One work around to this is the following.


  • AIX7支持按照存储设备相同的方式wpar导出Fibre -Channel适配器

    AIX 7 will include support for exporting a virtual or physical fibre-channel adapters to a WPAR in the same manner as storage devices.


  • 还有CF (CompactFlash)SD (SecureDigital)插槽可以支持存储设备例如802.11b无线cf以太网适配器

    It has Compact Flash (CF) and Secure Digital (SD) slots and can support non-storage devices such as an 802.11b wireless CF card or an Ethernet adapter.


  • 某些硬件资源可以轻松虚拟化比如处理器存储另一些硬件资源则不然,比如视频适配器串口

    Some hardware resources can easily be virtualized, such as the processor or storage, but other hardware resources cannot, such as a video adapter or a serial port.


  • 一旦配置了数据适配器,您可以生成数据集定义了,数据存储的数据适配器断开连接的结果集。

    Once you have configured your data adapter, you can generate the data set definition that will host your data adapter disconnected result sets.


  • 现在需要适配器指示用于存储数据业务对象以便适配器可以创建相应的入站接口操作

    You now need to tell the adapter which business objects you will use to store the inbound data so that the adapter can create the appropriate inbound interface operations.


  • 使用虚拟scs i适配器的虚拟存储不同分区中的存储器。

    Virtual storage using a virtual SCSI adapter and storage in a different partition.


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