• 创建ITSOA原则时,治理委员会成员应该使它们 IT采用的支持企业所需操作模型方式保持一致。

    While creating the IT and SOA principles, the members of the governance council should align them with how IT proposes to support the enterprise's desired operating model.


  • 原则本来很简单由国际足联的24个执行委员会决定

    In principle this is simple: FIFA's 24-man executive committee decides.


  • 体系结构原则首席架构制定,首席架构师要企业CIO、体系结构委员会其他主要业务涉众进行合作

    Architecture principles are formulated by the chief architect, who works with the enterprise CIO, the architecture board, and other key business stakeholders.


  • 2005年,委员会采纳了四项原则处理网络中立用于撤销对电信公司提供互联网服务的限制。

    In 2005, the commission adopted four broad principles relating to the idea of network neutrality as part of a move to deregulate the Internet services provided by telephone companies.


  • 他们同意委员会遵循协商一致原则作出决定

    They agreed that the Tripartite Committee would make its decisions in line with the principle of consensus through consultation.


  • 皮罗委员会IPCC不仅需要清楚原则透明程序而且要反应更积极

    The Shapiro committee says that as well as having clearer rules and more transparent procedures, the IPCC needs ways of being more responsive.


  • SOA治理委员会应该通过组织中强制标准提倡SOA原则改善SOA原则采用

    The SOA governance board should improve adoption of SOA principles by imposing standards and advocating SOA principles in the organization.


  • IXRetail 技术委员会(IXRetail Technical Committee)批准下面列出最佳实践指导原则

    The best practices guidelines listed below have been approved by the IXRetail Technical Committee.


  • 这些指导原则IXRetail最佳实践小组委员会(Best Practices Subcommittee)批准先后次序列出这个顺序没有其它意义

    The guidelines are listed in the order approved by the Best Practices Subcommittee of IXRetail; the order has no other significance.


  • 人民调解委员会依照法律规定根据自愿原则进行调解。

    A people's mediation committee shall conduct mediation in accordance with the provisions of the law and based on the principle of voluntariness.


  • 人民调解委员会依照法律规定根据自愿原则进行调解

    A people's mediation committee shall mediate in accordance with the provisions of law and on the basis of the principle of voluntary participation.


  • 执行人员委员会根据一般原则精神来应用原则,及可以透过修改放宽守则条文语言所产生效果,以求达到一般原则背后目的

    The Executive and the Panel apply the General Principles in accordance with their spirit and may modify or relax the effect of the language to achieve their underlying purposes.


  • 告诉中国国会常务委员会坚持原则是很重要的,认为坚持原则会带来经济损失的想法是荒谬的。

    It was important to stand upfor principles and it was ridiculous to suggest that to do so carried the riskof economic damage, he told the Congressional-Executive Commission on China.


  • 委员会拒绝方案违背家庭财务公平原则这个原则法国税收准则的奠基石。

    It rejected the measure for breaching the principle of fiscal equality between households, a cornerstone of France's tax code.


  • 我国银行业监督管理委员会核心原则评估小组指出持续性监管有效银行监管重要手段

    As stated by the core principle assessment group under our banking regulatory and administration commission, constant regulation is an important means for effective banking regulation.


  • 研习会筹备委员会保有权利,对先到先服务之原则

    The Institute Organizing Committee reserves the right to assign hotels based on a first-come-first-served basis.


  • 开罗协定包含许多原则性的条款,却避免了一些棘手问题例如有人提出统一两地对峙的军事力量,并形成委员会

    It is rich in principles, even as it shunts several of the thorniest issues, such as the proposed integration of rival security forces, into committees.


  • 现存法律规定下,赋予委员会强制实行网络中立性权力。网络中立性是指所有数据相同速度传送而不问来源原则

    Under existing law, this would give the commission the authority to enforce "net neutrality" : the principle that all data, regardless of origin, should move at the same speed.


  • 清算委员会按照相关法律以及本合同所规定原则履行职责

    The liquidation committee shall perform its responsibilities in accordance with Applicable Laws and the principles set out herein.


  • 第三仲裁委员会处理争议案件应当遵循合法公正原则,先行调解及时裁决

    Article 3 the arbitration committees shall handle disputes under the principles of legality, impartiality, mediation first and timely award.


  • 排污收费的立法概况而言,OECD组织(经济合作发展组织)成员国家就此立法,也较为完善,污染者付费原则也就是OECD组织环境委员会最初提出的。

    As for its legislation survey, the OECD countries began to make laws about it earliest in the world and their legislation is comparatively perfect, as they initiated Polluter - Pays Principle first.


  • 过去几十年间,员工委员会企业处理超出设计基准的事故一直存在困难是按照最基本原则逐案处理

    For decades, it has been difficult for staff, the commission and industry to deal with situations beyond design basis and they've been dealt with on a case-by-case basis.


  • 提出国家自然科学基金委员会机械工程学科“十五优先资助领域选择原则和学科“十五”优先领域的构想。

    The principles of selecting priority fields of mechanical engineering in National Natural Science Foundation of China in the coming five years are proposed.


  • 欧盟委员会提出减少官样文章实行原则的各种倡议,它们受人欢迎的,但是需要一些时间去实施而且有些部门也没有包括进去。

    Commission initiatives to cut red tape and enforce the mutual recognition principle are welcome, but the implementation will take considerable time and some sectors are excluded.


  • 欧盟委员会提出减少官样文章实行原则的各种倡议,它们受人欢迎的,但是需要一些时间去实施而且有些部门也没有包括进去。

    Commission initiatives to cut red tape and enforce the mutual recognition principle are welcome, but the implementation will take considerable time and some sectors are excluded.


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