• 通过查看这样媒体类型客户知道收到表示账户资源还是转账资源。

    By looking at such media types, the client knows whether it received a representation of an account resource or a transfer resource.


  • 它们并不仅仅是媒体播放器即时通信客户端准备的。

    It's not just for media players and instant messenger clients.


  • Produces注解用于标识MIME媒体类型这样资源中的方法生成该类型的内容返回客户

    Produces: This annotation specifies the MIME media types that the methods in the resource can produce and return to the client.


  • 客户中,取消清单26中的以下Accept媒体类型设置的注释。

    In the client class, uncomment the following Accept header media type setting in Listing 26.


  • AcceptAccept请求标头字段可用指定客户可以接受特定媒体类型响应

    Accept: the accept request-header field can be used to specify certain media types responses that are acceptable to the client.


  • 例如HTTPGET请求可以Accept标头中包含一个客户端支持媒体类型列表

    For example, an HTTP GET request might contain a list of media types supported by the client in the Accept header.


  • 包括主要新闻媒体网站在内Akamai全球网络客户网络通信因素刺激下急剧上升。

    Web traffic for Akamai's global network of clients, including major news media sites, surged by a factor of five.


  • 社交媒体解决方案提供商rapleaf最近发布的份报告显示,流行Twitter客户端依然Twitter官方主页。

    According to a new study from social media solutions provider Rapleaf, the most popular Twitter client is the web.


  • AdobeFlex一个客户端技术,它开发人员提供丰富API集合创建GUI绘制图形播放流放媒体连接Web服务

    Adobe Flex is a client-side technology that provides developers with a rich set of API calls for creating GUIs, drawing graphics, playing and streaming media, and connecting to Web services.


  • 如果遵循严格解释PUT应该包括整个展现形式客户同时发送完整咖啡订单所有媒体控件

    To follow the strict interpretation that PUT should include entire representations, the client sends both the entire new coffee order and whatever hypermedia controls the service last sent it.


  • 然后服务器返回资源表示形式作为指定类型(如果可以),并用提供给客户实际媒体类型填充响应中的Content - Type标头

    The server then returns the resource representation as the specified type (if it can), and populates the Content-Type header in the response with the actual media type delivered to the client.


  • Alex观点服务媒体资源展现形式应该驱动客户端工作流并且提出四种可能方法针对这种交互方式进行建模

    Alex is of the opinion that the hypermedia and resource representations from the services should drive the workflow of the clients and he suggests four possible ways to model this interaction.


  • 如果Facebook用户装有可兼容的BitTorrent下载客户端程序就会启动开始下载媒体文件

    If the Facebook user has a BitTorrent-compatible download client, the program will launch and begin downloading the media.


  • AdobeFlashPlayer丰富表现力的客户端运行工具,可以发布媒体点播,并运行主要操作系统浏览器移动电话设备上

    Adobe Flash Player is a highly expressive client runtime that delivers streaming and on Demand digital media across major operating systems, browsers, mobile phones, and devices.


  • 希望加入媒体应用客户端随机分配一个代理并且能够请求38个服务(程序随机产生)。

    A client wishing to join a multimedia application is assigned a dealer proxy randomly and can request anywhere from 3 to 8 services (both randomly generated by a program).


  • 鉴于可以家庭网关作为VOD广义客户端设备,其任务是负责媒体解码传输控制。

    According to this, we take the Home GateWay as the extensive client of VOD, and use the Home GateWay to transmit, code and decode the Multimedia Stream.


  • 如果出现涉及这些计算机媒体故障灾难可以重新安装客户软件重新连接服务器

    If a media failure or disaster that involved those computers were to occur, you can reinstall the client software and reconnect to the server.


  • 最后给出一个基于BREW平台移动媒体服务系统重点分析了客户实现

    At last, a media service system based on BREW platform is provided. The implementation of client part is the emphasis.


  • 优点提高客户播放媒体的流畅度,极大改善了用户体验

    The fluency for playing the media by the client is promoted and the user experience is greatly improved.


  • 媒体技术支持文本图片流、音频流、视频流网络流式传输客户流式接收。

    Streaming media technology supports network transmission of text stream, picture stream, audio stream, video stream, and the customer can incept the information by streaming mode.


  • 论述媒体视频会议系统多点控制单元(MCU)服务器客户端软件设计实现

    This paper presents the implementation of multimedia conference system. It details the design and realization of MCU server and client.


  • 媒体客户端能够发出类似于VCR命令行,例如播放暂停,因此有利于实时控制来自服务器媒体文件播放

    Clients of media servers issue VCR-like commands, such as play and pause, to facilitate real-time control of playback of media files from the server.


  • 经过半年努力终于完成语音传输零碎的需求剖析模块功用划分、媒体编程、效劳器-客户端模型等。

    After six months of effort, the voice chatting system was completed. This system includes requirements analysis, and functional modules, multimedia programming, server-client model.


  • 通过把流媒体缓存配置客户和服务器之间,以基于代理服务器机制实现,降低客户端播放器启动延迟时间,能节约部分网络带宽

    Thus it will not only reduce the start-up delay of the clients' player in the event of a cache hit but also save network bandwidth to some extent.


  • 服务器水印嵌入媒体数据加密PD CF打包以及客户处理过程本发明的核心内容

    Watermark embedding at a server end, encryption and PDCF packaging of media data and reverse processing of a client are the core content of the invention.


  • 服务器水印嵌入媒体数据加密PD CF打包以及客户处理过程本发明的核心内容

    Watermark embedding at a server end, encryption and PDCF packaging of media data and reverse processing of a client are the core content of the invention.


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