• 曾经严重吗?过敏肝炎失调、高血压

    Have you ever had any serious illness, such as allergies, liver or kidney trouble, hypertension, etc?


  • 反应可能较轻微荨麻疹特异性反应或者严重到危及生命过敏)。

    Reaction to this may be mild (as in urticaria or atopy) or life-threatening (as in anaphylaxis).


  • 疾病过敏哮喘炎症性肺部疾病、感染霉菌中毒神经系统血管失调有关生物性气胶暴露

    Diseases such as allergy, asthma, inflammatory lung diseases, infections, and cases of mycotoxicosis and neurological or vascular disorders continue to be associated with exposure to bioaerosols.


  • 针灸可以减轻日常的小症状过敏鼻炎(包括干草热hayfever)、头痛类风湿关节炎以及坐骨神经痛

    Acupuncture can relieve daily symptoms such as allergic rhinitis (including hay fever), headaches, rheumatoid arthritis and sciatica.


  • 这种情况下小肠被破坏引起腹胀疼痛呕吐合其他消化系统疾患,以及很多其他症状,过敏口腔溃疡合皮疹

    The condition can damage the small intestine, causing bloating, pain, vomiting and other digestive trouble, as well as numerous other symptoms such as irritability, mouth ulcers and skin rash.


  • 毕竟过往几十年里,销售商们逐渐公开了产品中的成分,食物所含热量甚至包括过敏信息。

    After all, over the past decade consumers have gotten more and more disclosure about what's in the food they eat-- everything from calorie content to food allergy information.


  • 使用必信前,请告诉主治医师药物过敏史或者的病史:肾脏疾病、神经肌肉疾病。

    Before using Cubicin, tell your doctor if you are allergic to any drugs, or if you have.


  • 导致研究者是否益生菌可能用来阻止某些环境过敏感到好奇,湿疹

    This has led researchers to wonder whether probiotics might be used to prevent some allergy-related conditions, such as eczema.


  • 爱丁堡研究者同样发现年长的调查对象神经过敏程度上,忧虑紧张等,比年轻者分数较低;而在合作宽容程度上得分较高)。

    The Edinburgh researchers, too, found that older study participants scored lower than younger ones on scales of neuroticism — worry and nervousness — and higher on scales of agreeableness.


  • 各种生活方式清洁食物抗生素减少寄生虫动物病毒传染病接触也许引起全球范围过敏的蔓延。

    Either way, clean water and food, antibiotics, reduced exposure to parasites, animals, viruses and infectious diseases may have caused our progressive worldwide allergies.


  • 一方面反对者他们认为转基因食品我们健康有害因为潜在威胁某些物种可能影响基因漂移转基因食品可能会引起过敏反应

    On the other are the opponentswho believe that GMF is harmful to our health because it's potential threatsuch as some species may be affected by the drift of genesGMF may cause allergic reactions.


  • 蔡克纳早期暴露污垢细菌的环境中皮肤年纪的时候更不容易敏感防止过敏湿疹一样的症状。

    Zeichner says that early exposure to dirt and bacteria may make the skin less sensitive as you age, and prevent allergies and conditions like eczema.


  • 参考译文:过敏症状就会发生,浮肿疱疹打喷嚏、眼呼吸急促

    This leads to the symptoms of allergy, such as swelling, rashes, sneezing, sore eyes and breathlessness.


  • 他们指出饮食中的主食坚果葡萄橙子苹果以及新鲜西红柿可以预防哮喘鼻部过敏症状

    They noted that diet staples such as nuts, grapes, oranges, apples and fresh tomatoes were protective against wheezing and nasal allergy symptoms.


  • 一种观点认为过敏之所以产生由于人们在童年时期免疫系统尚未成熟时曝露某些刺激物之下灰尘动物毛屑

    One view is that allergies can develop as the result of childhood exposure to certain irritants, such as dust or animal dander, while the immune system is not yet mature.


  • 这些症状通常发生一年某些时候相应暴露户外过敏花粉杂草季节性过敏

    These symptoms usually occur during certain times of the year for people with seasonal allergies, corresponding to being exposed to outdoor allergens, such as tree pollens, grasses and weeds.


  • “新食物恐惧症”——即不乐意尝试新食物,研究发现特定性格特征有关寻求感官刺激、易焦虑和神经过敏等。

    Research on 'food neophobia' — the reluctance to try newfoods — shows that it is related to certain personality traits, including sensation seeking, anxiety, and neuroticism.


  • 暽“食物恐惧症”——即不乐意尝试食物研究发现特定性格特征有关寻求感官刺激、易焦虑和神经过敏等。

    Research hon 'food neophobia' — the reluctance to try new foodsshows that it is related to certain personality traits, including sensation seeking, anxiety, and neuroticism.


  • 抗菌剂氯己定CHX就会产生通常熟知副反应牙齿脱色,发炎,多数情况下还会导致严重口腔过敏反应

    On the other hand, common side effects associated with oral CHX use include tooth discolouration, irritation and, very occasionally, serious allergic reactions, they said.


  • 越南一项研究显示肠内寄生蠕虫十二指肠虫可能帮助哮喘其他过敏疗法研究。

    Parasitic gut worms, such as hookworm, might aid the development of new treatments for asthma and other allergies, a study in Vietnam suggests.


  • 接触存在许多室内空间空气中的有害媒介带来各类不良影响引起呼吸系统疾病过敏呼吸道刺激

    Exposure to hazardous airborne agents present in many indoor Spaces causes adverse effects such as respiratory disease, allergy and irritation of the respiratory tract.


  • 致使研究者是否益生菌也许用来阻止某些环境过敏感到好奇,湿疹

    This has led researchers to wonder whether probiotics might be used to prevent some allergy-related conditions such as eczema.


  • 皮肤局部因素出汗,水分过多等与过敏无关,但可使湿疹加重。

    Local factors in the skin unrelated to allergy such as sweating and overhydration, tend to aggravate eczema.


  • 盘尼西林半合成衍生物治疗兰氏阴性细菌某些过敏系,假单胞菌变形杆菌引起的感染方面有疗效。

    A semisynthetic derivative of penicillin that is effective in the treatment of infections caused by certain susceptible strains of Gram-negative bacteria, such as Pseudomonas and Proteus.


  • 皮肤呈现过敏过度刺激,停药即止!

    Disontinue use if excessive irritation of the skin or allergy develops.


  • 通常一些过敏源引起,冷空气运动及其因素

    It is usually flared by allergens such as cold air, exercise, and other factors.


  • 局部麻醉剂利多卡因只能勉强有效,但会让皮肤过敏,因而最终瘙痒变得更严重。

    Topical anesthetics such as lidocaine are only marginally effective and can sensitize the skin-meaning the itching could ultimately get worse.


  • 局部麻醉剂利多卡因只能勉强有效,但会让皮肤过敏,因而最终瘙痒变得更严重。

    Topical anesthetics such as lidocaine are only marginally effective and can sensitize the skin-meaning the itching could ultimately get worse.


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