• 判决最近几周来,第二联邦同性婚姻案件的裁决。

    The verdict was the second in a federal gay marriage case to come down in recent weeks.


  • 最近几周联邦法院同性婚姻案件下达的第二判决

    The verdict is the second in a federal gay marriage case to fall down in recent weeks.


  • 所谓同居案件,应指未婚同居无效或被撤销婚姻案件总称

    Cohabitation-related cases is used as a collective for a ll the cases caused by unmarried cohabitation, invalid marriage and revoked marriage.


  • 婚姻案件当事人进行适当心理调解有助于当事人之间缓解乃至消除激烈对抗情感冲突促进理性决策合作

    Appropriate psychological mediation on divorce cases will help ease and even eliminate fierce and opposing emotional conflicts between the parties, promoting rational decision-making and cooperation.


  • 万众瞩目加州8号提案案件掩盖东海岸发生另一件同性婚姻诉讼今天波士顿产生的这判决立刻扭转了局面。

    The much watched Prop 8 case in California has often overshadowed another gay marriage suit on the East Coast, but a ruling today out of Boston has turned the tables for now.


  • 联邦法院挑战同性婚姻禁令案件驱动因素之一下周将移加利福尼亚州此事已经远远扩展到黄金之以外。

    That's one of the factors driving a federal court case challenging gay marriage bans, moving forward in California next week. But the issue extends far beyond the Golden State.


  • Bentley表示,移民局的办事处已经暂缓办理案件时间了,大概当时律师们表示婚姻法案有“法律上的小争议”。

    Mr. Bentley said the agency’s field offices had suspended cases for a short period, perhaps a week or two, while lawyers clarified a “narrow legal issueconcerning the marriage act.


  • 周一移民局发言人Christophers . Bentley份声明中确认全国涉及同性婚姻案件已经暂缓宣判。

    On Monday, Christopher S. Bentley, the chief spokesman for the immigration agency, confirmed in a statement that cases nationwide involving married gay couples had been suspended.


  • 根据婚姻解释,离婚案件财产一分为二

    According to interpretations of the previous law, property was divided down the middle in divorce cases.


  • 然而由于担心这会助长虚假案件并且还会损害常常基于两家庭之间金钱交易包办婚姻制度,所以建议遭到拒绝。

    His recommendation however was rejected amid fears that it would encourage false cases and damage the institution of arranged marriages which are usually based on financial deals between families.


  • 如果案件现在直接上诉最高法院将会出现要么是像Mr Bloomberg认为同性恋婚姻完全司法认可,要么就是相反(这一种可能性大)。

    If the case now goes directly to the state's highest court, there will either be a full judicial endorsement of gay marriage, which Mr Bloomberg would endorse, or (more likely) the opposite.


  • 美国婚姻律师学会最新调查如今五分之一的离婚案件社交网站Facebook有关

    But now one in five divorces involve the social networking site Facebook, according to a new survey by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.


  • 只是层层上冈罗马圣轮法院众多晦涩案件之一,该单位是教廷审理最复杂婚姻无效要求的最高法庭。

    That is just one of the, well, hazy cases that wound up before the Vatican's Sacra Romana Rota, a top court which hears the most complicated of marriage annulment requests.


  • 最新案件受害者声称婚姻非法的,是被灌醉之后做了违背意愿的事。

    In this latest case, the women, whose identity was not revealed, claimed her marriage was illegal and had been conducted against her will after she had been sedated.


  • 婚姻却是放宽特定案件中的一个障碍禁止废止婚姻

    A matrimonial dispensation is the relaxation in a particular case of an impediment prohibiting or annulling a marriage.


  • 反映在暴力犯罪领域,农村女性婚姻关系暴力犯罪案件近年上升趋势,值得关注。

    We must be aware of the trend that cases relating to crime of violence by rural female delinquents within their marital relations have been on the increase in recent years.


  • 正如这些案件中的某些上诉人表明婚姻体现了一种超越死亡的恒久的

    As some of the petitioners in these cases demonstrate, marriage embodies a love that may endure past death.


  • 方法复习我国现有有关婚姻法律法规鉴定案件进行分析

    Method: Reviewing the existing laws and statutes of the Peoples' Republic of China and analyzing the appraised cases.


  • 大陆法系的家事审判程序制度最早产生于德国民诉中将婚姻事件和禁治产事件专门规定适用不同审理普通民事案件的程序。

    Domestic procedure originates in German in civil law. The procedure of the marriage affair has its specialized provisions different from the common civil procedure in German.


  • 修订婚姻是否具有溯及力问题直接影响到有关案件处理结果。

    Whether or not the nearly-revised "Marriage Law" has retroactivity plays a decisive role in the judgement of the related cases.


  • 新泽西州帕塞依克触礁婚姻至少法律而言,在双方诉请离婚两三年内仍然得以维系。因为审理案件的法官不足。

    In Passaic County, marriages that are on the rocks are being kept together, as least in the legal sense, for two or three years after the couple files for divorce.


  • 婚姻修正案确定离婚损害赔偿制度赋予了离婚案件过错当事人寻求司法救助权利

    Amendments of the Marriage Law definite the compensation for divorce damages, and endows the people without fault the right to seek the judicial relief in the divorce case.


  • 还是Lambda法律保护教育基金婚姻项目负责人,同时还是具有里程碑意义的夏威夷婚姻Baehrv。Miike的合伙律师那个案件,夏威夷最高法院判决国家同性婚姻的禁止对同性恋者的歧视。

    He has been director of the marriage Project at the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund and was co-counsel in the landmark Hawaii marriage case Baehr v.


  • 社交媒体成为新的婚姻雷区。社交媒体,尤其是书上图片帖子现在经常离婚案件中被提起

    'Social media is the new marriage minefield. Social media, specifically pictures and posts on Facebook, are now being routinely raised in divorces.'


  • 社交媒体成为新的婚姻雷区。社交媒体,尤其是书上图片帖子现在经常离婚案件中被提起

    'Social media is the new marriage minefield. Social media, specifically pictures and posts on Facebook, are now being routinely raised in divorces.'


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