• 斯·麦克格里·伯恩斯现任威廉学院名誉顾问,最近他出版新作《集结审判》(Packingthe Cour),其1947年任教至今。

    James MacGregor Burns, a professor emeritus of government at Williams College and the author, most recently, of "Packing the Court," has been teaching since 1947.


  • 金刚入学时候皇家化学学院的院长德国著名化学家奥古斯特·威廉·霍夫曼

    At the time of Perkin's enrolment, the Royal College of Chemistry was headed by the noted German chemist August Wilhelm Hofmann.


  • 威廉姆·帕克美国杜克学院外科助理教授,他还是这个研究成果第一作者。 他强调只是一种假设不是实验证明

    William Parker, the senior author of the study and an assistant professor of surgery at Duke, emphasized that this was a hypothesis, not experimental proof.


  • 马萨诸塞州著名文科大学威廉姆学院上个月宣布学费维持31,520美元的水平上,开了46年来的先例。

    Williams College, a prestigious liberal arts school in Massachusetts, announced last month that for the first time in 46 years, its tuition would remain steady at $31,520.


  • 我们著名刑事犯罪律师爱德华.贝内特.威廉姆斯一同了顿早餐,希拉里几年以前认识,他曾经邀请希拉里学院毕业他那里工作

    We had breakfast with the famous criminal lawyer Edward Bennett Williams, whom Hillary had known for years and who had wanted her to come to work for him after law school.


  • 两个最近文件伦敦经济学院迪米特里沃亚诺斯保罗伍利撰写)支持威廉姆的意见。

    Support for Mr Williams's case comes from two new papers* by DimitriVayanos and Paul Woolley at the London School of Economics.


  • 17岁彼得·梦想哈佛大学、威廉姆学院麻省理工学院学习数学商科

    Peter Wang, 17, dreams of majoring in math and business at Harvard, Williams College or MIT.


  • 去年相比略有变化当时威廉姆学院阿默斯特学院并列文理学院第一名。

    That reflected a slight change from last year, when Williams and Amherst tied for the top of the liberal-arts list.


  • 那些价格质量划等号家庭其实默许一流大学学费“随行就市”的情况,”威廉姆学院一位经济学戈登·温斯

    Families that equate price with quality have allowed costs at elite schools to be on "autopilot," says Gordon Winston, an economist at Williams College.


  • 1950年,桑德海优等成绩马萨诸塞州威廉顿的威廉学院毕业。学院兄弟会[BetaThetaPi Fraternity]成员

    In 1950, Sondheim graduated magna cum laude from Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts, where he was a member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity.


  • 美国,彩票收益用来赞助一些著名的大学,哥伦比亚大学(Columbia),耶鲁大学(Yale),威廉姆学院(Williams),达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth)等。

    They also generated finance for such notable American institutions as Columbia and Yale universities and Williams and Dartmouth colleges.


  • 纽约时代周刊上,威廉姆学院教育项目主任,苏珊·恩格尔,猛烈地批评了目前我们的学校所采用的标准化考试方法

    In the Times, Susan Engel, director of the teaching program at Williams College, tears into our current obsession with standardized tests in education.


  • 大学绩效研究中心the Centerfor College Afforability and Productivity)制作榜单中,威廉姆学院继2008年排名第五去年排名第四,于今年榜首

    Williams rose to the top spot on our rankings, which are compiled with research from the Center for College Affordability &Productivity, after placing fourth last year and fifth in 2008.


  • 剑桥大学贾吉商学院JudgeBusinessSchool彼得威廉姆森(Peter Williamson)将新兴市场视作“衰退时期的物超所值政策”的储备。

    Peter Williamson, of the Judge Business School at the University of Cambridge, regards emerging markets as repositories of “value-for-money strategies for recessionary times”.


  • 弗吉尼亚州威廉玛丽学院名誉退休教授从事核子粒子理论物理工作长达50年之久

    Remler is a professor emeritus at the College of William and Mary, in Virginia. He has worked in nuclear and particle physics theory for the last 50 years.


  • 1899毕业威廉姆学院三十年来一直致力于商业工业银行事务

    For thirty years after his graduation from Williams College in 1899 he engaged in commercial, industrial, and banking activities.


  • 托马斯·阿诺德,拉比格学院名誉校长文学教授托马斯·阿诺德小说家兼殖民管理者威廉·迪尔菲尔德·阿诺德的兄弟

    He was the son of Thomas Arnold, the famed headmaster of Rugby School, and brother to both Tom Arnold, literary professor, and William Delafield Arnold, novelist and colonial administrator.


  • 家庭医生出生纽约回到台湾1995年发布首张专辑经过多年正规训练威廉姆学院伯克利音乐学院麻萨诸塞州

    Born to a family of doctors in New York, he returned to Taiwan in 1995 to release his debut album after years of formal training at Williams College, and Berklee College of Music in Massachusetts.


  • 根据威廉姆学院研究,每对孩子同志伴侣平均会有两个孩子。

    According to the Williams Institute, gay couples that have children have an average of two.


  • 放弃了美国常春藤大学就读的机会,力宏在美国威廉姆文理学院就读时间。这就是在1995年发迹于台湾流行乐界之前。

    After shunning the opportunity to study at an Ivy League university, he spent some time at Williams College of liberal arts before getting his big break in pop in Taiwan in 1995.


  • 此外,耶鲁哈佛威廉姆学院以及史密斯学院授予荣誉博士学位。

    She has also been awarded honorary doctorate degrees from Yale, Harvard University, Williams College, and Smith College.


  • 此外,耶鲁哈佛威廉姆学院以及史密斯学院授予荣誉博士学位。

    She has also been awarded honorary doctorate degrees from Yale, Harvard University, Williams College, and Smith College.


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