• 对于打算部署一体化威胁管理(utm)技术公司来说需要考虑的产品方案很多不同产品涉及特定的网络需求

    Companies considering deploying unified threat management (UTM) technology have various offerings and approaches to consider, with many different products to address specific network requirements.


  • 然后ISA变成微软的Forefront家族一部分也以统一接入网关(UAG)的知识而为人所熟知,当然同时还是ISA和威胁管理网关TMG)的成功人士。

    Then ISA became a part of Microsoft’s Forefront family and he became known for his knowledge of Unified Access Gateway (UAG), as well as ISA’s successor, the Threat Management Gateway (TMG).


  • 言下之意现在权力以及整个管理团队权威面临空前的威胁

    Now his authority and, by implication, that of the whole management team are under threat as never before.


  • 大型企业往往稳定安全环境下舒适地经营它们的管理机构往往促进现状的发展,抵制变革隐含威胁

    Large-scale enterprises tend to operate more comfortably in stable and secure circumstances, and their managerial bureaucracies tend to promote the status quo and resist the threat implicit in change.


  • 美国食品药物管理官员声称加拿大药品可能假冒的、处理不当的,甚至生命构成潜在威胁

    Officials from the Food and Drug Administration will argue that Canadian drugs might be fake, mishandled, or even a potential threat to life.


  • 需要管理每个威胁利用一个多个漏洞风险使用合理的替代方法将风险降低可接受程度

    You need to manage risks that each threat will exploit one or more vulnerabilities and to mitigate risks to acceptable levels with cost-effective countermeasures.


  • 日内瓦会议所有国际伙伴提供机会调动必要国家承诺资金管理全球威胁

    The Geneva meeting will provide an opportunity for all international partners to mobilize the country commitment and financial resources needed to manage this global threat.


  • 远程管理中的劣质凭证协议暴露实现缺陷都可能威胁服务安全性

    Cloud service security can be threatened by poor credentials, protocol exposure, and implementation flaws in remote management.


  • 内联决策支持分析可以用来支持合法性检查、执行冲突管理以及探测威胁欺骗

    In-line decision support analytics can be used to support regulatory compliance, perform conflict management, and detect threat and fraud.


  • 系统能够拦截自动处理雷达信号管理发射机有效干扰数量不同的雷达威胁

    The system intercepts and automatically processes radar signals and manages the transmitters to effectively jam large Numbers of diverse radar threats.


  • 执委会议程上的许多项目涉及到跨国威胁国际上得到最佳管理问题

    Many items on your agenda address transnational threats or deal with problems that are best managed at the international level.


  • 全球变暖加利福尼亚法国葡萄园经心管理农作物造成破坏性威胁

    Global warming is threatening to play havoc with the carefully managed crops in the vineyards of California and France.


  • 但是管理缺失意味仍然处在火灾非法砍伐严重威胁之下

    But lack of management means it remains under serious threat from fire and illegal logging.


  • 管理疾病暴发威胁包括流行性流感的可能暴发

    Manage new disease outbreaks and threats, including a potential pandemic influenza outbreak.


  • 就构成了一个管理威胁也是CIO职位引入行业原因

    This constitutes a management threat, and that is why the post of a CIO was introduced to the industry.


  • 而且由于技术专长人力资本也是吸引力一部分,管理职位很少会受到威胁

    And, since technical expertise and human capital is part of the attraction, management jobs are seldom on the line.


  • 收获庄稼一样,野生动物有时候必须“收获”,通过允许有限捕猎好的管理部门控制某些物种,使它们不至因过度繁殖而威胁到栖息地。

    Just as crops are harvested wildlife too must sometimes be "harvested". By allowing limited hunting, good management can control certain species that threaten to overpopulate their habitat.


  • 生物威胁变化多端无法预测管理可能国家国际级建立发现和应对疾病暴发核心能力

    Biological threats are diverse and unpredictable but can be managed: it is possible to put in place the core capacities to detect and respond to disease outbreaks at national and international levels.


  • 1997年,世界银行150个水资源管理项目受到了它的影响威胁

    In 1997, the World Bank had 150 water resource management projects affected or at risk.


  • 成功EA实现其他潜在威胁包括缺乏用于获取管理ea工件标准工具,并且缺乏标准标记符。

    Other potential threats to a successful ea implementation include lack of the standard tool for capturing and managing ea artifacts and lack of a standard notation. 8.


  • 男性上司被青睐众多原因包括女性管理工作当中会感觉到来自其它同事的威胁

    A host of reasons emerged for the male preference including a feeling female managers felt threatened by other women at work.


  • 受到社交网络最大威胁中层管理人员他们不再需要机构上下传递信息时,其存在就变得多余。

    The biggest threat presented by social networks is to middle managers, who may become obsolete when they are no longer needed to convey messages up and down the organization.


  • 然而今年日本管理面对一个更加险恶威胁激进股东

    This year, however, Japanese managers faced an even more menacing threat: activist shareholders.


  • 风险管理选择安全措施驱动力——使用SABSA方法进行运维风险管理是由业务驱动而非威胁驱动。

    Risk management is the driver for the selection of security measures - the SABSA approach to operational risk management is business-driven instead of threat-driven.


  • 然而一些学校管理认为很难分辨哪些是无知玩笑过失,哪些是严重威胁,因此制度一定严苛才能保护学生

    Still, some school administrators argue that it is difficult to distinguish innocent pranks and mistakes from more serious threats, and that the policies must be strict to protect students.


  • 世界银行理事会正在审议面临干旱其它灾害威胁贫困国家提供风险管理工具倡议

    The World Bank Board of Executive Directors is considering initiatives to provide risk management tools to poor countries faced by drought and other catastrophes.


  • 将会接受生命周期早期产生的反馈信息(反映系统资产漏洞威胁策略管理方面的的重大更改),从而继续过程

    The process continues with feedbacks from earlier stages of the life cycle in response to economically significant changes in systems assets, vulnerabilities, threats, policies, and regulations.


  • 将会接受生命周期早期产生的反馈信息(反映系统资产漏洞威胁策略管理方面的的重大更改),从而继续过程

    The process continues with feedbacks from earlier stages of the life cycle in response to economically significant changes in systems assets, vulnerabilities, threats, policies, and regulations.


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