• 年后朋友回来了并带回一封信里面有一张男孩婚礼邀请

    A year had passed and her friend came with an envelope, containing an invitation card for the guy's wedding.


  • 婚礼,一些参加婚礼的嘉宾扮成了自由女神、吸血鬼等模样。 当地官员婚礼主持人特表示,第一万圣节婚礼有些特殊今后可能还在万圣节主持婚礼

    For Reynalda Carpenter, the county official who performed the wedding, this was a first and "a little unusual, " but she may be working future Halloween nights.


  • 婚礼,一些参加婚礼的嘉宾扮成了自由女神、吸血鬼等模样。当地官员婚礼主持人特表示,第一万圣节婚礼有些特殊今后可能还在万圣节主持婚礼

    For Reynalda Carpenter, the county official who performed the wedding, this was a first and "a little unusual," but she may be working future Halloween nights.


  • 或者花好几个小时一遍遍重复观看童话婚礼”(Kim ' s FairytaleWedding)后,发现要这位达西安女士保持一致就是浪费时间

    Or when you spent hours watching "Kim's Fairytale Wedding" over and over again, only to learn that keeping up with this Kardashian was a waste of time.


  • 一位读者强烈要求梅伦先生“放尊重一些”,另外有人说:“一直告诉参加婚礼的男人们,一定穿他们最雅致服装以示新娘的尊重。”

    One reader urged Mr Cameron to "show some respect" and another recalled: "I was always told the menfolk at a wedding should wear their smartest attire as a compliment to the bride."


  • 英国首相大卫·梅伦只要机会就会没完没了婚礼是因为大多数视野中所看到唯一好消息

    British Prime Minister David Cameron constantly bangs on about the wedding whenever he gets a chance, because it's the only spot of good news on the horizon for most people.


  • 这个数字是英国一天正常法定假日损失生产力成本按照英国首相大卫·梅伦命令婚礼当天为英国法定假日。

    The estimated cost of lost productivity on a normal bank holiday in Britain, which, under the orders of Prime Minister David Cameron, the wedding day has become.


  • 妈妈再婚的婚礼萝尔想把我妈的出生地日期记到带来的一个巨大笔记本中

    It was at my mom's second wedding, and Carol wanted birthplaces and dates for this giant book she'd brought.


  • 上映的爱情喜剧《我们家庭婚礼》中,亚美莉·费雷拉兰斯·格罗斯分别扮演陷入爱河墨西哥女人裔美国男子

    So it was a surprise to see that in the new romantic comedy 'Our Family Wedding,' America Ferrera and Lance Gross play a Mexican woman and an African-American man in love.


  • 梅伦介绍新任首相乐得像一个婚礼演讲中第一提到妻子”的新郎

    Mr Cameron introduced "the new deputy prime minister" with the relish of a groom referring to his "wife" for the first time in his wedding speech.


  • 印第安公主波·洪塔斯婚礼现场是长期困扰学者未解之谜考古学小组深信他们发现了当年的婚礼现场遗址

    A team of archaeologists believe they may have finally discovered Pocahontas' wedding site, a mystery that has long vexed scholars.


  • 丝·凯里酒吧里向朋友抱怨自己快要破产以至于没法弟弟,随后,决定采取疯狂举动

    When Kath Kelly complained to friends in the pub she was so broke she couldn't afford a wedding present for her brother, she decided to take drastic action.


  • 听说这样故事乌干达妇女会得到女性朋友们的SIM作为,这她们能拥有持续独立性的保证。

    I've heard tales of Ugandan women being given simcards as wedding presents by female friends, as a way of guaranteeing their continued independence.


  • 只是如果已经考虑了一幅“盛大婚礼场景,你就应该开始节约用钱,这样以后才不至于

    I'm just saying that had you accounted for the "having a big wedding" scenario, you might have saved more in the past, and hence not need to get into credit card debt.


  • 用了信用结算我的婚礼费用

    I used my credit card to settle my wedding bill.


  • 总之路易斯西的婚礼100%哈利·波特魔法我们很高兴能偷偷瞧上一眼。

    All in all, Lewis and Cassie's wedding was 100% pure Harry Potter magic! We're just glad we got to take a peek.


  • 晚上,阿尔贝二世亲王蒙特歌剧院举办盛大的婚宴,款待参加婚礼贵宾

    At night, Prince Albert II held a grand reception at the Monte Carlo Opera House for all the honored guests.


  • 近日,乔纳森杜丽求婚于2010年116日举行婚礼

    Johnson now has proposed and the two are set to get hitched on January 16, 2010.


  • 婚礼网站救国最新这些工具简化了婚礼策划专注于好玩的东西,喜欢品尝月饼时间

    From wedding websites to save-the-date CARDS, these tools simplify wedding planning, letting you focus your time on the fun things-like tasting cakes!


  • 幕,新人独一无二的婚礼对新人爱情见证。

    The scene, Each new and unique wedding, Every couple of new love.


  • 漂漂”都温州滑翔伞俱乐部成员这个滑翔婚礼独特创意就是滑翔爱好者们共同策划下搞起来的。

    "Neat" and "Kaka" Wenzhou paraglider clubs are members of the glider's unique creative wedding is in gliding enthusiasts, developing a common plan together.


  • 温尼表示,婚宴场地费用一般婚礼总费用一半,宴请来宾平均每人的成本196美元,75%的夫妇自己承担婚礼的部分费用。

    The venue usually accounts for 50 percent of the budget and the average cost per guest is $196, according to Winikka, who added that 75 percent of couple contribute to the cost of their wedding.


  • 温尼表示,婚宴场地费用一般婚礼总费用一半,宴请来宾平均每人的成本196美元,75%的夫妇自己承担婚礼的部分费用。

    The venue usually accounts for 50 percent of the budget and the average cost per guest is $196, according to Winikka, who added that 75 percent of couple contribute to the cost of their wedding.


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