• 联合国儿童基金正在一个营利性组织合作,艾滋病预防项目惠及五个国家更多妇女儿童

    UNICEF is joining with a nonprofit group to bring AIDS prevention programs to more women and children in five countries.


  • 多芬活动紧接着便是多芬“自尊基金”,一个世界范围内的活动,劝说女孩们年轻妇女展示自己更为积极一面图片

    The Dove campaign was followed by the launch of the Dove "self-esteem fund", a worldwide campaign to persuade girls and young women to embrace more positive images of themselves.


  • 一举措已经帮助王后1995年建立了个非营利性机构- - -约旦河基金(JRF)。这个机构大大提高约旦妇女生活质量

    This initiative has assisted the Jordan River Foundation (JRF), a nonprofit organization the queen founded in 1995, in significantly improving the quality of life for Jordanian women.


  • 妇女操作基金大约指数50%,2003以来,它们的年回报率为8.21%,而这个行业整体表现为5.98%。

    Funds run by women accounted for roughly 50% of the index, which returned an average of 8.21% a year since 2003, compared with 5.98% for the field as a whole.


  • 一些- - -纽约州新泽西加利福尼亚罗德夏威夷- - -已经动用伤病基金请孕产假妇女提供部分工资

    A handful of statesNew York, New Jersey, California, Rhode Island and Hawaiialready dip into disability money to offer partial pay for women on maternity leave.


  • 2009年伯奇创办自己基金会,宣布入盟者最优惠的加盟费一办法来帮助美国贫困妇女

    In 2009 Burch launched her own fou.dation to economically empower poor women in the United States through microfinancing.


  • 名字进入世界高尔夫名人妇女体育基金名人堂。

    The LPGA chose to recognize nineteen fifty-one as the date of her acceptance. She was also named to the World Golf Hall of Fame and the Women’s Sport Foundation Hall of Fame.


  • 管理着JOHambro基金经理尼古拉·皮斯委员会表示、:英国立法阻止妇女金融城获得最高的职位

    Nichola Pease, who runs the fund manager Jo Hambro, told the committee that equality legislation in Britain was preventing women from getting the top jobs in the City.


  • 联合国人口基金如果妇女有权控制生育健康他们也许会选择孩子从而减轻资源环境压力

    The United Nations Population Fund said if women are empowered to take control of their reproductive health they may choose to have fewer children, reducing pressure on resources and the environment.


  • 澳大利亚影星告诉国会众议院联合国妇女发展基金需要更多资源

    The Australian star told Congress that the UN women's fund needs more resources.


  • 联合国儿童基金迅速采取行动援助遭受风灾影响严重数万名儿童妇女

    The U.N. Children's Fund says it plans to move rapidly to assist tens of thousands of children and women who have been severely affected by the devastating storm.


  • 作为联合国妇女发展基金会的亲善大使妮可·基德曼自己的职责没有丝毫懈怠。

    Nicole Kidman is playing a role that has nothing to do with movies, touring Kosovo as a United Nations goodwill ambassador to the tense province.


  • 联合国人口基金估算全球至少有5000名妇女遭到荣誉杀害

    The United Nations Population Fund estimates that, across the world, as many as 5, 000 women a year may be fatal victims.


  • 连接妇女运动基金所利用第九条作为文章评论方法

    Link to an essay critical of the approach to Title IX taken by the Women's Sports Foundation.


  • 犹太人妇女教育基金一个私人组织提供奖学金所有需要财政援助背景年龄妇女

    The Jewish Foundation for Education of women is a private organization that provides scholarships to women of all backgrounds and ages who are in need of financial aid.


  • 美国劳动大军大约一半妇女,这些妇女只有三分之一商科大学学位一现实可能被非盈利基金改变

    Women make up roughly half of the U. s. workforce but only about one-third of graduate business students. The nonprofit forte Foundation would like to change that.


  • 他们组合成一个联合国妇女发展基金UNIFEM,领导的机构。

    They will be combined under the U. N. Development Fund for Women, or UNIFEM.


  • 国家骨质疏松基金或是简称“NOF,十个骨质疏松症患者中有八个妇女

    The National Osteoporosis Foundation, or NOF, says eight of every ten osteoporosis patients are women.


  • 适逢世界贫穷联合国妇女发展基金研拟方案,加强妇女能力消弭全球妇女的贫穷。

    The United Nations Development Fund for women (UNIFEM) is designing methods to feature women's capabilities on World poverty Day aimed to help eliminate global poverty involving women.


  • 陷入困境妇女告诉联合国儿童基金官员,他们受到精神攻击威胁已经危害到自己以及孩子

    Women who spoke of their plight to UNICEF officials were threatened with renewed attacks against themselves and their children.


  • 位65的老年妇女无家可归九个星期后一家住房信托基金的帮助下找到新的居所

    A 65-year-old woman who left homeless for nine weeks is found a new home by a housing trust.


  • 联合国儿童基金迅速采取行动援助遭受风灾影响严重数万名儿童妇女

    The U. N. children's Fund says it plans to move rapidly to assist tens of thousands of children and women who have been severely affected by the devastating storm.


  • 我们今天国际货币基金组织庆祝国际妇女

    We at the IMF are celebrating International Women's day today.


  • 该地联合国妇女发展基金支援下展开多项计划,协助保护当地的妇女

    Over a decade later, a number of initiative supported by UNIFEM were launched to help protect Rwandan women.


  • 根据妇女体育基金女孩运动得到更多不仅仅健康

    According to the Women's sports Foundation, girls who play sports get a lot more than just fit.


  • 根据妇女体育基金女孩运动得到更多不仅仅健康

    According to the Women's sports Foundation, girls who play sports get a lot more than just fit.


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